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Deeply engrossing from the start, the scifi fantasy novel, Super Ninja: The Sword of Heaven by William Kely McClung was a thrilling experience. Having had no prior knowledge to karate or any sort of martial arts, I was fascinated at how easy it can be to injure someone or even kill them if the needed skill is applied correctly. The characters created by McClung were well-developed and brought their own unique style to the plot, heightening my curiosity as to how the novel would reach its conclusion, especially war hero Nash and boy samurai Shingo, heir to the Funikoshi dynasty. The magic element took me by pleasant surprise as it added a unique spin to the traditional Ninja action novels. I recommend it to fans of martial arts and action-packed storylines filled with revenge and vengeance.
Star53986 | 7 reseñas más. | Jun 13, 2024 |
This read is one of its own kind, and I loved following each page. This will take you from the steaming jungles of Southeast Asia to the neon-lit streets of Miami. Though it has been a 50-year journey, its origins date back billions of years. The lives of two young boys with limitless imaginations, a brave Vietnam veteran lost in his grief, a stunning thief looking for purpose in her profession, and the search for a mysterious sword fashioned from the stars that unites them all are all interwoven in this first volume, THE SWORD OF HEAVEN. Although I haven't read its first part, the author has given enough insight for reference, so I won't miss anything. A master ninja assassin, a brilliant billionaire out to restore his family's honor, a psychopath wielding an iron grip over the seedy Miami underworld, a relentless detective attempting to prevent his city from imploding, and the emergence of an artificial intelligence entity that aspires to become a god.

The interesting plots, different storylines, and remarkable writing style forced me to keep turning the pages and be part of their journey.
AWilliamz | 7 reseñas más. | Jun 3, 2024 |
I really enjoyed reading every page of this unique book. I have always been fond of books like this, which take you to a different era and help you live in that time zone.

This book will take you on a journey through the steamy rainforests of Southeast Asia, followed by the neon-lit streets of Miami. Despite being a 50-year saga, its beginnings go back billions of years. I have heard of its first volume, The Sword of Heaven, but I haven't had the chance to read it. It unveils together the stories of two boys with endless imaginations to get better: a bold Vietnam veteran lost in his pain in the past, a unique thief searching definition in her career, and the quest for a mysterious sword fashioned from the stars that unites them all.

The characters are beautifully woven and serve the purpose. Their growth as the story progresses is visible and would definitely keep you engrossed in the story. The story starts with a brief introduction, which is needed to make the reader make the reader fall for it.
Calibrie | 7 reseñas más. | May 30, 2024 |
Good and evil war to acquire a special sword in Super Ninja: The Sword of Heaven by William Kely McClung. I couldn’t even fathom how it could take years to make a sword. But in the end, it slices through flesh, bone, and metal like a hot blade and butter. So unique, there is a race to obtain this sword. The good “guys” come together to find it as they follow the carnage it leaves in its wake. Each massacre is a step closer, but will it be their end?

I found Super Ninja: The Sword of Heaven an excellent book to start William Kely McClung’s new series. The story is told by one who has mastered multiple martial arts types, giving the gory fights excellent details and depth. Plus, you see how the author sets up his scenes, characters, and plot so in the future; it could be enjoyed as a movie or series. This book’s action and adventure are off the charts. The only thing that threw me with this book was I struggled with keeping some of the characters straight, but other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.
Soniaa | 7 reseñas más. | May 13, 2024 |
Prepare for an exciting adventure the book that mixes fantasy, science fiction, and action. This story introduces a group of different characters, each with their own problems and goals, who come together to search for a magical sword made from stars.

The story takes you from the jungles of Southeast Asia to the bright streets of Miami, and it's full of secrets, lies, and bravery. With a skilled ninja assassin, a smart billionaire, a cruel psychopath, and a hard-working detective, there's a lot at stake, and the action never stops.

