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2 Obras 17 Miembros 1 Reseña


Ciao, Bella is about Isabelle Mackenzie a bookstore owner in Chicago who is turning 30 and unhappy that she's still single and going trough a crisis of faith. Her two best friends, Cameron and Oliver set her up for a makeover on a television show. She agrees to the makeover is whisked away to LA where she meets Cooper Young a famous actor who sweeps Isabelle off her feet. Isabelle thinks that what she has been doing following the path she believes her faith has led her has made her miss out on life - maybe it's even prevented her from finding the meant she was supposed to be with? She sees Cameron coasting through life so easily and without a faith to hold her back and hopes that by letting go and being with Cooper will give her a chance to find that easier life. Meanwhile Oliver who has just declared his love for her is more like her conscience or her faith she needs to hide from.

Ciao, Bella is not a story I would normally have chosen but one that I was glad to have read. The characters were believable and I could connect to Isabelle's struggles with her faith. I also liked how casually Isabelle witnessed, it was as natural as talking about the weather - that is a true testament of faith.
mmoj | Mar 2, 2017 |