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This is a very emotional book and very poignant. There is a real vulnerability and honesty in this book which is extremely refreshing. The reader is gifted with a chance to see what it’s like working as a doctor in conditions that the vast majority of us probably have little or no concept about.

The book spans many years and places but starts in South Africa when the author was still in training as a doctor. It provides an insight into the life of doctors in places that have limited resources which is something we in our modern world is pretty remote from our understanding of the medical world. It’s like stepping back in time when reading this book. The reader is transported from a world full of technology designed to make our lives easier and pandering to our ‘need’ for things to be completed yesterday, into a world where all this modern technology is as foreign to its people as the lack thereof is to us. It’s refreshing yet also restrictive. The reader is made aware of the frustrations that Saqib faces yet the growth that comes from this is beyond marvellous.

I loved the honesty and rawness of the letters in this book and I came away feeling nothing but admiration and awe for Saqib. I feel privileged to have read this book and been let into this world.
zarasecker18 | Aug 22, 2018 |