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Bastille: (on the radio) I just want you to be happier; I want you to be happier— so I’ll go, I’ll go, I will go, go, go!
Harry Styles: What a great song—what do you think it’s about? Is he going to go get some pizza, maybe some meat lover’s pizza with extra cheese?
Larry Stylinson: Bro, you always touch yourself when you talk about pizza.

Anyway, although I want to develop my relationship skills, this show’s characters type-of-person are kinda part of why there are things I wouldn’t do, for a romance. All that duplicity and scheming is a sort of conceit—despite Becca being surprisingly likable, you know; I always liked her. (And she’s desirable.)

But I got the show as a women as creators of television thing, and as that it’s certainly good; it’s intelligent romantic comedy TV. The themes aren’t quite trauma-intensive to really cut my teeth writing about, but they’re done well in a relatively low-risk way, IMO. It’s a nice show.

…. I guess, in the end, Beccs isn’t THAT crazy, really.

It’s a good show. I might even buy Season Two eventually, and that NEVER happens with me….

It’s a better show than Call the Housewives, I mean, Call the Midwives, and not because C.ex-Gf is bogus or recentist or anything. (But it’s competition for any series; CtMs had its moments.)

It is kinda funny how Becca basically asks to get played by Josh because she thinks she’s playing Valencia, or she compartmentalizes—she doesn’t think that, but Paula thinks that….

And now, I am finally a girl. Yay! 🤖

…. I don’t mean to be flaming on Josh just because he’s an Asian stud, though. He’s a great guy. They’re all great guys.

…. And they’re all certifiable. 😹🙀

…. …. I’m going to watch at least some of it again without sound as a physical intelligence observation quest.

Beccs is defs cray, that’s what makes it funny; however, sometimes it’s also just, culturally inappropriate, rather than actually something that is totes indefensible, you know. I mean, life is a journey, right—it’s not about being like a box checker and in control and…. I don’t know, just, un-gossip-about-able.

Anyway, the one thing that strikes me about the first ten minutes is that scene where she’s in her (yummy) business suit and he’s in his (muscular) random T-shirt and they’re getting all flirty and it’s natural and organic, like they’re a couple, and there’s no aspect of one of them being better than the other one….

And totally not like he actually has a girlfriend he doesn’t mention; oh my god…. 😹
goosecap | Apr 7, 2023 |
freixas | 4 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2023 |
This film, set in the US, is based on a true story about a real zoo in the UK, although many of the details have been changed. It makes for a very interesting couple of hours, and has a good balance of themes. There are a couple of low-key romance elements, nicely done in an entirely family-friendly way. There’s some humour, mixed with some mild suspense and some quite moving scenes too.

We enjoyed this film very much, and would recommend it highly.½
SueinCyprus | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 22, 2022 |
I miss Carol Burnett, but this is a good version otherwise.
Eurekas | otra reseña | Aug 7, 2021 |
„Du weißt nicht, warum du hier bist? Okay. Meine Mom ist tot und mein Dad fast immer weg. Du bist meine Nanny.“ (Zitat etwa Seite 31)

Da ihre Eltern, in der Hochseefischerei tätig, von einer Fahrt nicht zurückkommen, wächst Jane bei ihrer Tante auf. Sie arbeitet auf einem Fischerboot, bis sie genug Geld für ein Busticket nach New York gespart hat. Um für ihr Kunststudium ein Stipendium zu bekommen, muss sie einen Job haben – und sie hat nur eine Woche Zeit. Auch Adele hat ihre Mutter verloren und ihr Vater Edward Rochester ist ein vielbeschäftigter, erfolgreicher Geschäftsmann. Jane will sich um das einsame Mädchen kümmern und sie fühlt sich auch zu dem rätselhaften, manchmal schroffen Mr. Rochester hingezogen. Doch Rochester hat ein dunkles Geheimnis und gefährliche Feinde.

Thema und Genre
Diese Graphic Novel ist eine moderne Neuinterpretation des Klassikers Jane Eyre von Charlotte Brontë.

