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RJ NolanReseñas

Autor de L.A. Metro

9+ Obras 96 Miembros 8 Reseñas


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To be honest, I read this book years ago, but I couldn't remember the whole plot 100%. So I picked it up and reread it.

The story takes place in LA Metro Hospital. More specifically, in an emergency room. The main characters are the head of the ER, Dr Jess McKenna, and the psychiatrist, Dr Kim Donovan. There were always problems between the ER and the psychiatrist's department for a long time. That changed when Kim started at the LA Metro Hospital. Jess was pleasantly surprised, as she had only ever had negative experiences with their hospital psychiatrists before. Also, they, Jess and Kim, hit it off right away and built up a friendship.

At first, I had trouble getting into Jess's character, but that changed after she gradually revealed more of herself. In the end, her behaviour made sense once you knew her past. Kim is her polar opposite and, unlike Jess, is an entirely open and friendly person.

I love hospital stories because I live for the drama there. ;-)

That said, this book has two points that bothered me:

First: I was a bit annoyed by the inner dialogues because they were just too over the top for me.

Second: In the last third, a trauma is revealed. And honestly, that was a bit too detailed for me. I realise that it's essential to tell stories like this, but honestly, it triggered me.

Apart from these two points, it is a beautiful story with fascinating primary and secondary characters.

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wordsandfiction | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 5, 2022 |
I was of two minds about this novel.

It's the story of Kim and Jess. Kim is a new staff psychiatrist at LA Metro. She's come from a hospital in Detroit and left it in not a good way, personally and professionally.

Jess it the Head of the ER at LA Metro and considered quite the Ice Queen. But, she too has a lot in her past that's not sunshine and puppies.

As they say a couple of times in the novel, they're quite the pair.

On the less great side, a lot of the book seemed sort of repetitive. One step forward, two back in the relationship between the two women. Over and over. And that made some parts of the book really, really drag.

On the other hand, a lot of the characters really jumped off the page (I won't say I 'liked' all the characters, but, I liked some and disliked others where appropriate). From Penny to Terrell to Peter they were all very interesting and unique.

And, of course, there was Sam. I can't wait to read the next book in the series to have more of her character (I think it's about her). Oh, and, how could I almost forget Thor. As a person who is deathly afraid of all mid-sized and big dogs (and wary of the smaller ones) his character took me a little while to get used to, but, I did love how he was written by the end of the book.
DanieXJ | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 10, 2019 |
I absolutely love this sweet read about a police officer (Sam McKenna) and a trauma surgeon (Riley Connolly) who meet under very trying circumstances and slowly forge a friendship that turns into something more.

Unlike Nolan's previous book L.A. Metro, which is good but did not speak to me as much as this book does, In A Heartbeat moved me very much. It is adorable, sincere and extremely vulnerable in emotion.

Of particular note is the way R.J. Nolan deals with such heatbreaking issues as coming out to family members and how horribly strong self doubt can be and what it can do to relationships.
booksandcats4ever | Jul 30, 2018 |

L.A. Metro is an amazing read, especially for its genre. If you're like I am and always looking for a kindhearted romance with some adorable sweetness and lots of "does she or does she not?" tension thrown in, then this is the book for you.

If you quickly lose your patience upon realizing some women can be just a bit dim-witted when it comes to picking up their cues, then you might not enjoy Kim and Jess's slow building relationship as it transforms from spirited friendship into gentle, unconditional love.

The main characters are endearing and likable. Jess is not nearly the "Ice Queen" you think she's going to be based on the book blurb. Of all the secondary characters, Sam McKenna (Jess's sister who gets her own story in In A Heartbeat) is the most unique. I'm looking forward to the spin-off.

I could have done without the homophobic-spewing straight men stereotypes found here (would it hurt to have a few positive male role models in lesfic?) but other than that, I thought L.A. Metro was a nice way to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon. I'd give it 4 warm and fuzzy stars. :)
booksandcats4ever | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 30, 2018 |
This is my first taste of this author. Taste as this is a short story prequel to a series. I'm not sure, going in, if this will be a full short story, a scene, a few scenes loosely connected, or what. (oh, the forward, which I had already been looking at, said 'vignette').

