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Frederic P. MillerReseñas

Autor de HVAC

317+ Obras 382 Miembros 4 Reseñas 6 Favorito


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Do you want to get furious? Try to find out what happened to your pension? Want to know what happened to the 2nd Bill of Rights? Find out why wealthy people are terrified of socialism? Wonder why you can't find a good job or will ever be able to afford to buy a house? Maybe even rent one? Michael Moore is my hero. But he can't do it alone. Where's my crime scene tape?
burritapal | Oct 23, 2022 |
Ambush Printing in Arizona advertises that they are "a historical document reproduction company".
Their web page is:-

They have produced numerous manuscript reproductions, including one of the mysterious Voynich Manuscript. Good reproductions of this manuscript are few and far between. Further details about the manuscript can be found at:-
I have just received my copy of the Voynich Manuscript from from Ambush Printing.
The book has been printed on thick, good quality pseudo-parchment paper.
The original manuscript appears to have been photographed rather than scanned, and there is slight blurring as a result, but this may be the condition of the original manuscript.
The book is tightly bound in a limp, thick coarse leather cover that has Voynich stamped on it.
The binding is by means of leather straps threaded through the binding thread.
The binding is so tight that the pages cannot be laid flat, in fact they cannot be opened at more than 90 degrees to each other. This makes viewing the pages difficult.
There are five concertina fold out pages included, as in the original manuscript.
Unfortunately each page shows the following pages as part of the printed page picture, so the reproduced page edges show following pages at the outer edge. This is rather distracting, and unlike high quality reproductions (eg. Folio Society). each page is not therefore quite true to itself. See picture below of the edge of a single page.
There is no title page, colophon, accompanying introduction or explanation, just the reproduced pages of the manuscript.
It cannot really be called a fine press publication, but at a cost of US$200 postage you get what you pay for.
More a curiosity to add to your collection than something to admire.
wcarter | Feb 4, 2015 |
Cet ouvrage est une compilation de photographies de la terre à partir de satellites artificiels. Le processus de photographies par satellites à inspiré les applications Google Earth, et Google Map. Ainsi le géant mondial situé au-dessus de nous (à tous les sens du terme ?) a un œil sur l'ensemble de la planète. Ces lectures de l'image poussent à la réflexion : système révolutionnaire permettant une démocratisation de l'accès au monde, ou pression d'espionnage avancée et masquée (voire protégée, par qui ?) ?
Manonbar | Nov 19, 2013 |
1. Open this youtube link
2. Think about all the fun you ever had playing CoD MW2
3. Cry like a little girl with what they did to the franchise in Black Ops
4. Look at this picture:
5. Enjoy me bitching like there is no tomorrow!


Apparently the game designers decided to listen to the whiners and took away all the cool crap! Whiners: “ Boo hoo people with shoot guns are killing me too much” Game designers: “no problemo, we will not allow a person to have an assault rifle and a shot gun! What we do instead is turn the crappy obsolete shot guns from the late 60’s and early 70’s into primary weapons!” Whiners: “but that’s not enough! The guys with the throwing knifes and the speed classes are annoying too” Game Designers: “really? That’s not fair! We will make it fucking impossible to knife somebody in a melee attack! Also will take away the long distance throwing knifes and instead we’ll give you a fucking axe that can only go around 10 meters!” Whiners: “but what about the Nuke! It’s not fair that if somebody unleashes hell on our poopy caky asses they get to win a game!” Game designers: “ oh yes! That is definetly unfair! I mean just cuz somebody have the skills to kill 24 of you in a row means that game should be stop before he keeps embarrassing your precious asses! No more nuke!” Whiners: “yay! That’s great! But how about those modern weapons that shoot too fast, or are too efficient! We don’t like how they keep shooting us with them!” Game designers: “ OMG! THAT SOUNDS HORRIBLE! I mean everyone has access to all the weapons… and if you get out gunned should be your own fault for not having a class ready for the map you was playing or the game strategy that your opponents choose! But we are here to listen to you whiners! No more cool weapons! Instead everyone will have to play with crappy shotguns, outdated assault rifles, sniper rifles that have no accuracy, no more hand machine guns, no more cool, modern launchers that allow you to get rid of the enemy’s air support! No more of any of that!!! Rejoice!!!”

Now! At this point I know what you thinking! Alfonso but what about the real gamers what do they have to say to this!?
The answer to that is simple! Didn’t you read the #1 instruction of this “review” MOVE BITCH! That’s what I said when I took that blasphemy that activision is calling a game out of my PS3 and put back MW2!!! FUCK YOU!!! AND YOUR STUPID GAME! i'm going back to MW2!
Alfonso809 | Apr 3, 2013 |
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