Aline Brosh McKenna ist eine erfahrene Drehbuchautorin. Sie nimmt sich aus dem ursprünglichen Roman die für sie wichtigsten Details und transferiert diese in das heutige New York. Es gelingt ihr, auch die düstere Spannung des Originalromans beeindruckend umzusetzen. Mit Ramón K. Perez konnte sie einen bekannten Künstler für die Zeichnungen gewinnen und das Ergebnis, das man nun in Händen hält, überzeugt und macht Freude. Die Charaktere sind einprägsam gezeichnet, die Bildsprache der einzelnen Szenen zeigt lebhaft das Umfeld in der großartigen Stadt New York, nimmt sich Zeit für viele Details, die es zu entdecken gibt und wird dunkel-düster, wenn es um die gefährlichen Situationen der Geschichte geht. Dass Jane Eyre in dieser modernen Version selbst Kunststudentin ist, die schon als Kind alles, was sie sah, sofort zu Papier brachte, ergibt spannende Bild in Bild Situationen, in denen sie ihre Eindrücke zeichnet und so die Ereignisse nochmals selbst interpretiert.

Eine packende, moderne Jane Eyre, das Romantikdrama als interessante, beeindruckende Graphic Novel im New York der Jetztzeit.
Circlestonesbooks | 12 reseñas más. | May 13, 2021 |
A would-be journalist becomes a fashion magazine editor's assistant.

2/4 (Indifferent).

Nonstop emotional abuse for two hours? No thanks.½
comfypants | 4 reseñas más. | Feb 8, 2021 |
The updated setting works well, and Jane is a refreshed and sparkier version of the Bronte original. But there's a decidedly soft glow around Rochester that should not be there. We won't discuss the batshit denouement, either. You need to experience it for yourself. This is a mixed bag for me.
DrFuriosa | 12 reseñas más. | Dec 4, 2020 |
Had high hopes for this one. But besides the art, nothing exciting. I would rather read Jane Eyre again.
AzuraScarlet | 12 reseñas más. | Aug 1, 2020 |
This is a graphic novel, modern-day retelling of Jane Eyre. Jane is an orphan who manages to leave the unloving home where she grows up to move to New York City to become an artist. While at school, she finds a job as a nanny to a girl whose mother has died and her father is never around.

This was really good. In addition to being a very well-told story, the illustrations are really well done and easy to follow.
LibraryCin | 12 reseñas más. | Jul 26, 2020 |
The art was nice but this modern retelling of Jane Eyre did not do the story rather did it a disservice in my opinion. Too much was changed in ways that weakened the story, weakened the characters and made it all seem diluted.
Making a graphic novel requires so much effort but when a story doesn't work no amount of good art can save it.
Punkerfairy | 12 reseñas más. | Jul 12, 2020 |
This graphic novel is supposed to be a modern retelling of Jane Eyre. I have never read the real books, so I can not say how much of a retelling it is. Overall I like the idea. I found myself intrigued by the story, and with more questions than answers. I thought the ending was lacking. I am sure it comes close to the original story, but to me it seemed too soap opera. It’s been done a million times in other stories in other ways. Overall, a great read, but it needed more.
#NancyDrewChallenge #White Cover
#BBRC #Lessthan150pages
LibrarianRyan | 12 reseñas más. | Nov 4, 2019 |
Jane Eyre is my all-time favorite novel and has been since the first time I read it twenty years ago. Jane is a modern retelling of the classic Bronte novel in graphic novel format. It's not a carbon copy of the original - here, Jane is an orphaned art student who moves to NYC to study art and Rochester is a mysterious hedge fund manager. Adele is his acknowledged daughter and Jane is hired to be her nanny. I won't say more. *no spoilers*

The art here is beautiful and except for a short section where the story goes from being told on one page then the next to being told as a two page spread, the sequence is easy to follow and it's always clear who is speaking. I am still not 100% comfortable with comics as a medium, so I always appreciate when the story sequence is clear. There were just a couple of sections that lacked transition and the change was jarringly abrupt. There was also one scene that I really did not care for at all, but only because it was so out of character for Bronte's Jane, even though it probably wasn't a big deal for a "modern" woman. These couple of relatively little things keep this from being a four or five star read for me, but I still recommend giving this a shot if you are a fan of the original.½
DGRachel | 12 reseñas más. | Jul 13, 2019 |
Jane moves to New York to study art and gets a job as a nanny. This graphic novel follows Jane Eyre loosely, which allows for changes that suit the contemporary setting and the format, and introduces a greater level of surprise for someone familiar with Jane Eyre. It’s not as complex or as serious as Charlotte Brontë’s novel, but it isn’t trying to be.

