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Nota de desambiguación:

(eng) Deya Muniz uses they/them pronouns

Obras de Deya Muniz

The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich (2023) — Ilustrador; Artista de Cubierta, algunas ediciones221 copias, 14 reseñas

Obras relacionadas

Launch Party: The Webcomics Anthology — Contribuidor — 4 copias


Conocimiento común

Nombre legal
Muniz, Andrea Lamarao
Fecha de nacimiento
1990s or 2000s
Lugar de nacimiento
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lugares de residencia
Savannah, Georgia, USA
Savannah College of Art and Design
Aviso de desambiguación
Deya Muniz uses they/them pronouns



AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! So adorable! First of all, everything cheese is hilarious. No, First of all, the FACES! The facial expressions are hilarious! No, First of all, the characters are so stinking sweet and funny and.... it's great. Go read it.
jennybeast | 13 reseñas más. | Jun 7, 2024 |
A cheesy princess and a chick who dresses as a dude fall in love - cute AF.
spiritedstardust | 13 reseñas más. | Jun 1, 2024 |
I loved this! The art was wonderful and the cheese puns were all great too. I loved the characters and all of their expressions and the little details. My only complaint was that I wish there had been more of a concrete resolution at the end. It just felt a little abrupt. The fact that gay relationships are not recognized in this society seems like a pretty big deal and so their wedding at the end feels good but like... it would cause a lot of problems for the two of them? I mean women still can't inherit land or run their own businesses and generally have little to no rights at all, but we're expected to believe that (in the end) them openly getting married as two women will just be okay???? I mean Brie and her friend talk about how difficult it will be and that the difficulties are worth it to make a difference and be with the one you love, etc. But, given how not-progressive their society seems to be I am very skeptical of all that... It just feels odd.

That being said, I still loved this story and I am willing to accept that they will magically live happily ever after and can somehow turn all of society around. After all, the time period they live in is super unclear anyways. I really can't tell if it's medieval or regency or something else. They also have.. electric stoves and nintendo switches? So like... it's just for fun I guess but that kind of takes away from the more serious aspects IDK. If you can just ignore all that though and have fun with the romance and the art, you'll have a great time with this.
… (más)
ZetaRiemann | 13 reseñas más. | May 28, 2024 |
This was an enjoyable story. It was a nice past time to read. I would say I enjoyed the visuals more at times than the dialogue. As the imagery conveyed a lot that didn’t need to be explained with words. It very much suits its young adult demographic. Sometimes, it’s nice to read a sweet love story. As always communication is key, especially with the supplement of a grilled cheese sandwich.

The only critique I have is it would have been nice to explore the supporting characters a little more. We get bits of their lives here and there. But I was curious of knowing more about them. And with the main couple, I would have loved to see more of their journey of coming together at certain points since there was passages of time that happened very quickly. They weren’t too jarring but I just would have liked to seen more plot points in how their relationship unfolded even more. But its still a graphic novel that I would reread again for the art and banter between all its characters.… (más)
TheArtOfPrin | 13 reseñas más. | May 9, 2024 |



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Megan McLaughlin Cover designer, Designer
Ching N. Chan Designer
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½ 4.4

Tablas y Gráficos