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Red PhoenixReseñas

Autor de Hate Notes

134+ Obras 1,169 Miembros 69 Reseñas


This is a very sad chapter in the Brie series. Since I have not completed it, I truly hope that the ending of this book isn't the end of the character arc for Tono. He is the one character in all the books I have read that I had a hard time accepting as the choice for the heroine in a love triangle.

If you have read this series you know who Tono is, you might have had some misgivings about Brie choosing Sir instead of him. However, after thinking on it, I know that Sir is the right choice. Brie needs more than what the Kinbaku master can offer.

That being said, I was crushed at the end of this book, and crushed at the heartache in it. I am really hoping that there is a happy ending for Tono.

Synopsis in brief:

Brie and Sir travel to Tokyo to lend support to Tono while his father is on his deathbed. This is sad because Tono is broken, Tono's mother is being very difficult and basically Tono has to put up with her being this way. Brie meets up again with Tono's father on his deathbed where he tells her that he regretted telling Tono that she wasn't right for him. This is crushing because if he hadn't made that proclamation back at the collaring ceremony Brie would have chose Tono instead of braving asking Sir to be her master. Tono's father eventually passes and Brie and Sir are there with the family for the funeral ceremonies.

There is less erotic scenes in this book because of the general nature of the story, but there is a scene where Sir and Brie go out with Tono to offer him a bit of a respite from his trying times.

That's how I am going to leave this.
Library_Breeder | otra reseña | Apr 27, 2024 |
Charlotte falls in love with a wedding dress in a second-hand shop. A note is pinned inside, and she is determined to learn more about the romantic author and his bride. Reed never married, but nosy Charlotte maneuvers a way into his life with the help of his devious grandmother.
It's a heart-warming story. I was constantly mystified as to where it was going next. Charlotte got on my nerves a bit, but ultimately it's a lovely story.
N.W.Moors | 15 reseñas más. | Apr 12, 2024 |
“I am enough.”

Once again Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward deliver a heart-warming, smile-inducing, enemies to lover’s workplace romance that turned into an unputdownable read. The first book to keep my interest in more than two weeks. Both characters stole my heart as I navigated their path to love and forever. Both characters completely endearing, each with their very own opposite personalities and yet together, they just worked. Each complemented the other perfectly, they brought out the best in one and other, and each were what the other needed, yet never knew they wanted.

“I think it’s better to spend years treasuring a memory that might hurt sometimes than to never make one at all.”

I loved the meet cute, the circumstances were a novel introduction and out of a true romance book. A circumstance that melted my romance lovers’ heart. Charlotte goes to a boutique to sell her un-used wedding gown and while browsing stumbles upon another that catches her attention. Trying it on, Charlotte notices a blue note stitched into the gown from the groom, and in her romance novel addled brain Charlotte concocts a beautiful love story that she wished was her own. Charlotte ends up exchanging the dress for hers and a little internet stalking later, plus a bottle of wine, Charlotte finds herself face to face with the bridal gown romantic, only he is nothing like what she expected.

“Maybe Stan can work on getting a sensitivity chip installed into your grandson. He seems to be missing one.”

Reed Eastwood was a real estate mogul in the family business, selling properties in the tens of millions and what most would deem living the life. On the outside, he was the consummate professional, and his aloof persona was an impenetrable wall that his family were desperate to crumble. Nobody could get through to Reed, but it seems Charlotte may just be his kryptonite.

The way the couple gets together is undeniably charming. I find both the male and female leads relatable and was so glad I came across this book.
Hate Notes is one you will learn to LOVE hands down.
b00kdarling87 | 15 reseñas más. | Jan 7, 2024 |

This story had me all over the place emotionally. It was super cute and I loved the banter between Charlotte and Reed but it also had some serious moments where my heart hurt for them both but it turns around and heals you up again. I really liked the idea of the lists they both made and how they helped each other accomplish those things. Great read and I loved it.
readonreader | 15 reseñas más. | Jan 5, 2024 |
This was the final book in the Brie series and I thought it was a nice way to end it. I believe that there were still storylines that could be followed, but the author decided that since it has been going on for so long that new readers to the series would be daunted to start it because there are so many books.

