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Doug Pagitt is pastor of Solomon's Porch, a congregation in Minneapolis that focuses on addressing human needs in the neighboring community and facilitating a more personal encounter with God. He is also host of Doug Pagitt Radio and the author of several books, including A Christianity Worth mostrar más Believing. Pagitt and his wife, Shelley, live in Minneapolis. mostrar menos

Incluye los nombres: Doug Pagit, Doug Pagitt, Doug Pagitt, ed

Créditos de la imagen: Used by permission of Baker Publishing Group, copyright © 2008. All rights to this material are reserved. Materials are not to be distributed to other web locations for retrieval, published(see © info.)

Obras de Doug Pagitt

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Given to Matthew Hayes - 05/04/2023
revbill1961 | otra reseña | May 4, 2023 |
Author is a "Solomon's Porch" Founder.

He presents an organized somewhat McLuhanesque presentation of:

Head = Thinking
Heart = Values
Gut = Aesthetics
Hand = Tools.

Presents actual examples of Churches.

Emergent Beliefs and Characteristics:

• Redefine the Christian Faith to accommodate "post-modernity"
• Redefining the doctrine of hell as not being literal
• God's judgement interpreted as simply being embarrassed by your sin or an inability to gratify your desires
• Reinterpreting the penal substitutionary atonement of Christ on the cross
• Questioning the inerrant authority of scripture
• The bible primarily as a "story" or narrative
• Conversion as becoming a part of "His story"
• Planetary salvation (Restoring the entire earth to it's original Creation and "rhythm")
• Proclaiming of the Kingdom of God being established on earth in present history more than the gospel of salvation
• Promoting a "social gospel"
• Defines themselves as "missional"
• The Protestant Reformation as possibly an ongoing process
• Believes Emergent could be a "Second Reformation"
• Questions are esteemed higher than answers
• Social and environmental activism
• Anti-war and political liberalism
• Promoting spiritual disciplines (meditation, fasting, contemplative prayer, breath prayers, centering prayer, labyrinth prayer walks, guided imagery, Lectio Divina, Ignatius Examen, stations of the cross)
• Promoting the mystical, the sensory and the experiential
• Anti-establishment
• Truth is determined by cultural influences or tradition
* Truth is not propositional
• Teaching should be multi-sensory and creative rather than linear
• Traditional preaching is replaced by discussion and dialogue
• Reluctant to call homosexuality a sin
• Occasionally use profanity to get point across
• May become worldy to reach the world
• Life experiences determine theology and orthodoxy
• Language is oriented around self – feelings, opinions, and attitudes
• Community, relationships and unity are highest priorities
• Uncomfortable with historic christian orthodoxy as having an exclusive claim on truth
• Tolerate ideological and theological differences, very inclusive and ecumenical

Emergent Preferred Authors and Speakers:

• N.T. Wright
• Brian McLaren
• Henri Nouwen
• Dallas Willard
• Richard Foster
• Donald Miller
• Tony Campolo
• Rob Bell
• Dan Kimball
• Doug Pagitt
… (más)
keylawk | May 9, 2018 |
Doug Pagitt is probably a familiar name to anybody who has dipped their toes in the emergent church waters. While the emerging church generally balks at hierarchy, Pagitt is considered by many to be a founding father of the movement. Not only was he influential in the emerging church movement of the nineties, he started the Emergent Village network along with Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, and others. He’s certainly played a role in the theological and ecumenical shifts that have taken place in America’s Christian landscape over the past twenty years. In his latest book, Flipped: The Provocative Truth that Changes Everything We Know About God, Pagitt seeks to push Christianity even further.

In the fashion of Rob Bell, Doug reveals the trajectory of the book by using a simple, memorable word: flipped. Doug’s definition of flipping is: to completely change one’s mind about an idea or relationship to a thing; to completely change directions. He believes that flips are indicative of growth, life, and spiritual vitality. I couldn’t help but see the correlation between Jesus’ call to repent, which was really a call to change perspective, and this definition of flip. Much like the great Christian communicator Eugene Peterson, Pagitt took the heart of a tired and misused word like “repent” and gave it fresh new life.

