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Mostrando 5 de 5
2022 movie #19. 2021. A totally ridiculous premise with surprising cheesy CGI (especially the pet tiger), but also pretty entertaining. British lady scientist (Blunt) hires riverboat captain (Johnson) to take her up the Amazon in search of a mythological tree with healing powers
capewood | otra reseña | Jan 29, 2022 |
Various parties want a MacGuffin hidden in the Amazon jungle.

1/4 (Bad)

Jungle adventure comedies are my jam, and I'm a fan of both Johnson and Blunt. But this movie is garbage. Presumably some Disney producer had a laundry list of things to put in a movie (mostly stuff from Pirates of the Caribbean), and someone just wrote them all down and called it a script.

(Dec. 2021)½
comfypants | otra reseña | Dec 7, 2021 |
A divorced, middle-aged man learns to pick up women.

Great cast, good writing, and an effective balancing of comedy and drama.

Concept: D
Story: B
Characters: A
Dialog: B
Pacing: B
Cinematography: B
Special effects/design: B
Acting: B
Music: B

Enjoyment: B

GPA: 2.9/4½
comfypants | Jan 6, 2016 |
Denne filmen, som kort sagt handler om en full julenisse med de verste intensjoner og et forbrytersk sinn, ble i platteste laget for meg!½
Rose-Marie | Feb 10, 2009 |
Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor

98 min
lestat25 | May 12, 2011 |
Mostrando 5 de 5