The main thing I was looking forward to beyond the main characters and the storylines was the identity of a specific individual who has gone unknown for many of the previous books. Unfortunatly, we never find out. I am bummed, but I think the buildup, and abilities of the unidentified individual kind of made it hard to put a name on them. So sorry, no answer for the readers or the characters in the books who also want to know who the annonomous backer to Brie's documentary was.
Library_Breeder | Aug 11, 2023 |
Hate Notes
4 Stars

I read this book because it fit into a challenge (an author name beginning with V) and was pleasantly surprised.

While the circumstances leading up to the hero and heroine's first meeting do require some suspension of disbelief, the ensuing romance is very engaging.

Although a little on the ditzy side, Charlotte is a sweet and caring heroine convinced that her boss's cold demeanor hides a man capable of deep and abiding love if only he could get overcome his past hurt.

Reed initially comes across as an arrogant, condescending jerk, but it soon becomes clear that there is more to him than meets the eye. His growth and character development throughout the book is excellent even though there are times when he needs a slap upside the head for his obtuseness.

All in all, a charming read and I will read more by the Keeland and Ward writing pair.

Lauren2013 | 15 reseñas más. | May 5, 2023 |
This book is hard to shelve because I don't want to give anything away. However, Brie and Sir have married and are on their honeymoon, having a great time (in a nicer way of saying) having sex with intent.

The book takes them from Venice to Fiji on their honeymoon, then home.

Let's put it this way, no series with multiple books doesn't have conflict, struggles and drama. This is a new series, and we have already been through the relationship drama, the family drama, and the story of training in the Submission Center. So a new conflict/struggle needs to be made apparent in the first book of the series. It does here. However, it is a great book, and sets up the series for a new storyline.

One thing I did note after reading this and the next few books, I realized that everyone wants to get with Brie. She is the epitome of the "golden pussy". It kind of gets tiring when everyone she has ever got with still wants to get with her. Apparently Brie knows how to pull them in. Oh, well, she can be forgiven because she has no other flaws, unless being unable to cook is one of them.

This is a book, this is meant to entertain. It isn't supposed to be taken seriously. Its ok if the heroine's only flaws is the instability to cook. I still love her.
Library_Breeder | Apr 28, 2023 |
Again, I am not sure how to shelve this book without giving too much away. Brie is going through a tough time between Sir being in a coma (still) and Sir's Sister going out of her way to "get Brie" so she needs some better help than what she has been given. Tono came in the last book to balance and ground her, to give her peace. Now we have some fun because Rystar charges in and takes no prisoners.

Rystar is running from his own baddies in the form of angry relatives of the "maggot" he dealt with in previous books. He finds out late in the game that Brie is on her own and Sir is in critical condition. He rounds up his posse and gets over to L.A. toute suite.
After a bit of misunderstanding gets cleared up, he decides that he is the only one who should have been called to handle the problem Brie is facing with Sir's half-sister, who has upped her game is is still evading capture but doing whatever she can to try and "get Brie".

Well, Rystar puts paid to that right quick. He finds out where she is, sends his guys to get her, and holds her in an undisclosed location so he can find out what she really is after and what is true and what is false with her story. It takes a bit of old school tactics to get her spilling the beans. Trust me, what she ends up saying is not pretty.

Of course Brie has no knowledge that he is doing this. Rystar spends time between Sir's sister and Brie in the hospital. He moves Brie to the beach house where they first met, and settles in to wait for the baddies to come and get him. He doesn't plan on evading them, he knows better. We learn some back story between Sir and Rystar, Rystar and his family, and Rystar with Tatiana (his lost love). There are some very humorous scenes - some involving a cat who doesn't like being moved about, and a Sybian that Rystar gets for Brie so she can get her groove on (safely). Of course it's all fun and games until the Bratva comes and takes you away.

I think that tying up the half-sister arc which has been spanning multiple books so quick and easy (perhaps too quick and easy?) is so that there is room made for the Rystar in trouble with the Bratva arc which seems to begin here. Plus, we don't REALLY know if Sir's sister is done. It might be one of those safe for now things. Anyway, I liked it, and really love Rystar. I know he isn't gone for good because there is another book with him on the cover. SO there isn't too much on my seat, nail-biting worry.

So I am not sure how to shelve this book. It isn't quite a romance, it isn't quite a thriller, or suspence, maybe romantic suspense. There are themes of BDSM, Abduction, Taboo (allegations of incest), death and dying (Sir's in critical condition- but we all know he's going to pull through), humor, dark humor, old wounds, and overprotective males.