What makes "Super Ninja" special is how it makes you think about faith, who you are, and what it means to be a hero. The characters are well-developed and easy to relate to, with interesting pasts that make the story more engaging. The writing is descriptive, the world is well-built, and the surprises will keep you hooked.
Mathering | 7 reseñas más. | May 13, 2024 |
In the book Super Ninja, the sword of heaven by William Kelly McClung there’s a sword that took years to make an ancient Japan and soon after it was finished it was lost to history. In super ninja everyone who wants the sword seems to be coming out of the woodwork. There’s even a few who don’t want to possess it that gets swept up in the wave. There is way too much in this international super magical realism amazing book to give a great summary. Things I love about this book they had some really great characters to root for like Nash, Anna, Tim and men and they were those you really didn’t want to route four that’s basically everyone else. There’s a definite line between the good guys in the bad unfortunately the bad guys aren’t fighting fair and they’re not fighting together either. This book was so good and I wish I could give a better summary just know when you read a book in there a multi minor plot lines that are all tied together in a perfect bow you know the author did their due diligence and I do believe this one did. Can I just put a PS in my review and say I thought when Nash took care of Angel that would be the end of him. I can’t believe I am forgetting there is also an AI ninja the super ninja that also wants the sword and that made me laugh when he pondered not having a name and not wanting to go by “the AI.” So if you like great sword fights a multi person game of cat and mouse and a really good plot you definitely should read this book. I certainly did and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
lusa04968 | 7 reseñas más. | May 1, 2024 |
In the book, Super Ninja: The Sword of Heaven by William Kelly McCluin, a legendary sword crafted over years in ancient Japan mysteriously vanishes when it's finished, sparking a frenzy among those vying to possess it. Nash, Anna, Tim, and others emerge as great characters in this international saga, with alliances forming in a clear divide between good and evil. With exhilarating sword fights and intricate plot twists, even an AI ninja joins the fray, adding a ton of humor. This is a fast-paced read and promises an intense and fun read for fans of action-packed narratives. Recommend.
Snowboyz | 7 reseñas más. | May 1, 2024 |
In William Kelly McClung’s "Super Ninja: The Sword of Heaven," the desire for a powerful ancient Japanese sword brings together an array of diverse characters. His character’s are deeply complex, and I loved how I was so strongly rooting for some and for others their downfall throughout the entire story. The book had multiple plot lines that all interweaved and came together at the end of the story which I absolutely loved, and sat shocked when everything finally fell into place. It’s packed full of action, adventure and strategy, and I was captivated from start to finish. Cannot wait to read more of this author, I highly recommend.
TAYLOR235 | 7 reseñas más. | Apr 30, 2024 |
Black fire is the first book in the Tommy Black series Tommy is a man who is just retired from black ops and still haunted by childhood abuse and neglect. He was taken in by Big Al, Chicago hotdog vendor and the only father Tommy has ever known. He has a few close friends from black ops most of whom who now work for the Chicago PD. He also has a sister through big Al Jackie and his nephew Scotty. When one of his friends from the military Dylan commits suicide after killing his girlfriend. Because Tommy talked to him right before it happened Dylan‘s ex-wife Holly blamed him but when her daughter Sam goes missing while on vacation with her boyfriend she has no choice but to turn to the only man that she knows can get her back. Despite the fact her boyfriend was murdered during the kidnapping and he is the son of an American senator it is left up to Tommy and this is only after he takes care of a problem for his sister Jackie. This book is action packed if this series what it started with the whole thing with Dylan and his sister it’s still would’ve been a great book and one I would definitely want to read. Tommy black is not only capable he is intelligent and really cares about those he cares about although not overly emotional unlike most superheroes he still shows he is human in many ways whether it is with the black on Black joke or catching little Scotty in a bear hug I found him to be a great hero who is also human. I cannot wait for the next book this is definitely a series that will go on my TBR I absolutely love this book! Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
AWilliamz | 17 reseñas más. | Jan 8, 2024 |
Black Fire by William Kely McClung is an action-packed piece of work and the first book in the Tommy Black Thriller Series. The author introduces Tommy Black, the main character, whose background in black ops, intelligence, and talent for violence make him a complex character hunted by his past mistakes, regrets, and mental state. Through him, the author presents both sides, bad and good, of a life lived in violence, the consequences that come with it, and how it affects a person, in this case, Tommy.

