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Looks like this sets up a few plots that will be in the movie. There certainly are lots of interesting characters doing lots of interesting things. I only understood about 60% of it.
zot79 | otra reseña | Aug 20, 2023 |
I would probably enjoy these more if I could figure out what order to read them in. I still appreciated the humor and great artwork.
Harks | 6 reseñas más. | Dec 17, 2022 |
Outro arco bom do Aquaman. Gosto demais do resgate deste personagem desde os novos 52. A arte também está massa, ponha na conta dos brazucas ♡
Minha única crítica fica por conta da batalha final que poderia ser mais opulenta e dramática.
tarsischwald | otra reseña | Oct 23, 2021 |
Ficou realmente genial misturar o Aquaman com o Tutubarão (Jabberjaw) e fazer uma referência ao Laboratório Submarino (Sealab 2020). Em 1972 os artistas da Hanna Barbera imaginavam que teríamos a fronteira final neste 2020: o início da conquista do Oceano - daí o título original do desenho. Infelizmente, eles não poderiam estar MAIS enganados, né?

Bem, eu adorava o desenho do Tutubarão e lembrava um pouco do desenho do Laboratório Submarino - que descobri recentemente é mais conhecido por sua paródia em versão adulta de 2005 que eu nunca vi. Foi uma leitura curiosa e divertida misturar tudo isso. Essa HQ lançada em 2018, mas só pude ler agora. Adorei. E sim, eu compraria fácil um action figure dos Netunos.
tarsischwald | Oct 23, 2021 |
Excellent origin story for this GotG team. I say this team because I think it is a different team to the Bendis run. I don't know anymore, Marvel comic book histories have become so convoluted and confusing. Anyway, these days rather than try to fit a story into past events and storylines, I tend to take every new line with a clean slate. New writers and artists bring something different to each new run.
Enough about my comic book philosophy.
This was a cracking collection. The team differs from the Bendis run (although Groot is still in a pot) but I like the new additions. I'm curious to know who Major Victory is (but I want to be surprised so I'm not going to wiki it) and why he has Captain America's shield. The story has multiple threads which didn't become confused. There is some Secret Invasion crossover but I've only read the Deadpool lines in the Secret Invasion storyline and I didn't see any need to have read anymore to read the comics in this collection.
Overall a fun and funny read.
Lillian_Francis | 6 reseñas más. | Feb 24, 2021 |
runningbeardbooks | 6 reseñas más. | Sep 29, 2020 |
This was actually pretty good. Part of the reason I picked it up is because Dan Abnett was the writer, whom I know from some of his work in the Warhammer 40K novels. On the one hand, this story is part of a larger context (the whole Annihilation event), so I am sure it helps if you have read some of that. However, the story is good enough to stand on its own so you can enjoy it without needing a lot of background, which is good. The heroes featured are not exactly major heroes in the Marvel pantheon (well, not major to casual readers like me). On the other hand, that may be a good thing because reading this can feel like a new tale with a new cast. The tale was pretty entertaining, the tale of a disparate band of reluctant heroes coming together to serve as vanguard/first responder force. And hey, they even have a talking, wisecracking raccoon in the team who is a demolitions expert. What more could you ask for? The art was very good. And I will be looking for the next volume.
bloodravenlib | 6 reseñas más. | Aug 17, 2020 |
Funny and brilliant. The standards are set high and these are very enjoyable.
bradleyhorner | otra reseña | Jun 1, 2020 |
I have never read anything about the Inhumans before, but they seem rather interesting in a what the hell is going on kind of way. Still, I did enjoy it and I want to see a lot more in the future.
bradleyhorner | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 1, 2020 |
After loving the movie so much, I had to go on a spree, fully aware that the movie and the comics don't agree with each other. I found that it didn't matter in the slightest. I liked this newer incarnation very much, but I began reading the one from '08 at the same time and had to admit that I liked that one more. It was slightly more gritty. It doesn't matter, really. It's character and action driven stories that keep a healthy dose of tongue in cheek. I love it. The illustrations are superior in this edition rather than the ones that came before, but it is only natural. The series is getting a facelift in preparation for the movie. And so we've gone full circle.
bradleyhorner | 6 reseñas más. | Jun 1, 2020 |
I am not a fan of this series. It seem like I entered in the middle of the story without knowing any of the characters, which I guess is partly true. I am not that familiar with the cosmic storylines in Marvel.

