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Book Title: Twice Blessed
Author: Rani Ramakrishan
Format: E-Book
Number of pages : 156
Publisher: Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited
Publishing Date: 2017
Printed Price: INR 99

Book Title:
The title of the book 'Twice Blessed' is interesting and gives the reader a very vague hint of the story.

Book Cover :
The book cover is very simple but very mysterious. Image of two women, one in black and white, one in color that too in puzzle pieces style might hint the reader that the story is a mystery.

Even in this generation, there are some things which are looked from a gender biased eyes and thus resulting in taboos . Also, the community that is now prevalent also deals with many issues like caste, judgmental attitude, basic amenities etc that result in underlying hindrance to the society. These are very nicely scripted in the story.

The plot of the story also deals with mainly with a death that leads to uncovering of many intertwined tales of the above said issues.

The main and the supporting characters throughout the plot are well plotted. Though the story at the end was a little predictable, it holds the grip of the reader's interest till the end.

All the characters are very nicely plotted.

The narration is good.

Language and Vocabulary:
A fine usage of fine grammar and vocabulary.

My Final Verdict—.
A onetime read for a mystery lover !

Book title: 3.8/5
Book Cover: 4/5
Plot: 3.8/5
Characters: 4/5
Narration: 3.8/5
Language and Vocabulary: 4/5

I personally rate the book 3.8 out of 5

BookReviewsCafe | otra reseña | Apr 27, 2023 |
Book Title: The Quack House Diaries
Author: Rani Ramakrishnan
Format: e-book

Book Title:
The title of the book ' The Quack House Diaries ' sounds very fascinating and attractive.

Book Cover :
The book cover is a cute clip art image of a happy couple surrounded by few props that talk about the stories inside the book.

The great long happy sigh with a big broad smile is a wonderful sight to watch when a big time foodie tastes some exotic dishes. Such exclamations are seen while watching breath taking sceneries. On a contrast, the over whelming feeling can be felt when a avid book lover reads a " GOOD BOOK ".

I had to mention the above comparisons before praising the author for the excellent story telling that she has carried out in this book. I have also read her first book - ' Twice Blessed ' which was a very good read. She surprised me with her exceptional story telling style.

Coming to this book, ' The Quack House Diaries - A Collection of Short Stories ' is the story of Manju - a wife, a mother, a friend, a great lover and an aspiring entrepreneur. In the story, Manju's role as an entrepreneur is directed more towards social causes and society rather than money making. Sunil, the male protagonist and Manju's lovely husband is a charming gentleman and every reader will surely fall in love with him in as the story progresses. Sunil's mother and father along with their little daughter Lara and their cute poodle also have a strong presence in the book.

The book is divided into 5 short stories which makes the reading easy and effective. Each story establishes Manju as a woman with conviction towards what she believes in. Breaking down the book into short stories gives a great insight of the author's prowess in capturing the reader's interest. Each short story has a captivating plot within.

Why did Manju become an entrepreneur? What made her so strong in her beliefs? How did it help her in building strong persona in her husband 's eyes? What help in her family life did the business do? What adventures did Manju experience?
To know the answers, read the book !!!!

Every character in the book, which includes the female and the male protagonists, the surprise guest characters and the main characters of the individual stories inside are very well defined and scripted. Each character leaves its own mark.

The narration is perfect with interesting opening scenes and enthralling story telling. The author has taken utmost care in explaining every living and non-living characters with intrinsic details that every reader immediately visualises .

Language and Vocabulary:
The book has got some great grammar and rich vocabulary and yes there were instances where I used a thesaurus.

My Final Verdict—.
The perfect coffee table read with some fast paced action.

Book title: 5/5
Book Cover: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Narration: 5/5
Language and Vocabulary: 5/5
I personally rate the book 5 out of 5

BookReviewsCafe | Apr 27, 2023 |
Book Title: Here To Hear (The Quack House Series – Book 1): A Collection of Short Stories
Author: Rani Ramakrishnan
Format: e-book

Book Title:
The title of the book ‘ Here To Hear (The Quack House Series – Book 1): A Collection of Short Stories ‘ sounds very fascinating and attractive.

Book Cover :
The book cover is a cute clip art image of a happy couple surrounded by few props that talk about the stories inside the book.

When a food connoisseur likes a new dish he/she tasted, or when a nature lover catches a beautiful view, or when a book lover finishes reading a great book, there is a great sense of achievement/accomplishment

I had to mention the above comparisons before praising the author for the excellent storytelling that she has carried out in this book. I have also read her first book – ‘ Twice Blessed ‘ which was a very good read. She surprised me with her exceptional storytelling style.

Coming to this book, ‘ Here To Hear (The Quack House Series – Book 1): A Collection of Short Stories ‘ is the story of Manju – a wife, a mother, a friend, a great lover and an aspiring entrepreneur. In the story, Manju’s role as an entrepreneur is directed more towards social causes and society rather than money making. Sunil, the male protagonist, and Manju’s lovely husband is a charming gentleman and every reader will surely fall in love with him in as the story progresses. Sunil’s mother and father along with their little daughter Lara and their cute poodle also have a strong presence in the book.