Anyway, my review is chock full of spoilers, but you all know my style by now. So if you're making your way through the series, why bother reading the review - you know you have to read the book. If you found yourself on this review but haven't read the "Brie" series, don't start here. Go to Brie Learns the Art of Submission: The Sumbissive Center then if you like that, move on to the next series of books Brie Learns the Art of Submission: After Graduation, then follow up with Brie Learns the Art of Submission: Submissive in Love.

The entire Brie series has about 20 characters most of which are introduced in the first Brie Series. You need to start there. If you start ANYWHERE else, you will get lost, or miss stuff. It's not a series, it's a serial, You need to read the books in order. After a while you can skip a book or two, but you can't start here.
Library_Breeder | Apr 28, 2023 |
So there is no shelves that I currently have to really put this book on, but the trope is alive and well.

This book is following in the format of this particular series in the Brie saga. It is in the POV of the male in the book. In this book we have Tono (Ren) from the other books. I love him, and FINALLY he is moving on... not away, but forward. He has a potential love interest. He is making a bit of headway when he gets a call the he is needed to come help Brie. She's going through some tough times, and needs him to help "center"her. She needs to "breath with him". Although he wishes that this weren't the time it happened, Tono gets on a plane and heads to Los Angeles to be by Brie's side while she takes care of Sir while he is in the hospital *spoiler if you haven't read the books before this*

However, while this is going on Brie is in some danger because (and here is the oft used trope) Sir's recently discovered half-sister is doing whatever she can to try and ruin Brie and Sir through extortion and general boiler bunny tactics. Yes, the whole dangerous woman trying to ruin our lives with extortion and escalating imbalanced and dangerous behavior trope. Sigh. It's a good book. I am just very happy to find that Tono is moving on.
Library_Breeder | Apr 28, 2023 |
This is the latest in the Brie's Submission series and with that you should know that this is absolutely not a book you can read as a jump off if you haven't read the previous books. This is a pretty long series with ongoing storylines and a pretty stable cast. It is not a story of the week but more like an ongoing series where characters and plots grow over time with no particular ending and everything prior to this book is fair game for referencing back to. A lot of storylines are so ongoing that they span multiple books.

I will say that if you are reading this review to determine if you would like the book because you haven't read the series then I would say that this is a strong BDSM erotica series that is not overall dark. It has some seriously dark themes here and there, along with story ARCs that cover multiple books dealing with abuse, abduction, rape, grooming, along with family and relationship drama. It’s Hallmark channel meets Real Sex by HBO mixed with As the World Turns.

It doesn't have the tired BDSM tropes we have all gotten tired of from 2012-2014 (no abusive doms and lackluster subs who are just regular girls thrown into the fire). At its heart this is a series about Brie and her journey from going to the Submissive Training Academy (lol) to finding love and getting married and enjoying life with her Master and others. Also, I must add this series has the best erotic scenes which are both creative and sexy. Each book has at minimum 2 very explicit sex scenes that often involve menage, props, kink, dirty talk and more. However, despite it all there are some strong emotions and love being portrayed. These are BDSM/erotica comfort reads not just “inspirational material” if you get my drift.

If you are in a book slump, and haven’t started this series and keep seeing this author or series on you “recommends” shelf, start it. You have some 25 new books that you will most likely love and will break that slump. Plus, they are all pretty much Kindle Unlimited so there’s that if you have it.

Check out the reviews for the other books.

If you HAVE read this series then you don't need to read this to know that you are just going to read the book.

Library_Breeder | Apr 28, 2023 |
Enjoyable story. The right amount of drama without being too young or cringey to seem appropriate. Formulaic, but fun.
battlearmanda | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 29, 2022 |
Finished Reading October 20, 2020

2.75 Stars

#2 of
Blissfully Undone #1-4 bundle

July 14, 2018 Amz
bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
Finished Reading October 17, 2020

2.75 Stars

#1 of
Blissfully Undone #1-4 Bundle

October 17, 2020 Amz
bodebeabay | otra reseña | Sep 25, 2022 |
Hate Notes had been on my KU to read list for a while when I finally decided to read it. I was pleasantly surprised with how much I liked this book. I really loved Charlotte and her outlook on things. I can see why Reed was drawn to her. I loved their banter and chemistry. The last part of the book gets a little heavier, but overall Hate Notes was just the kind of easy read I needed at the time I needed it.
sdbookhound | 15 reseñas más. | Jun 9, 2022 |
Hate Notes was the perfect distraction. The kind of book that is sweet, light-hearted and an easy read. Something to lose yourself into for a few hour and just enjoy it. Exactly what I was looking for!