The main flip that Doug wants to convey to readers arises from Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill. During that sermon Paul said to the Athenians “God isn’t far away from any of us. In God we live, move, and exist.” Through his own personal story, Doug shares how a friend helped him flip his own understanding about the relationship between God and humanity.

Like many of us, Doug was given a worldview that operated on the premise that God was distant and disconnected from humanity. He believed and taught that “adapters” were necessary to allow humanity to connect with the divine. He shares how flipping his perspective to one that saw all of creation in God rather than separated from God, changed how he lived, worked, and read the scriptures.

By examining well-known stories from the Bible, Doug makes a strong case that many of them are about flipping. He shows how the story of Abraham was a huge flip in not only Abraham’s understanding of God, but the morality of child sacrifice in that time period. He also highlights the many instances when Jesus flipped the first century understanding of the temple, the Torah, sacrifice, and the politics of Israel. He also points out Jesus’ call for modern followers to flip their understanding of ecology, relationships, and violence. Strangely there was little discussion of Paul’s momentous flip, but the point was clear that scripture not only captures historical flips, but calls modern readers to flip as well.

Circling back to the main premise of the book, Pagitt engages a common and important topic inside the Christian tradition. Christianity has always wrestled with the idea that certain actions or abstinence will curry God’s favor. In recent decades this topic has become a key issue in the spiritual-but-not-religious debate. Pagitt shows that embracing the view that all things exist in God settles that debate. If God is, as Paul states in his Mars Hill sermon, without need and the existence of humanity is not separate from God, then God’s favor is already with us.

This section appealed most to me as a reader because I’ve spent most of my life learning and practicing if/then Christianity’s approach to God (i.e. if I do this, then God will do that). After spending a year digging into the book of Matthew, my understanding was irreversibly altered. Once I stepped away from viewing Jesus as just a transactional element that “bridged” the distance between myself and God, I was forced to reevaluate my faith. The if/then way seemed so contrary to what I had read about Jesus’ life and teachings that I could no longer subscribe to it. Even today, hearing if/then approaches to God cause an almost physical reaction in me.

Of course there are valid objections to the implications of embracing Pagitt’s view of God. Won’t God become impersonal and vague? Won’t there be a loss of distinct Christian identity or complacency towards sin? Pagitt addresses these concerns with some scientific metaphors about the duality of light waves and a few personal stories. However, I felt that his responses didn’t take the objections seriously enough.

Speaking from my experience, I have had a loss of distinct Christian identity and a feeling that God is less personal since leaving behind my if/then understanding of God. And while I still have a strong sense of what is right and wrong, it’s hard to offer a concrete reason for my morality. I would have liked to hear stories from people who also struggled with these problems, and not just hearing that it wasn’t an issue for the author.

The book also seemed disjointed at times. While reading I felt that it jumped from idea to idea without a clear line of continuity. It wasn’t until a few days after finishing the book that I was able to see how each section built on each other. Unfortunately they didn’t build to a satisfying conclusion. Like playing a scale without returning to the root note, the last chapter left the book felt unresolved for me.

Having never read Doug Pagitt before, this book met my expectations. Despite some of the shortcoming, I thought the section about if/then approaches to God was excellent and important. I also really appreciated that he tried to use language that carried less religious baggage. The supporting arguments weren’t as robust McLaren and the storytelling wasn’t as compelling as Rob Bell, but it was still a good read.
… (más)
erlenmeyer316 | otra reseña | Sep 21, 2015 |
It was interesting to read how the Greeks ideas of the gods influenced Christianity and how those concepts which have been refined and held to for most of history might be stumbling blocks for people with a less grecian worldview today.
bmetzler | otra reseña | Aug 10, 2015 |

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