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Para otros autores llamados Jocelyn Murray, ver la página de desambiguación.

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about a girl who is able to use an antique mirror to go to another time and ger adventures when she steps back to turkey in the 1500,s, and her adventures
bronwyn52 | 2 reseñas más. | Oct 6, 2016 |
As is usual, I received this book through some mechanism by which I didn't actually have to pay for it. The author approached me for a review and true to that desire I give my honest opinions below.

The plot of this little novel is fairly standard escapist juvenile literature. A young girl finds a mirror and uses it to travel to another time and place and thereupon has adventures of an educational variety as she witnesses an the fall of Constantinople.

Since this is youth literature, I judge it by two basic criteria. The first centers around what age group of children would actually wish to read it and find it engaging. The second amounts to whether I would want my own children to be exposed to the content.

On the first criterion, like the other books in this series, it was a bit of a tough sell. My 8 and 14-year-old have been somewhat dubious. The elder seems to reject it on the basis that it is rather a standard formula that many previous books have followed. The younger takes far too many cues from the elder and has never heard of Constantinople so it's hard for it to get its hooks into her properly. These books have the curious property that they're written for teens but because of the subject matter tend to appeal more directly to adults who have some sense of the history involved.

As to the second stated criterion, the content is exactly the sort of thing you'd want out of children's literature. It's extraordinarily educational and devoid of sex, drugs and so much of what corrupts teen novels these days. It does have a fair amount of violence but again, we're talking about a war, so it cannot be completely sanitized.

In summary, Murray takes us on yet another educational romp through history. This is one that I'd like the kids to read but just can't seem to make that happen no matter my best efforts. As always, she touches on an important episode from history and is so kind as to remind us that the other side of the world has history too.
slavenrm | 2 reseñas más. | Sep 23, 2013 |
As is usual, I received this book through some mechanism by which I didn't actually have to pay for it. The author approached me for a review and true to that desire I give my honest opinions below.

The plot of this little novel is fairly standard escapist juvenile literature. A young girl finds a mirror and uses it to travel to another time and place and thereupon has adventures of an educational variety as she witnesses an episode from the English Civil War.

Since this is youth literature, I judge it by two basic criteria. The first centers around what age group of children would actually wish to read it and find it engaging. The second amounts to whether I would want my own children to be exposed to the content.

On the first account, this book is rather a tough sell. I have an 8 and a 14-year-old and they both turned up their noses and there wasn't much I could say to engage their interest. Having read the book myself, it does go into some interesting tidbits of history but does take a considerable amount of time to get started. Any real action begins at page 80 of 200 leaving the text before that simply as background and local color. While this is educational, it doesn't grab the reader from the beginning so younger perusers will likely find this initially tedious unless they have a keen interest in life during this time period.

In the area of content, this book is delightfully devoid of sex, drugs and other negative influences. There is some brief violence as a few soldiers die but this is, after all, a war we're talking about. Educationally speaking, this book is meticulous in its coverage of a section of history we just don't hear much about on this side of the pond. In a genre usually dominated by domestic history, it is refreshing to read from an author who remembers that the rest of the world has history too.

To summarize, like other titles by this author, Corfe Castle is delightfully educational and does dual duty as both entertainment and erudition. She brings a level of sophistication to the juvenile literature genre that's atypical and refreshing. Unfortunately, in this case, I see a potential problem with engagement of the audience. They'll be entertained if they hang in there long enough and learn something along the way but they'll have get there first and that will take some doing.
slavenrm | otra reseña | Sep 21, 2013 |
Good book it was a great read and enjoyed every minute of it. This turned out to be a well written novel! I loved the adventure. I read this & all of the books in the series. Totally awesome!! Lots of adventure. Jocelyn has made them vibrant and alive.

From the first page, the tale hits the ground running, and stays absorbing even through the high number of pages. Readers will agonize and delight in the characters' adventures over the course of a very eventful day. Her voice is engaging and refreshing...and her book is not to be missed. Very well written and great plot. Also twist and turns will keep you reading. Absolutely recommend this book.
MaryAnn12 | 2 reseñas más. | Sep 9, 2013 |
I enjoyed the first book so much, I had to read the second one, this one was even better than the first, I hope the writer keeps this series going, I couldn't put this one down, a real page turner!! There again was the delightful descriptive text that made me feel as if I was really in Pompeii AD 79.

Jocelyn has made them vibrant and alive. Her characters are also looming large as real individuals. I stayed up late to finish the book last night, and I won't give the ending away, but... I'm looking forward to the next installment... It was light but entertaining. I enjoyed reading this book; well written narrative, interesting characters and a happy ending. What more can you ask? It' a fast read, satisfactory in every way.
MaryAnn12 | otra reseña | Sep 9, 2013 |
Brace yourself for another trip back in time. Jocelyn Murray sets her readers in the middle of the action and does not let up. The sights, sounds, and even the emotions of the time surround and engulf us. This is a book you will not easily forget. Character and plot development is established with precision. Vivid description of even the smallest detail.

I was caught up with the characters, and it is a really great read when you just want to 'get away from modern life' and lose yourself in a gentler period. For fiction it had lots of historical facts. I truly enjoyed this book and the ending was totally unexpected. It was a story with lots of drama. Absolutely recommend this book.
MaryAnn12 | otra reseña | Sep 9, 2013 |
I received this book because of a GoodReads giveaway for which I am infinitely grateful! It arrived on my doorstep today and I sped through it with all the alacrity and of a Roman escaping the eruption of Vesuvius.

Firstly, it's worth noting that I'm an adult reviewing a book intended for teens. Therefore, one must keep in mind that the selection criteria are entirely different from those of an adult novel. In today's world, the real criteria for how good a young adult book is revolves around the central question of, "Will they read it?" For this book, I think the resounding answer is simply that yes, they certainly will.

The reasons for this are many but at least initially I think the book does well to simply get down to it. Within the first page we know what the book's about, we've got a bit of suspense and we're ready to find out what happens next. There's little preamble or complex subtext but that's as it should be because typically thirteen-year-olds are looking for any excuse to put a book down and proclaim lustfully, "I'm Bored!" This book gives them no such excuse. Anyone saying so just wants use to get back to their XBox and should be told to sit back down and read.

The secondary selection criteria for such a book is whether the reader actually learned anything by the end of it. Again, in this case I think the response is in the affirmative. The setting is one of the most fascinating and momentous events in human history. The results of those few days are still written in sad and ashy stone, a monument to those hundreds who did not escape the mountain's terrible wrath. Is the book filled with fact-checked details from that day and absolutely accurate to the historical record? Of course not. See point one above. It has to be relatable to someone who's twelve.

So to sum up, The Gilded Mirror is a short, accessible and informative work of teen literature that just might overcome the inevitable hue and cry of "This book is boring!" Highly recommended to those reluctant readers that are so prevalent in today's world.
slavenrm | otra reseña | Mar 7, 2013 |
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