I had a stupid smile on my face for 70% of the book and I forgot how many times I actually laughed with Charlotte and Reed, I loved them so much. Crazy Charlotte and her wild occurrences and grumpy Reed and his secret sweet side.
I wasn't a big fan of the last 30% tho, it took a depressive side that I didn't like.

Overall, Vi Kelaand and Penelope Ward are still my comfort authors because they never disappoint.
souhailaa | 15 reseñas más. | May 20, 2022 |
This was snarky and fun and I always enjoy second-chance romances. Reed and Charlotte are both imperfect and weird in their own ways, and I enjoyed the way they set each other off. The first scene with the wedding dress completely had me, and the two continued to grow on me throughout the book. This was definitely a slow burn, which I loved, and had the perfect balance of snarky friendship scenes versus steam versus bedroom moments. I really liked how the book explored the issues of chronic illness and potential long-term disability and how those can be something that destroys a weaker couple or brings a strong match closer together. Just a really great read!

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader.
KatKinney | 15 reseñas más. | Mar 3, 2022 |
Dog Surfing

This was a sweet and fairly sedate read. Some humor, some fee!s, and a happy ever after. Sometimes straying into silly
TheAubergineQueen | 15 reseñas más. | Feb 11, 2022 |
very short / very silly. Not finishing series.
ckelship | otra reseña | Oct 10, 2021 |
Charlotte and Reed are two complex characters that have each have their own issues but have such an amazing story. It’s a sweet love story where the characters are well written and loveable. Reed is guarded and the reasoning is surprising and not what I expected. I loved every minute of it and will not hesitate to pick up a book by these authors.
Rachharrill | 15 reseñas más. | May 19, 2021 |
An okay book

This book was okay, but it’s not going to be my favorite book. The start for me was good but then I feel the plot kept going in circles and there are things in it that I find to be not good. I liked that they got their happy ending but still it could have happened in a different way than it does. All in all, it was an okay read.
AllAndAnyBooks | Sep 17, 2020 |
Okay, so the entire book is SO fairytale! But I loved it.
It was so sweet and everything MAGICALLY fell into place perfectly.
Loved it.
Only for people who want an easy read and doesn't mind the fairytale aspect.
Reed and Charlotte, way to go!
jzw908 | 15 reseñas más. | Jun 3, 2020 |
4 stars

Very interesting short story. I was wanting it to be longer because it was well done. There was so much that could have been expanded on to make this a full story. Especially where the main characters were concerned.
MagicalRi | otra reseña | Dec 22, 2019 |
I wish I could give this 3 1/2. The first 30% annoyed the heck out of me cause of the main character. She seemed super unrealistic and annoying, mostly due to the way she kept asking incredibly personal questions to someone she didn't know. And she seemed childish in her reactions (the silent email typing thing? Ugh).
Regardless, I ended up getting into the story and enjoyed Reed's side. I get annoyed when someone is constantly 'fighting his/her feelings', and that seems to be a recurring theme lately in the books I've read, but once you find out about his MS, his reasoning is more understandable.
DesiTheReader | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 25, 2019 |

