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Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
If you are looking for some trivia that you do not often get in trivia games, look no further than PRESIDENTIAL FACTS FOR FUN!—HARRISON TO TRUMAN by Wyatt Michaels. This was fun and I learned things I did not know. Actually I did not know at least half of the information contained here. This was a fun way to learn it. Now if only Jeopardy would call.
Sheila1957 | otra reseña | Jul 30, 2013 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
★Presidential Facts for Fun Harrison to Truman by Wyatt Michaels

I won this book through LibraryThing Member's Giveaway in exchange for my honest review.

Well here it is, I honestly don't want to give it a star rating. I'm not really sure what about it even classifies it as a book. This is one of the strangest "book reviews" I've had.

It is labeled as an interactive book. I label it as a game. A game full of pretty useless information. They really remind me of "Snapple Fun Facts." Why would I ever need to know what president was afraid to touch the light switches? Really, can't see that coming in handy. Some of it was interesting, but again, unless I decide to play obscure president facts or something, they will never be useful.

First off you have to hold the device in portrait mode, landscape mode will get you no where, but confused. I say its a game, because it has a question listed the 3 multiple choice answers. So you pick your answer, and you will get different messages like, no, try again, better luck next time, good job, or ding, ding, we have a winner. By the time I got to the correct answer, I had already forgotten, what my question was or what president I had chosen. Every time you guess incorrectly, it gives you some fact about the president you chose, but doesn't give you the name with it. To make matters even more confusing, when you do finally guess correctly, the president is still not labeled. There is a picture, sometimes with a name on it, but other than that you are left to remember what you chose last, or hoping you know what all the presidents look like.

How this is set up is ridiculous. Let's just say you for some reason know all these odd fact's, you will miss out on 2/3 of the information in the book. This seems like a waste.

Things that would have made this book better:
*if this set up is a must- put the president's name on the answer page
*make it a book and not this interactive weirdness. I have read many interactive books, but nothing like this.
*run a question for all the answers so some smarty pants does miss out on most of the facts

This book is truly a mess, and does not seem properly thought out. This is not even close to what I was expecting. I thought i would be getting facts, that you could click on and get a bit more, or take me to a picture, or something, defiantly not a guessing game.

This book also has links, that go no where. They say, they are not supported at this time. Then why are they there. If that is an upcoming project for the book, they should be left out, it was rather annoying to be clicking on things only to receive failure notices.

Thank you to the author, i would have had a much better response if this was set up differently.
Chantelle713 | otra reseña | Jun 18, 2013 |
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