Fotografía de autor

Toshishiro Obata

Autor de Shinkendo Japanese Swordsmanship

9 Obras 85 Miembros 4 Reseñas

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Incluye el nombre: Obata Toshishiro

Obras de Toshishiro Obata


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This long awaited publication marks the first printed effort to disseminate the teachings and philosophy of Shinkendo to students all over the world. It has been several years in the planning, and I believe will prove to be beneficial to those who study it. While current students of Shinkendo wil stand to gain the most from this book, practitioners of other arts will also find some principles in common, and possibly new principles previously unrealized.

All major aspects of Shinkendo are introduced in this first volume. However, because of space limitations, each of these aspects will need to be isolated and thoroughly explained in other books to follow.

Please keep in mind that studying from books and videos is not adequate, and qualified instruction should be sought by those seriously interested in pursuing swordsmanship or other martial arts. There have been many cases of injuries and accidents in swordsmanship in recent years, and it would greatly pain me for Shinkendo to fall victim to this unfortunate circumstance.

Obata has written several other books--Samurai Aikijutsu, Crimson Steel, & Naked Blade


Preface, Author's Biography
Part One: Japanese History and Martial Arts
Chapter One: The Sword in Japanese History
Chapter Two: Bujutsu and Budo
Part Two: The Essence of Shinkendo
Chapter Three: Origin and Principles of Shinkendo
Chapter Four: Kuyo Junikun
Chapter Five: Etiquette
Part Three: Shinkendo Techniques
Chapter Six: Overview
Chapter Seven: Suburi
Chapter Eight: Battoho
Goho Battoho Kihon Ichi Ipponme
Goho Battoho Kihon Ichi Nihonme
Goho Battoho Kihon Ichi Sanbonme
Goho Battoho Kihon Ichi Yonhonme
Goho Battoho Kihon Ichi Gohonme
Chapter Nine: Shinkendo Tanrengata
Shoden no kata
Kagami-ishi usen
Kagami-ishi sasen
Chapter Ten: Tachiuchi
Ryusui ichi
Ryusui ni
Ryusui san
Chapter Eleven: Tameshigiri
… (más)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
from cover

A legacy of Japan's feudal era, Aikijutsu is a dynamic combat method developed by generations of Samurai for close quarters fighting. Expanded over the centuries to include arrest and restraining techniques it was, and remains, a fighting method without equal. The feudal warrior required only that his art be practical and completely effective, caring nothing for style or philosophy. The result, forged from necessity and tempered in the heat of battle is Aikijutsu, the ultimate martial art.


1 Ancient Times
2 The Men of Aizu
3 Sokaku Takeda
4 Shiro Saigo
5 Morihei Ueshiba & The Aikikai
6 Gozo Shioda & The Yoshinkan
7 Analysis of Aikido Movement
8 Techniques
9 Conclusion
… (más)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
From the time that the warlord Hideyoshi outlawed the ownership of edged weapons by Okinawan, the techniques demonstrated in this book were kept hidden from the civil and military authorities, and taught only in complete secrecy to family members or 'inner' students

Shogun Hideyoshi had good reason to respect the fighting ability of the islanders, for as authokr Toshishiro Obata shows, the twin sickles of Okinawa are among the most effective close combat weapoons ever invented, and when wielded by an expert, almost unbeatable.


1 Foreword
2 The author
3 Introduction-Okinawan Kobudo
4 Attacking techniques-Kogeki
5 Blocking techniques-Bogyo
6 Tozan no kama-Training exercise
7 Kumite
8 Other okinawan weapons
… (más)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Toshishiro Obata: 'at first I enrolled for the professional instructor's Aikido course at the Yoshinkan Aikido Dojo which as founded by Gozo Shioda. The Yoshinkan style of Aikido is very close to the original teachigs of Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, with hard, fast and practical methods. When I saw a demostration of real swordmanship by Taizaburo Nakamura of the Toyama Ryu, and knew immediately that this was what I craved. Although the powerful Yoshinkan style of Aikido was close to the methods of the samurai, and certainly very much more effective than the modern rather weak variety, it was not enough to satisfy me. I resolved to become a swordsman and put my first foot on that path; on that day I left my colleagues at the Yoshinkan Dojo after six years of study under that stern but very remarkable teacher Gozo Shioda. I was pleased to find that my years at the Yoshikan had not been wasted and that apart from my good physical condition which allowed me to make the most of my training, many of the techniques of Aikido that I had learned, helped me make rapid progress in swordsmanship. Having made some progress in the Toyama style (Rikugun Toyama Gakko Batto Jutsu) of swordsmanship, I also studied Shuriken and Yagyu ryu methods, as well as Nakamura Ryu. I trained regularly at the dojo of Motokatsu Inoue the almost legendary master of Okinawan ancient martial arts (Ryukyu Kobudo) and form him I learned much including the staff (bo), sickle (kama), rice flail (nunchaku) and grinding handle weapon (tonfa). As my appetite for the martial arts remained insatiable, I would also study with Master Ymuio Nawa a man with an immense knowledge of the true ancient martial arts such as manrikigusuari (the weighted chain) and Edo Machikata Jutte (iron truncheon art). He is also the leading authority on Ninjutsu, or as it was originally called in Japan, Shinobi-jitsu.

More information on swordsmanshiis now available, as is instruction, gradually the tide is turning in favour of the authentic and original in place of the modern and contrived. This is the message that I want to convey in this book. Look back to the old ways and respect them. By studying them you will improve your technique and your overal skill as well as gaining an insight into the way of the Samurai. Much information that has been forgotten is not lost but merely mislaid, seek for it as I have done and your patience and effort will be well rewarded.


The Author
The Sword in History
The Peaceful Years
The Shogun's Sword Tester
The Development of Swordsmanship
Ichimonji Suburi
Go Ho Batto Ho
Shodan No Kata
Nidan No Kata
Sword Care
… (más)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |


½ 4.4

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