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Not really a review (sorry), but notes for my own use:

This book is more practical than the Sallick "Waterworks" book, but still more inspirational than realistic. I am looking to improve a bathroom that's about 6' by 6', with a sloped ceiling - unfortunately they placed the bath under the slope, so a tall person can't comfortably shower. I have room to increase the footprint of the bath, but I don't want to enlarge it too much. I wanted ideas on possible layouts, but although this book says things like "you don't need a lot of space to achieve this look...", every bath pictured was at least 10' by 10', some with multiple rooms and pieces of furniture in them.

The information on colour palettes was good, and useful for me - I love bright colours but my use of it tends to end up looking garish and childlike, so picking one colour I love and having advice on how to use it is necessary. The very first bathroom, mostly white with blue-gray walls, was beautiful and I would love to reproduce it wholesale - but I don't have room for a separate shower and bath, two sinks, a closet and a separate room for the toilet!
kirstenn | Aug 2, 2010 |