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Katee RobertReseñas

Autor de Neon Gods

129+ Obras 14,449 Miembros 388 Reseñas 4 Preferidas


It was ok. The world building was a little thin - not sure how Olympus interacts with the "real" world. Scenes were fairly tame considering the reputation this book has.
Bodagirl | 51 reseñas más. | Jun 15, 2024 |
A fun, frisky frolic on the high seas.
Feisty thieving bi witch & a broody good hearted big boy pirate become rebels with a cause who bang a lot.
Main take away is - who are the real monsters.
Will continue the series
spiritedstardust | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 1, 2024 |
Katee Robert is one of my goddesses and I LOVED the beginning of this book so three stars hurts me. After The Underworld scene it kind of just dropped off for me. I wanted to see more exploration of the multiple partners and a better action sequence with Ali
beanskays | 8 reseñas más. | May 14, 2024 |
Sol is my massive, scaly McDreamy. Adding this universe to the list of ones I wish I could jump into, Katee Robert, my queen as always
beanskays | 6 reseñas más. | May 14, 2024 |
3 stars

This was different! What a way to be introduced to Greek mythology. Smutty as all hell!!!
Donnela | 27 reseñas más. | Apr 30, 2024 |
3.75 the audiobook narrators were so good in this book. Would highly recommend. It was a wonderful experience.

This book is downright filthy and I love it

Edit: I’ve finished the second book, and I think I’ll bump this up to a solid 4 stars
Donnela | 51 reseñas más. | Apr 30, 2024 |
Who doesn't love a Hades and Persephone retelling?! I do, I could have done with a little less smut but it wasn't horribly done. I love the Greek Gods in this story and of course the romance/spice.
Enid007 | 51 reseñas más. | Apr 11, 2024 |
Very satisfying with a strong and smart, but vulnerable FMC who wants to be appreciated for more than her looks and be more than a trophy. The mcs are magnificent but flawed and the narration is en point. The only reason it's not 5 stars for me is because I need more at the end like an epilogue because I'm a junkie and need a gradual cut off.½
huyen | 19 reseñas más. | Mar 24, 2024 |
I found this book to be quite disappointing and annoying.

It's a shame, really— Katee could have changed their names and turned this book into a mafia romance, given how poorly Hades & Persephone were represented.

The portrayal of Hades, specially, fell short for me; he lacked the depth and darkness that I associate with the character. The absence of actual Gods, reduced to mere Titles without any divine powers, or anything at all, was a letdown. Overnight, Persephone went from meeting Hades, locking herself in the bathroom and sleeping in a tub, to jumping right into the smut—just like that, in a matter of hours. Where was the character arc?

The storyline felt uninspiring, merely serving as a vehicle for the smut. The characters lacked depth and personality, leaving me indifferent towards their stories.

Overall, I'm left feeling underwhelmed and disappointed by the lack of substance in this book.
selsha | 51 reseñas más. | Mar 19, 2024 |
Lovers healing their trauma together… unexpected gut-punch in the middle of my smutty read.
Belbo713 | otra reseña | Mar 11, 2024 |
s_carr | 14 reseñas más. | Feb 25, 2024 |
3.5 stars - another O'Malley book down! This is a solid mafia series, for me.
s_carr | 9 reseñas más. | Feb 25, 2024 |
This book is a deliciously sinful read. Hard and soft kinks ahead!
I am working my way thru Katee Robert's back catalogue and this was a fun and naughty treat.
s_carr | 14 reseñas más. | Feb 25, 2024 |
Re-read 05/2022 holy shit this book is amazing. I was just going skim thru a few scenes and I was sucked back in. Eros is a simpy, emo himbo and I love it!!!! I want MOAR simps! To be fair, Hades fell hard for Persephone and that’s what I want. I want hot, emotionally intelligent mans falling hard and being sweet in every romance!

Original review 01/2022:
Okay this was different from Neon Gods and dare I say I enjoyed it more? This had more of a crime syndicate vibe that i can never get enough of. And, really, the 13 (Zeus, Hades, etc…) are like mob families in this retelling but Eros is the mobster after my own heart. More world-building - which I appreciate.