This is 0.5 of the L.A. Metro series starring Kim Donovan and Jess McKenna. Both of whom are doctors. (I was going to say that I have no idea why I originally thought this involved the police, but then I blinked and recalled - it's the metro part, just reminded me of metropolitain police, but metro means so many things).

Okay, enough writing stuff before I actually read. Let's dive in.

There are two points of view. Kim Donovan and Jess McKenna. Firs part follows Kim. Second follows Jess.

Time of Year: New Year's Eve - (Part 1: 11:40 p.m., Part 2: 8:50 pm)
Location: Part 1: Yacht Club - Grosse Pointe, Michigan, Part 2: McKenna's residence - LA, California

Kim Donovan is at a charity event for a foundation that raises money for children with AIDS sponsored, the event not the children, by Kim's mother's country club. Kim is a reluctant attendee. More because the mother is using the event to push any and all men towards Kim. Mother knows Kim is a lesbian but refuses to accept it.

Kim has blonde curly hair, blue eyes, and just moved back to Michigan 8 months ago. She currently has a lover, but that lover is super closeted.

Brandon is someone that Kim meets at the event who acts as something like a beard, to deflect the mother bringing yet more men over to Kim. Though Brandon himself is already partnered up. With a Donald.

Jess McKenna currenly lives in Los Angeles. Is single. Has a sister named Sam who is a police officer. Has a dog named Thor.

Both are super lonely. And both wish they weren't.

Story is super short and ends at the 37% mark on my Kindle. And is not a short story, but a couple of scenes. Well written scenes, but still.

May 1 2016
Lexxi | otra reseña | Jun 26, 2016 |
I have a soft spot for Medical Lesbian fiction. My first TV femslash ship way back when happened to be Kerry and Kim on the TV series ER, and so reading or watching lesbians (or bisexuals) in books or on TV is still so much fun.

This novel had all the awesomeness of any of the books in medicine I've ever read.

It was centered around two women. Logan, a locum tenens physician and Dale, and ER doctor. They get to know each other when Logan is assigned to nights at the LA Metro ER where Dale also works nights.

They don't get off to the best of starts relationship wise, but it was interesting to see their friendship grow in a totally organic and real way. Although the slow burn was also a little frustrating (which I assume was very much on purpose)

I really liked the secondary characters too (which makes sense now that I've found out that this book is actually the third in a series of books and short stories). Kim, Jess, and their family were awesome. Gretchen was interesting too. And then there was Casey. Her character, even though it was more secondary, had just as many layers as Logan and Dale, the main characters.

And then there was Drake. Logan's humongous, but lovable, Great Dane. He had just as much of a story as Dale or Logan, and the way that all the characters changed in different ways because of him was awesome!

I got this advanced galley through Netgalley on behalf of Ylva Publishing.
DanieXJ | otra reseña | Apr 10, 2016 |
Logan has been running away with her Great Dane from horrible memory, keeps a wall between herself and others, and is an excellent ER physician keeping to short term assignments and living in her RV.
Dale is a war vet with many visible scars, including a below knee amputation, does not want anyone at work to know about her post war problems, and is an excellent volunteer to other vets with amputations, as well as an excellent ER physician in a busy Los Angeles hospital.
Through these two damaged people, the reader is able to gain insight into the emotional and physical struggles of those who have been horribly hurt, especially the amputee, as well as the importance of therapy dogs in institutional settings. As a nurse, I can testify as to the excellence of these aspects of the story.
Love is important in all lives. Sharing love with one's pet is important, but being able to share love with another human is a true blessing, and gender is not important.
This book was provided by the author or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review courtesy of NetGalley."
jetangen4571 | otra reseña | Mar 30, 2016 |
Should have been a free preview. WAY too short. Was sweet, but didn't get the chance to really connect with the characters due to its brevity.
ilex011 | otra reseña | Sep 9, 2013 |
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