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The last three books have informed me of unknown subjects. The Will to Die exposes the demise of private funeral homes due to more people electing cremation over embalming. I also learned about life insurance policies becoming insurance settlements and the deception of these policies. The Will to Die details rampant white supremacy in smaller towns, and the policing and scrutiny of citizens. The story line races and intensifies as Will Pollitt learns what is happening in Sandusky, Ohio. Another funeral director/owner has installed himself as the Supreme Leader and like Hitler has chosen what people will populate and work in Sandusky. The story reads like 1984. Another author, Mark de Castrique, also outlines the problems of family owned funeral homes in his Barry Clayton series. I always thought that funeral homes would have business. My only distraction of The Will to Die is the lack of psychological description.
delphimo | otra reseña | Feb 11, 2020 |
Received free audiobook via email from AudioFile Magazine.
Listened to it on my Lenovo & iPhone.

Thoroughly enjoyed it, a good listen. Narrator did an excellent job, characters were believable, kept me guessing and involved.

The plot is about deaths in a small Ohio town and the lies to cover them and a conspiracy.

Will comes home when his father dies and the questions begin. Will's determination to find the truth puts all that he holds dear in jeopardy. Can he solve this mystery and save the day?

Read or listen, it's a good book.
Gmomaj | otra reseña | Dec 17, 2019 |
Content is key. We know it can and should be written once and then repurposed into other formats. But how? Why? In Content Inc, Pulizzi shows you how to take your content to the next level and build a thriving business.

First however, you need to be patient; this is not a get rich quick scheme. To succeed at this content model, you need to perform extensive planning and work hard.

While some of the technology tools described in this 2015 publication are now dated, I believe the key principals of Content Inc are still valid in 2019.

This and many business books can be distilled to a few words, Pulizzi has created a book I enjoyed reading cover to cover. The blend of key concepts interspersed with personal anecdotes, extensive (and cited) research, and testimonials from others who have adopted his approach create a compelling read.

I received an eARC of this title from NetGalley in exchange for a review. The FTC wants you to know.½
pennyshima | Sep 6, 2019 |
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