From what I gather of the story, there is a wacked out crazy emperor of some space kingdom and he invades this other space kingdom ruled by Inhumans. I still have no idea what the difference between an X-man and an Inhuman is, but I'm guessing it involves some sort of space thing. I really had no invested interest in who wins this war of kings, but I figure I am supposed to root against the insane guy.

I think with this series i'm going to wrap it up with space themed comic events and head back to more familiar comic territory.
nmorse | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 3, 2019 |
I tend to really love Marvel Cosmic stuff, but this one didn't blow me away. It was cool though, there's a lot going on up there in space.
ragwaine | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 2, 2019 |
I have a soft spot for Marvel Cosmic. I think it started with the Micronauts. So I'm pretty excited about this event. Definitely some characters I don't recognize, but I'm liking it a lot and the "Saga" comic really helped fill me on events that I had missed.
ragwaine | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 2, 2019 |
Rocket Raccoon is probably the only character that is the same in comic book form and movie form (and I'm talking about character wholesale) - but I guess that's because he is an animated 'coon - no actor interpretation required? Haha. I love the movie, but the comics are something pretty special too.

Not as epic as the Annihilation books, but definitely has its moments.

In short... enjoyed this! 'nuff said

Now onwards to the Nova Vol. 3: Secret Invasion...
kephradyx | 6 reseñas más. | Jun 20, 2017 |
Oooh, Kilg%re!
4:45 pm 9 October 2016
Cyborg (2016-) #2 - John Semper Jr., Guy Major, Will Conrad, Ivan Nunes, Tony Kordos, Scott Hanna, Tom Palmer, Paul Pelletier
He's got a Ke$ha thing going on with his name, and he hates humans about as much as I do. And he's trying to get Cyborg to turn his back on humanity, supposedly at the orders of a master.

I want to see where this is going. There's a lot of humanity and what it means to be human versus a machine and is there that much of a difference in this series, and I am digging it all.
Graphic Novel DC read in 2016
All_Hail_Grimlock | Dec 13, 2016 |
MeriwetherR | 6 reseñas más. | May 19, 2014 |
Not much to say about this other than it bridges the story from where it left off as a mostly X-Men related story to a much more broad storyline that ties into several of Marvel's cosmic titles.

Recommended only if you're interested in these titles and have been keeping up with the Marvel storylines that are leading into War of Kings.
tapestry100 | 3 reseñas más. | May 12, 2010 |
It's about time that Marvel starts using their cosmic characters more often, and I have really enjoyed what I've read so far.

If you're unfamiliar with the Inhumans, the Kree, and the Shi'Ar Empire, then this trade will probably make little sense. However, in the very back, there's a good overview of the last several years of history for the Inhumans, the Shi'Ar, and the Starjammers, so that's a good place to start.

The art is good, and I've always liked Christopher Yost (who did most of the writing collected here). My only complaint is that there's a lot of fighting without much plot development, which I hope will be remedied in War of Kings proper.
schatzi | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 5, 2010 |
Too much Star Wars and not enough Marvel Comics - plot confusing - mixed bag of characters - no development within the story - erratic jumping around from one group to another - hard to maintain focus on the story's progress. Too much came before this collection and too much left to happen afterward, but not enough here to make me want to see out the remainder.½
GothicGuru13 | 3 reseñas más. | Jan 20, 2010 |
Have had an interest in reading up on Green Lantern. This seemed fairly old-fashioned when compared to other graphic novels I've been reading, but it was enjoyable.½
yarmando | Feb 22, 2007 |
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