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I have tried the 3-Day Diet before, so I was interested to see what this particular diet was all about. The book explains how the 2-Day Diet works and how to make it work best for you. It tells us which foods to eat and gives us sample meal plans (as well as workout plans). There are sheets at the back of the book where you can track your food/water intake as well as level of exercise.
sealford | Apr 10, 2020 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
Being in the middle of a pandemic at the moment, I have started to cook more and more at home. While I usually stick to cooking chicken and beef on the grill, I found myself absolutely salivating at the fish and seafood recipes in this book. The other recipes looked great as well, but the fish and seafood really stuck out to me. Most of the recipes in this book seem very easy to prepare and cook, while some are a bit more laborious (but definitely doable).
sealford | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 5, 2020 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
So while I haven't tried every recipe from this book yet, I seem to be having the same issue with each one I try... my kids won't eat them. My husband enjoys them. I enjoy some, but not all, as they are a little bland for my personal taste. But the kids, nope, won't even try them. To me, that makes this collection a bit of a bust. Not really bad recipes, just not to our tastes.

*I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
UrbanAudreyE | otra reseña | Oct 22, 2016 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
Although I personally did not learn anything new , I'm sure some may be helped by this book- even if it does nothing more than inspire one to begin taking control of their eating. The author gives many suggestions of things to do to avoid a binge. The information was easy to understand.
library_gal | otra reseña | May 18, 2015 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
The list of foods is a good resource. When I see the words slow cooker in the title, I think crockpot recipes so I would have liked to see more recipes for a crockpot. The length of ingredients for some of the recipes were long - I am used to cooking with fewer ingredients. The cake and fruit in a glass recipes looked especially good.
CKGS | otra reseña | Mar 3, 2015 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
I'm grateful to have received this digital book in the Member Giveaway. The cookbook is well organized with easy to follow instructions. Although there's a well balanced variety of grilling recipes, I especially like the chapters on fish and seafood. Some tantalizing color illustrations are included - I wish there were more! The grams and milliliters in the recipes are a minor aggravation - I didn't expect to have to do conversions since the book was manufactured in the U.S. However, that's not going to stop me from trying more of the recipes once the weather warms up!
Marlane | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 14, 2015 |
I enjoyed reading this book- I cook and freeze so for me this unfortunately did not tell me anything new. Working full time I batch freeze a lot.
For the reader who relies on processed and prepacked ready meals this is a handy book to get those people out of a rut.
There was handy tips and some of the recipes were useful.
mexico24 | Feb 10, 2015 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
I received this as part of a free member giveaway. My family is always on the go so slow cooker meals are a staple. We don't follow a strict paleo diet, but I do try to make a few paleo meals each week. So far, my favorite recipe is the chicken curry in a pot. The apple pie in a glass recipe is good for after workouts or if you want an evening snack without it being a full on dessert. These recipes are nice because they are easy to follow and don't require a whole lot of time.
NSchumacher85 | otra reseña | Feb 1, 2015 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
It's a short, easy reading. There's no unpronounceable medical terms and it is easy to understand what the author is saying. The book doesn't boast new "magical" methods to get slim and that's good. It just sums up what is reasonable to do to stay healthy without giving schemes and diet plans. Maybe is a bit too general, meaning that most of the tips are good common-sense made clear and handy to grab when needed. Nevertheless, common-sense is not so close at hand for people who are struggling with problems and a guide can be very helpful.
The only thing I miss in this book is an appendix that lists the studies mentioned through the book, and where and when they were published. It would be nice to have something more concrete to rely on than "a study". It's then up to the reader to have a closer look to the metioned study or not, but it would help to undertsand better the subject.
lnrcta | otra reseña | Feb 1, 2015 |
I loved this book. It's full of healthful recipes for salads, dips, dressings, soups - it even includes breads and a great ratatouille recipe. I can't wait to try the Sweet Potato Burger, the Apple Cakes, and the Carrot Spice Smoothie too. Since I live in New Zealand and it is summertime here, I will be drinking the Citrus Water Daily.
Cheryl_Nolan | Jan 31, 2015 |
[Michaels, Samantha ](2013-05-14). [Vegan Cookbooks: 70 Of The Best Ever Delightful Vegetarian Lunch Recipes....Revealed!]

Some really good ideas for vegan lunches. There are several ingredients I would not use, Such as vinegar {red wine or any other), black pepper and the use of dairy cheeses. For these ingredients ..a suitable substitute or deletion is in order.

But I like it..and would recommend it. Hearty and Healthy eating!!
KindlyCat | Dec 9, 2014 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
70 of the Best Ever Healthy Dinner Recipes That All Kids Will Eat….Revealed! by Samantha Michaels is one of the greatest kid-friendly recipe books I've ever had the opportunity to read!

The recipes are easily prepared and the instructions are simple to understand and easy to accomplish. So far I've only tried a couple of the recipes, but they've been delicious and I plan to try many more. The best part is that everyone loves the couple I've made. That gives me the incentive to try many more! I was inspired by the title and thrilled with the book. This recipe book will put you on the easy track to many great dinners and treats for your family. I highly recommend it and won't be able to keep it to myself! My friends and family are going to love me (lol)! 5 Stars
Bookshellz | otra reseña | Dec 5, 2014 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
I received this book from LT Member's Giveaway in exchange for a honest review.

A great barbecue cookbook with a variety of recipes! Different meats include chicken, steak, beef, fish, and even lamb! Full of beautiful illustrations as well! The recipes are delicious and very easy to follow. A great addition to any bookshelf for those who love to barbecue!
KaitlynAbshire | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 25, 2014 |
I am not a vegetarian but I do cook vegetarian at least a couple times a week, though never vegan; thus, I cannot attest to the favors using vegan alternatives, such as vegan sour cream (though I am sure if you are vegan you already enjoy the vegan substitutions). I can comment on the recipes as a sometimes vegetarian cook-- I enjoyed Ms. Michaels use of ingredients and spices. The book would be an excellent first cookbook for a new vegetarian/vegan convert. The recipes are clear and concise. The only criticism I have are the pictures. They are very generic and one set of pictures in the salad section shows dishes with meat on them.
VicBT | Oct 21, 2014 |
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