There were a lot of things I really liked about the illustrations, such as their use of light, colour and perspective. I wasn’t such a fan of the way faces were drawn. Not quite my style?
Herenya | 12 reseñas más. | Apr 8, 2019 |
I love Jane Eyre, but was disappointed in this modern retelling of the story. A young woman moves to NYC and takes a job as a nanny with the mysterious Mr. Rochester. The plot deviates from the original in too many ways and didn’t make any sense at the end. I did like the development of Jane’s relationship with little Adele. The artwork was very good, but the overall effect left me empty.
bookworm12 | 12 reseñas más. | Mar 19, 2019 |
I really loved this modern retelling of Jane Eyre in graphic novel form. It stayed true to the original story with a few modern twists and I liked the art.
redwritinghood38 | 12 reseñas más. | Nov 6, 2018 |
[b:Jane Eyre|10210|Jane Eyre|Charlotte Brontë||2977639] is one of my all-time favorite novels, so I was very psyched to try a graphic novel update. And it indeed started out pretty well, even though it ditched pretty much the entire beginning of the original work and skipped ahead to Jane taking her position in Rochester's mansion. Unfortunately, the adapter decided to junk much of the novel's ending as well, replacing Jane's sojourn away from Rochester with a bonkers ready-for-the movie-deal action set piece. My rating throws in an extra star just for letting me revisit Jane for a little while.

If you want a more faithful graphic novel adaptation, I actually quite enjoyed [b:Manga Classics: Jane Eyre|26591771|Manga Classics Jane Eyre|Stacy King||51239290].
villemezbrown | 12 reseñas más. | Jul 28, 2018 |
The art was very good which moved the story at a quick pace. Nothing will ever top the original Jane Eyre, but this was a fun read. I like that the author dedicated it to Charlotte Bronte.
godmotherx5 | 12 reseñas más. | Apr 5, 2018 |
I’m still not sure if graphic novels are my thing or not. Can’t say I was the biggest fan of this. The illustrations just weren’t my cup of tea I guess. 3⭐️
karenvg3 | 12 reseñas más. | Mar 19, 2018 |
Entertaining little family film with some comic moments and some serious ones. Enjoyed.½
infjsarah | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 18, 2018 |
An enjoyable move. Meryl Streep wonderfully plays a demanding diva of a boss running a fashion magazine. The magazine's staff are terrified of her. The story revolves around the transformation and how a new secretary/personal assistant, who initially has no interest in fashion, adapts to a new and very challenging situation. It is also a romance film with some amusing comical situations. Though, I wouldn't call it a comedy.½
papyri | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 29, 2017 |
Le Diable s'habille en prada

S’agit-il d’un film girly ? Oui. Et plutôt deux fois q’une… Est-ce un bon film ? Oui. De ces deux questions, on peut tirer la substantifique moelle.

Le Diable s’habille en Prada est tiré du roman du même nom qui a été un succès de librairie. Est-ce que le film est d’un succès égal ? Non, il est légèrement supérieur. Pourquoi ?

Le jeu des acteurs est juste, soigné. Meryl Streep est particulièrement bonne dans le rôle de chef de rédaction tyrannique alors qu’Anne Hathaway peine un peu à donner la réplique… Les personnages sans être d’une grande profondeur sont tout de même consistants. L’esthétique tien une place évidente mais demeure d’une sobriété efficace.
Ce sont particulièrement les dialogues et le rythme qui sont à saluer. En effet, les dialogues sont ciselés, précis et percutants. Ils appuient le rythme, donnent du sens aux personnages, impriment clairement les caractères. On saluera particulièrement la scène de la veste bleu céruléen que l’on peut placer dans la liste des meilleurs monologues.

Le rythme, en lui-même, soutenu, est implacable. Les scènes se succèdent sans longueur.

Toutefois, il ne s’agit en aucun cas d’un chef-d’œuvre. Traitant de la mode, ce film vieillira mal à l’évidence, tout en conservant quelques vertus.½
T.VALERO | 4 reseñas más. | Jan 29, 2017 |
Interesting commentary and special features.
wdjoyner | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 1, 2015 |
suge | 4 reseñas más. | Jul 14, 2007 |
MatkaBoska | otra reseña | Aug 9, 2016 |
Mostrando 24 de 24