The book is divided into 5 short stories which make the reading easy and effective. Each story establishes Manju as a woman with conviction towards what she believes in. Breaking down the book into short stories gives a great insight of the author’s prowess in capturing the reader’s interest. Each short story has a captivating plot within.

Why did Manju become an entrepreneur? What made her so strong in her beliefs? How did it help her in building a strong persona in her husband ‘s eyes? What help in her family life did the business do? What adventures did Manju experience?
To know the answers, read the book !!!!

Every character in the book, which includes the female and the male protagonists, the surprise guest characters and the main characters of the individual stories inside are very well defined and scripted. Each character leaves its own mark.

The narration is perfect with interesting opening scenes and enthralling storytelling. The author has taken utmost care in explaining every living and non-living characters with intrinsic details that every reader immediately visualizes.

Language and Vocabulary:
The book has got some great grammar and rich vocabulary and yes there were instances where I used a thesaurus.

My Final Verdict—.
The perfect coffee table read with some fast-paced action.

Book title: 5/5
Book Cover: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Narration: 5/5
Language and Vocabulary: 5/5

BookReviewsCafe | Apr 27, 2023 |
Book Title: Lethal Acoustics (The Quack House Series – Book 2)
Author: Rani Ramakrishnan
Format: Ebook

Book Title:
The title of the book ' Lethal Acoustics ' is very unique and mysterious.

Book Cover:
The cover image of the book is an abstract image of a couple with a solid violet colored background. Mystery and creativity are the main characteristics of violet color, the image aptly suits the title.

Manju, the dynamic woman who is the creator of TQH along with her husband Sunil gets into a kidnap mystery case in the previous book's last story where it ends with a smile on Manju's face. But since that day Sunil unknowingly wants her TQH to be shut down to avoid any further life-threatening incidents. Manju senses his thoughts and tears them down in the budding stage itself.

IN this course of time, Manju comes across a set of students who wish to take up the stress relief programme in Manju's TQH. While she sets up a meeting with them and during the session, Manju starts hearing some sounds around that seem to be very abnormal and unusual.

Manju's mind tickles and she decides to solve that mystery. Well, is that a mystery? Or a prank? or something unexplainable? To know this, read the book.

What I like:
1. The storytelling skills
2. Good amount of healthy humor with a little pinch of suspense
3. The swift language in the story.

What I didn't like:
There is nothing to dislike in the story.

Like in the first book of the TQH series, in this second book also all the characters are very well plotted and every character is very close to reality.

An interesting and engaging realistic narration which is very much relatable is observed in the story.

Language & Grammar:
A simple yet effective and good language with nice vocabulary is found in the story.

My Final Verdict:
A good tea time interesting read!

Book Title: 4/5
Book Cover: 4/5
Plot: 4/5
Characters: 4/5
Narration: 4/5
Language & Grammar: 4/5
Final Rating: 4/5
BookReviewsCafe | Apr 27, 2023 |
First of all thanks to the author for sending me a free copy of ebook for a honest review. This book is about nalini bose who is a Hr head in organisation called indigen. She becomes a suspect for the murder of piyush gokhale the CEO of indigen and also her lover. She becomes a lover because of the way she behaves with the police. This book is written in the perspective of Nalini. What she thinks what she does. Sometime i felt that Nalini is little dumb from her thought process. May be the situation she is in may have made her act like that. From her statements i get that she has a lot of attitude and she does not even care if piyush her lover is alive or not plus she gives inappropriate answers to the Cid officer. May be her character is like that for this book. Author has given out a message that when you are a murder suspect these all can happen. Overall i would say it's a good Goodread...
ShriVenne | May 14, 2020 |
Book Title: Twice Blessed
Author: Rani Ramakrishan
Format: E-Book
Number of pages : 156
Publisher: Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited
Publishing Date: 2017
Printed Price: INR 99

Book Title:
The title of the book 'Twice Blessed' is interesting and gives the reader a very vague hint of the story.

Book Cover :
The book cover is very simple but very mysterious. Image of two women, one in black and white, one in color that too in puzzle pieces style might hint the reader that the story is a mystery.

Even in this generation, there are some things which are looked from a gender biased eyes and thus resulting in taboos . Also, the community that is now prevalent also deals with many issues like caste, judgmental attitude, basic amenities etc that result in underlying hindrance to the society. These are very nicely scripted in the story.

The plot of the story also deals with mainly with a death that leads to uncovering of many intertwined tales of the above said issues.

The main and the supporting characters throughout the plot are well plotted. Though the story at the end was a little predictable, it holds the grip of the reader's interest till the end.

All the characters are very nicely plotted.

The narration is good.

Language and Vocabulary:
A fine usage of fine grammar and vocabulary.

My Final Verdict—.
A onetime read for a mystery lover !

Book title: 3.8/5
Book Cover: 4/5
Plot: 3.8/5
Characters: 4/5
Narration: 3.8/5
Language and Vocabulary: 4/5

I personally rate the book 3.8 out of 5

SwapnaPeri | otra reseña | Apr 3, 2018 |
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