Release Date-12/6/18

So this was a new author for me and while I'm not ruling out reading more of this particular writers work in the future to see if I can find one overall that's a better fit for me; This story "Safe Haven" I had a really hard time making an actual connection with.
I just couldn't seem to feel much for the characters involved here at all; which was such a shame as this wasn't badly written, just missing something vital for me overall and I'm still not sure what that was exactly.
I think it was maybe a collection of items that contributed ultimately towards my disconnect here.
First, the way this story was told; using two separate narratives to arrive at a final destination where Candy and Captains destinies eventually converge; this didn't actually work for me.
I found it extremely long-winded and unnecessary; sorry I just wanted the main course and was getting really sick of the bloody appetiser; it was actually 75% before these two eventually crossed paths; And from the actual blurb itself, this was not what I was led to believe was the case here, at one point I even checked to make sure I was actually reading the correct book; I was obviously.
I do understand what the author was trying to achieve here, and it was very brave of her to think outside the box like this; unfortunately for myself, this style of storytelling was a bust.
Not allowing me to become emotionally invested in them as a couple rather than just individuals lost the majority of my attention if I'm honest.
Now if you've have read previous in this series, You will be already acquainted with Captain and Candy and this will probably work out much better for you being somewhat invested in there future and not just going in blind like I did.
I also didn't feel any real chemistry between these two beyond there obvious shared kink.
There seemed to be a lack of bonding and deeper conversations overall and it made me wonder how can they profess to love what they don't actually know; these two seemed still such strangers to each other, even by the end.
The age gap itself didn't bother me here either; Captain needed to really let that one go; what he should have been focusing on was their lack of any conventional interaction rather than mere numerals after all age is just a number.
I also hated the name Candy; wasn't totally convinced that some people would be so rude to a complete stranger over there outward appearance; think it, yes, but not actual voice it aloud.
I asked my partner about this and he disagrees completely saying, that YES!! people are dicks and they so would behave in such a despicable obnoxious fashion; I'm too nice and like to see the best in everyone and also that I'm too British whatever that actually means.
I did enjoy spectating in Charlies/Captain's metamorphosis from boy to man; I think this was actually my favourite part of "Safe Haven" overall.
So there is a second book after this; one I'm sorry to say I won't be partaking of.
I'm just not emotionally invested enough here to want to continue on this journey to the finish.
I will try again with a different book from this author; just to see if I can find one that's maybe a better fit.
Don't let me put you off though, this is just my own personal take on "Safe Haven" and as you can see from the reviews, I am definitely in the minority here, we are all individuals so what doesn't ultimately work for me might well be totally different for you.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with a review copy of "Safe Haven" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | otra reseña | Nov 7, 2019 |

Release Date-12/6/18

So this was a new author for me and while I'm not ruling out reading more of this particular writers work in the future to see if I can find one overall that's a better fit for me; This story "Safe Haven" I had a really hard time making an actual connection with.
I just couldn't seem to feel much for the characters involved here at all; which was such a shame as this wasn't badly written, just missing something vital for me overall and I'm still not sure what that was exactly.
I think it was maybe a collection of items that contributed ultimately towards my disconnect here.
First, the way this story was told; using two separate narratives to arrive at a final destination where Candy and Captains destinies eventually converge; this didn't actually work for me.
I found it extremely long-winded and unnecessary; sorry I just wanted the main course and was getting really sick of the bloody appetiser; it was actually 75% before these two eventually crossed paths; And from the actual blurb itself, this was not what I was led to believe was the case here, at one point I even checked to make sure I was actually reading the correct book; I was obviously.
I do understand what the author was trying to achieve here, and it was very brave of her to think outside the box like this; unfortunately for myself, this style of storytelling was a bust.
Not allowing me to become emotionally invested in them as a couple rather than just individuals lost the majority of my attention if I'm honest.
Now if you've have read previous in this series, You will be already acquainted with Captain and Candy and this will probably work out much better for you being somewhat invested in there future and not just going in blind like I did.
I also didn't feel any real chemistry between these two beyond there obvious shared kink.
There seemed to be a lack of bonding and deeper conversations overall and it made me wonder how can they profess to love what they don't actually know; these two seemed still such strangers to each other, even by the end.
The age gap itself didn't bother me here either; Captain needed to really let that one go; what he should have been focusing on was their lack of any conventional interaction rather than mere numerals after all age is just a number.
I also hated the name Candy; wasn't totally convinced that some people would be so rude to a complete stranger over there outward appearance; think it, yes, but not actual voice it aloud.
I asked my partner about this and he disagrees completely saying, that YES!! people are dicks and they so would behave in such a despicable obnoxious fashion; I'm too nice and like to see the best in everyone and also that I'm too British whatever that actually means.
I did enjoy spectating in Charlies/Captain's metamorphosis from boy to man; I think this was actually my favourite part of "Safe Haven" overall.
So there is a second book after this; one I'm sorry to say I won't be partaking of.
I'm just not emotionally invested enough here to want to continue on this journey to the finish.
I will try again with a different book from this author; just to see if I can find one that's maybe a better fit.
Don't let me put you off though, this is just my own personal take on "Safe Haven" and as you can see from the reviews, I am definitely in the minority here, we are all individuals so what doesn't ultimately work for me might well be totally different for you.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with a review copy of "Safe Haven" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | otra reseña | Nov 7, 2019 |