With the kidnapping of the daughter of a former comrade, whose death had affected him deeply, the wheels of action of this book are put in motion, and we are carried on a fast-paced, full of suspense and questions journey across the globe, to Europe, Central Asia, South Africa, and many other breathtaking places that the author uses as the canvas for his characters to manifest. Will he be able to save her?
Leventak1 | 17 reseñas más. | Dec 4, 2023 |
"Black Fire" by Kely McClung is an action thriller that revolves around Major Tommy Black, who finds himself at an intersection in his undercover career. Black finds himself on a quest for purpose and a mission that throws him into a dangerous journey, that’s filled with suspense​.
The story unravels with Black battling his way through corruption and criminal gangs to rescue the kidnapped daughter of a fallen comrade, revealing an unwavering resolve that kept me turning those pages.
This is a fast-paced novel with suspense galore. The transformation of Tommy Black from a man lost in the his past glories to a determined warrior is brilliantly portrayed by the author.
This was an enjoyable and immersive read that I would recommend to anyone with a fondness for this genre.
Ingolda | 17 reseñas más. | Nov 15, 2023 |
I was just amazed to read such an impeccable action thriller. I never knew that an action story could grab so much attention.
The story starts with the background of the male protagonist "Major Tommy Black". He was brilliant, talented, and known for his valor and success. But an unfortunate incident with one of his colleagues makes him question himself, and he feels as if he is also responsible for that. What was that unfortunate incident? For that, you should read the book.
The story gets more engaging when "the kidnapping" of a girl gets introduced as a subplot. The girl is remotely associated with Tommy, and he feels responsible for getting her free. This gives him a motive and a mission. Further subplots are "action-rich," and trust me, you would not put down the book.
The author has created a well-drafted timeline, and the writing style aids in the visualization of each and every scene. You can actually visualize the drama while reading the book. This has been one of the many facets of this book. The story is fast-paced and would definitely keep the reader on edge.
Don't wait; grab your copy of this exciting read to know if he succeeded or how he succeeded in his "personal mission".
DerrinZ | 17 reseñas más. | Nov 13, 2023 |
Oh, where do I start with "Black Fire" by Kely McClung? It's like stepping into a whirlwind of action that refuses to let you go until the very end. Our guy, Major Tommy Black, is kind of a big deal in the covert world, but even the best need a cause to fight for, right? Cue in a damsel in distress, but mind you, she's no ordinary damsel, and this is no ordinary distress. We're talking about the daughter of a fallen comrade whisked away by the kind of bad guys you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Or a well-lit one for that matter.
McClung takes us on a globe-trotting adventure that is as scenic as it is perilous. And Tommy? He's the guy you want in your corner when things go south, which they do, repeatedly. The pace is like a rollercoaster, with enough high-speed descents to get your heart pounding and slow climbs that let you catch your breath before plunging again into the abyss of action.
The historical backdrop is like the cherry on this action-packed sundae, adding a layer of gravitas to Tommy's fist-flying, gun-blazing escapades. McClung's writing kept me anchored, even when Tommy is hopping continents faster than you can say 'international rescue'.
While the pacing had its moments of 'hurry up and wait', the unfolding character arc of Tommy Black is like watching a phoenix rise, and who doesn't love a good comeback story? "Black Fire" might not have redefined the genre, but it sure gives it a good shake, delivering a story that is as heart-rending as it is heart-racing. And let's face it, in a world where every day feels like a sequel to Groundhog Day, a little shake-up is exactly what the doctor ordered.
19EMACDT | 17 reseñas más. | Nov 7, 2023 |
Black Fire is the first book in the Tommy Black Thriller Series ,and it sets the stage in a promising manner. The narrative is built around Major Tommy Black, a character who stands at the crossroads of a brilliant, yet concealed career in black ops. The story picks up pace when the daughter of a fallen comrade is kidnapped and Tommy finds himself in a brutal race across the globe to rescue her.
