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Free on Amazon - 3/31/13
SheReadsALot | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 20, 2016 |
I didn't know what to expect when i started this novel, half of my friends loved it, half of them hated it. But as it is i was intrigued. So i got it.

My reaction???

Dear Ms. Richardson,

The quill is, indeed, mightier then the sword. I say put it the hell down before you kill us all.

It's safe to say that Angela Richardson got one thing right. The name of the novel. Everything else was a massive mess of such unbelievable gibberish, that I honestly couldn't believe she had the balls calling it a novel.

Let's start at the beginning shall we?

We meet Norah, the 'heroine' of this disaster, who just switched to a new college, and has a 'dark secret'. The 'dark secret' has to do with the life of crime her family leads. How do i know this if i gave up reading it so early? The answer is simple. Trough the authors thinly veiled clues, that are so creatively inserted they might as well have a massive neon sign over them pointing down and flashing "Lookie here!!!"

Nora the Heroine is also an artist.. see, she paints, see.... with her naked body, see....

Now i have an idea that the author wanted us to envision something like this....

But courtesy to her talented writing the image i got in my head was something more like this...

If you read the book you would understand that the guy holding the fish is actually Clint... what can i say???? They shared an important moment together.

Moving on.

Norah likes her BFF Josh, and is pretty certain he wants her back. He is going to an important party, the very last trial before he gets accepted into a super secret society called the Lappell or something. I don't know if i even spelled it correctly nor do i care. But Josh has a very specific task for the evening. Bring a virgin, and make sure that she isn't a virgin at the end of the night. (There is something extremely stupid in regards to all this, just hold on, we are getting there) Josh being the gentleman he is doesn't want Norah to go. But Norah has a better idea, let's hear it from the author's mouth:

“Josh always did have a hard time resisting my excessive pleading when I wanted something.” The excessive pleading??? It's called whining and bitching.

So he caves in, due to her using her feminine charms, and they get to the party. Josh, being a best friend and love interest that he is, tries to warn her what is expected of her just before they walk into the mansion. They are greeted by the young owner of the place named Clint. Instantly good ole Josh the heart throb is forgotten as her loins tighten in the presence of blond, rich Adonis here. Clint manages to get her away for about 5 minutes, and Norah being the clever, clever girl that she is picks up on the 'strange' vibe and shoots off to find Josh banging another woman (who happens to be blond and slutty-don't you just hate when that happens?), and storms off into the night.

Norah then proceeds to give Josh the cold shoulder for a while, giving her the opportunity to connect with Clint, who happens to walk in her life after one of her passionate painting sessions. Naturally he is hooked on her uniqueness, and amazing awesomeness.

Norah and Clint connect, flirt, and kiss eventually, but then he gives her a cold shoulder for a while. A perfect opening for Josh to come back. Now i don't know about you, but i would be very upset if a man i liked and knew he liked me back, took me to a party where i was supposed to trade in my virginity for his betterment in life. Not just that, he was supposed to be a long time friend and confidante. But hell no, she shrugs it off as being a small mistake, everyone makes them, right, and agrees to go to ANOTHER PARTY WITH THE SAME PEOPLE TO HELP HIM OUT YET AGAIN, BECAUSE ORIGINALLY HE FILED HIS ASSIGNMENT BECAUSE SHE STILL HAD HER CHERRY!!!????????

A very special thank you goes out tho the author for allowing us to come close, and truly appreciate the sheer magnitude of stupidity needed in the creation of the character of Norah. On behalf of those with a brain and an ounce of self respect, I say: Good job!

She, our Norah, being the super-intelligent, amazing, talented, irreplaceable, beacon of virtuous femininity nails the challenge without batting a perfectly made up eyelash, and off goes Josh riding into the night to complete his assignment. And lo and behold she is left with Clint! *gasp*

So what else is there to do when you are spending your evening being glamorous, and rubbing shoulders with the world's most rich and powerful who happen to be a part of a secret society?
Go swimming in your underwear, of course!!!!!

And now we come to the stupid part of it all, the one i've mentioned before.....They get caught BY CLINT'S MOTHER!!! I mean hold the f*ck up, just back it up!! Are you trying to tell me that his mommy is in on the super secret society parties, that are so secret in fact that everything that goes around on them becomes instant college gossip in a blink of an eye? And is discussed by one and all? No way!

But wait!

The deflowering party was in Clint's house too.... Was his mommy there as well??? And if she was, what on earth was she doing??? I can't imagine. Can you?

Long story even longer, somewhere half way trough this garbage we get introduced to Samuel, yet another guy that seems to pop out of nowhere and is in fact Norah's ex fiancee, who is so important to her, she never gave him a thought. Sure she mentioned some exes in her incoherent babble but not by name.

So now there are three, THREE guys after her! And how could they resist? Norah is so talented, she sells out almost all her paintings, so smart she gets to the bottom of every mystery, so awesome and unique she is one of the rare women just invited to the Lappell, in fact they are so desperate to have her, she doesn't even need to go trough initiation, and so beautiful she stops men's hearts from beating and apparently their brains from working too. I just gave up at that point.
IvieHill | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 6, 2015 |
I can't say much without spoiling. I know a lot of people were unhappy with the way the story ended but I wasn't. Throughout this whole series I have been pulled 3 ways. But the choice that is made is the one I wanted. I loved them all and while I sometimes wish a certain someone would of gotten more of a chance throughout the series I can see why that didn't happen. Had what happened in this book not happened then I think she would of made the wrong choice for her. I FEEL like the one she is with is the one who is her actual soul mate, her other half. That person gets her better than the other two when it comes down to it. I am okay with the way it ended However now I want to see what happens when James gets older, if they will sink their claws in his or if Norah will be able to protect him from the Lappell
Mommy.Reads.What | Jun 22, 2014 |
I received this book as a loan from Book Lending. As a self published book I knew that it would have some grammar errors and such, but it was a very well written book outside of that. It's a good thing that I like a lot of drama in my books because this one had enough to fill ten.

There is no better title for this book than Pieces of Lies. Reading the story I never knew who was being truthful, who was using someone else, and who was keeping something from the group. I wish there was a little more info about the secret society, but I suspect there will be more in the next installment.

So Norah runs away from New York and comes back into the life of her best friend Josh. Personally I liked Josh, even though he wasn't always the nicest guy. There was something about Clint that got on my nerves. At times I felt he was being fake and only telling her what she wanted to hear. I'm starting to get tired of all the love triangles in YA books these days. Yes I'm aware that makes me a hypocrite because I've written my stories with them. Luckily for me just when the threesome got tired, we are treated to yet another guy interested in Norah. What kind of girl has to choose between three guys? I want to live in that fantasy. Just kidding, but not really.

Of course this story is much more than the guys. Norah needs to learn to move on from her past and accept help from people she tried to hide from. Everyone has secrets that we keep hidden deep down, but they never stay there. I liked Norah and felt she was someone I could hang out with in real life. We're left with a huge cliffhanger and I can't wait to read the second book.
Jennifer.McClelland | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 10, 2013 |
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