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Obras de Order of Shaolin Ch'an


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Are you curious about the connection between marital arts and Buddhism? Do you practice a style of gung fu rooted in shaolin traditions and wonder what those traditions are? Are you looking for a spiritual path which is both practical and focused upon compassion, integrity, and peace?

If you have these or other questiions about shaolin, we humbly recommend this book to you. Inside, you will learn aobout the key tenets of Shaolin Ch'an Buddhism, our martial styles, our history, our legends, and how our traditioin differs from the recent reinvention of Shaolin in the People's Rebublic of China. You will discover the details of a 1500 year old tradition focused upon the coordination of mind, body, and ch'i in the service of conquering suffering and promoting happpiness.

As with texts, these writings are dwarfed by a vast amount of empty space. The few words within float on an otherwise barren and lonely sea of paper. Do not ignore the empty spaces; do not discount what is left unsaid. Wide open spaces tend to generate more questions than answers, yet they have their own kind of wisdom as well. The depth of that wisdom is a reflection of ourselves.


Part 1 The history and spiritual philosophy of Shaolin
1 Welcome to shaolin ch'an
What is shaolin?
The purpose of this book
Obstacles to understanding
Who are the shaolin?
Issues of identity
2 History of shaolin
Tamo and early shaolin development
Development of shoalin after the time of Tamo
The dark side of shaolin
Temples and early styles
Shaolin during the early Ch'ing Dynasty
Lelgend of the five elders
Shaolin during the late Ch'ing Dynasty
Shaolin and China in the 20th Century
Shaolin in America
A shaolin time line
3 Shaolin Ch'an Buddhism
Many paths: a Buddhist sects education
The four noble truths and the eightfold path
What does the Buddha mean by 'Right'?
Spiritual enemy number one: the ego
Shaolin ch'an and other religions
4 Lessons in Shaolin philsosophy
Shaolin's taoism
The parable of the empty cup
The teachings of Tamo
Two entrances
Will the real Tamo please step forward
The nature of truth
5 Inside the Shaolin Temple
Temple lifestyle
Setting the record straight on women and saacred objects
Shaolin ranking
To be a priest or priestess
6 Shaolin instructors and public perception
A haunting question
Shaolin performing for money?
Part 2: The martial arts of Shaolin
7 Gung fu
The illusion of marial dualism
'Robert's Rules' of combat
Fundamental techniques-Stances: the foundation of gung fu; Hand and elbow weapons; Blocks and parries; Kicks and sweeps
8 Overview of the styles
9 The circular styles
Crane-White crane; Forms of shaolin white crane; Applications of white crane; Black crane
Tiger-Systems; Forms
Snake-Forms; Applications; Systems
Norhtern praying mantis-Siystems; Forms; Applications; Non-Chinese mantis systems
Dragon-Dragon properties and corresoinding systems; Origins of the styles; Applications and forms
10 The centerline styles
Fighting towards the centerline: White eyebrow
Fighting outside-inwards: Wing chun
Fighting inside-outwards: Southern praying mantis
Part 3: Integrating the practices of Shaolin
11 Foundations of the Shaolin path
Gung fu-Basic training exercises; Intermediate training exercises; Advanced training exercises; A basic gung fu workout
12 Ch'i and inner power
Ch'i kung exercises
Hidden valley: High-level meditation and chi'i kung
13 Coming full circle: Integrating princooples and gung fu
Martial arts, combat, and the spiritual warrior
Shaolin in the 21st century: Contributor of anachronism?
Additional resources
Selected bibliography
… (más)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |

