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Though it spends a bit too much time tooting its own horn and has some low-value filler about nutrition and general fitness, this book has some solid ideas on core training and movement quality as a remedy for back pain. There's a simple 6-week program that introduces you to the Foundation exercises. I tried the first workout today, and while giving a great posterior chain stretch, it was mild enough that I don't think I'll have trouble integrating with the rest of my weight training and mobility work. There's also a quite reasonable introductory anatomy section for the muscles of the core, and the author gets points for recommending foam rolling and compound resistance movements.

Note that the rating here is for the quality of the writing and material, not its efficacy; I haven't had a chance to evaluate that. Anecdotally: having beaten down some back / sciatic nerve issues of my own in the past with kettlebell training that emphasizes strengthening the hip-hinge movement the author uses as the basis for his exercises, I'm inclined to say there's potential here.
thegreatape | Jan 7, 2020 |