Looking forward to the next in the series - But I’m REALLY interested in Zeus’s book!
s_carr | 27 reseñas más. | Feb 25, 2024 |
3.5 stars

Another O'Malley book down! I liked this one but there is a surprise pregnancy - well sort of surprise - the MCs have sex and a condom breaks and they get Plan B but A LOT of time is spent on this so it's obvious it's supposed to be the set up. Anyway - people should have more abortions in books! so that bugged me but I like this series
s_carr | 12 reseñas más. | Feb 25, 2024 |
The ending saved this book quite a bit for me; I didn't see Katee going in that particular direction in regards to titles/jobs, but I really enjoyed that! It set this installment apart from the others in the Dark Olympus series. Unfortunately, there was more that I was bored with than I was delighted in the book, especially in regards to the characters.
The biggest weakness, in my opinion, with "Cruel Seduction" is that most of the characters are just not given enough time to really be developed and let the reader truly connect with them. I found Eris to be the strongest-written character and was really rooting for her. I also quickly grew to like Pandora and then, near the very end, Adonis, but even then both felt like they lacked that spark of personality that truly brought them to life. Hephaestus? Can't stand him. Even with his whole sob story I found him to be so dry and unlikeable that it started to taint my perception of the other characters for wanting to be with him. I also accidently called him "Hepatitis" out loud on while on a plane, which really shows how much I cared to remember him or his name lol
deborahee | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 23, 2024 |
4.5 rounded up! "Radiant Sin" is a treat. It's got a hearty helping of the fake-dating trope, a mystery surrounding a strange newcomer in Olympus, and some toe-curling scenes between Cassandra and Apollo that were just delightful. I think some of the mystery aspect could be stronger at points (if you know your Greek mythology things felt a bit easy to figure out) but lets be honest: none of us are reading a Katee Robert book for the whodunit.
deborahee | 6 reseñas más. | Feb 23, 2024 |
Just enough Greek myth inspo, entertaining drama, delightful heat, and fan-fic-ish tropes to tick all the boxes for a really solid read. 10 times out of 10 I'll pick a fantasy/scifi book over a romance one...but I will happily make a detour to stop and read anything in this particular series.
deborahee | 27 reseñas más. | Feb 23, 2024 |
I want more stories exactly like this!! Although it's the shortest one I've read in the Dark Olympus series it's quite possibly my favorite. It's gritty and fanfic-y and toe-curling and I. Want. MORE.
deborahee | otra reseña | Feb 23, 2024 |
Pretty solid with some fun spice, but it felt a little rushed, although admittedly I’m a slow-burn kinda person. Honestly the biggest drawback for me was the whole attitude from Sol of “omg I just CANT control myself !! I have no hold over my urges !!” That alongside his cloying protectiveness made it all feel quite hetero and just too Rhysand-from-ACOTAR-y for me to totally love it. I WILL however be continuing the series because apparently there is a kraken installment and I can’t wait to see what Katee Robert does with THAT.
deborahee | 6 reseñas más. | Feb 23, 2024 |
Bro, idk how you can write a monster smut series and include a ~ literal tentacled kraken ~ and a demon bargain and yet so totally miss the mark.
deborahee | otra reseña | Feb 23, 2024 |
Mmm, idk, this one felt like it was verging on some sort of Hallmark movie moment and not a real slice of Olympus as we know it? Maybe it's just all the baby talk? I'm just really not a fan of that romance book thing where partners get together and then have kids so feels forced and very nuclear family. Also, Robert leaning into the stereotypical tropes of pregnant women craving ice cream and sweets, being super hormonal, and their husbands being all doting was lowkey cringe.
It wasn't bad for a short story, but definitely my least favorite out of anything in the Dark Olympus world to date.
deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
I never thought I would say this about a Katee Robert book but holy SHIT I hated the main character! Grace is one of the most insufferable, self-righteous, one-dimensional characters I've ever read. Bram was kinda boring in that stoic "I have such a wounded past and I suffer for it" way, but at least with him there was legitimate reason. Grace just didn't have a personality beyond grappling with her "family legacy" (yawn) and not for one second did I buy the chemistry between her and Bram. It kept being emphasized that he felt something for her from the start, but it was just a rehashed "She's not like other girls" trope, only this time it was "She's not like other humans".

Also, I like weird stuff (I mean, I'm on book 3 of a monster erotica series) but that marshmallow scene?! Babe, that was just embarrassing. For anyone who hasn't read it, that scene isn't a sexual scene, it's a scene where Grace LIGHTS BRAM ON FIRE because he's a gargoyle and can't burn, and then they both proceed to sit there while Grace fuckin' cooks a marshmallow on him.
deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
I know that this is a novella, but I really can just never buy into stories that have such instalove/insta chemistry. Literally from the first conversation the characters are starting to feel something, and then, having known each other less than 3 days, they're pretty much saying they're forever?? Nah. I guess my suspension of disbelief works only for the "monster" part of "monster romance".
deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
The fact that we’re now getting a “bigger things are happening in Olympus” plot is majorly exciting; I feel like it opens up this world in such a promising way. And the ending is exactly what I was hoping would happen! Honestly I would have been thoroughly peeved if the winner outcome wasn't what it was- but Roberts did NOT let us down.
This one is probably my least favorite in the series so far though just because 1) I found Achilles downright insufferable, and 2) I wish the tournaments were a little less predictable. But still all-around another entertaining installment in the series, and I’m definitely eager for the next one.
deborahee | 19 reseñas más. | Feb 23, 2024 |