McClung's handling of the narrative got me hooked pretty early on. The plot is complex, yet it is untangled layer by layer, with the author maintaining a strong pace throughout. The protagonist Major Tommy Black is a character, despite his violent nature at times, that I was rooting for all the way. He's a man lost, without purpose or mission, but his determination to save the kidnapped girl is so strong that it resonates throughout.
The high-octane action is the heartbeat of this book. From the exotic Indian Ocean island of Mauritius to the remote interior of South Africa and across Europe into the towering mountains of Central Asia, McClung ensures a whirlwind tour, injecting each location with a sense of danger and urgency. This book has a generous amount of explosive action that kept me on edge, and stands alongside icons like Reacher and Bourne.
All in all Black Fire is an exciting action thriller that doesn't shy away from providing its readers with a large dose of suspense and adventure. Although it isn't without its flaws, it remains a promising start to what could become a riveting series.
Roman_ | 17 reseñas más. | Nov 3, 2023 |
William Kely McClung is not just an author but a multifaceted artist, encompassing photography, screenwriting, filmmaking, and martial arts. His works consistently reflect the theme that 'People are worse than anything we can make up, but of course, can be better than anything we imagine.' His influence in the arts is vast, and with "BLACK FIRE," the first volume of a promised series, he adds another feather to his cap. The novel showcases his unique talents, as evidenced by the intriguing opening line: '"He has a talent for violence." What the hell was that supposed to mean? The specificity of words was interesting…No propensity or tendency. Talent!...'
In "BLACK FIRE," McClung crafts a hero both visually and psychologically, introducing us to Major Tommy Black. He's at a turning point in his brilliant, secretive career, his black ops history hidden in buried records and whispered tales of violence. Lost and without direction, Black's life takes a sharp turn when the daughter of a fallen comrade is kidnapped. He channels all his military expertise and rage into a global race to save her, battling corrupt police, gangsters, mercenaries, and international sex traffickers controlled by a deranged villain.
The narrative is filled with action, depicting Black's relentless pursuit, even as converging 1000-year storms rage above. He sacrifices everything for the slim chance to save the girl and perhaps redeem his soul.
McClung's writing is vividly cinematic, a reflection of his background in filmmaking. His ability to create compelling characters and paint vibrant global settings is remarkable. The character of Tommy Black is poised to become a major new hero, with potential to join the ranks of iconic figures like Reacher and Bourne.
"BLACK FIRE" is more than just a novel; it's a thrilling experience, masterfully penned by a true professional. The book is not only excellent but also highly recommended, signaling the rise of a new literary hero and possibly paving the way for a blockbuster motion picture.
Andycarp | 17 reseñas más. | Aug 10, 2023 |
When I first began this book, I put it aside after a few chapters. It is a Sci-Fi Horror book, and I wasn't invested in it. However, I picked it up 2 days later and as the book continued, it got more exciting. I ended up enjoying it.
It does have a significant amount of gore and horror as a video game causes people playing to combust. The Loopers are taking over the town, and Interpol has been called in to try and stop it.
The book is a look at computer games, viruses, Artificial Intelligence, misinformation, the Internet, with social media, have taken over our lives. Hopefully, we won't have to resort to warfare to combat it!
Grantedbooks | 10 reseñas más. | Aug 7, 2023 |
When I first began this book, I put it aside after a few chapters. It is a Sci-Fi Horror book, and I wasn't invested in it. However, I picked it up 2 days later and as the book continued, it got more exciting. I ended up enjoying it.
It does have a significant amount of gore and horror as a video game causes people playing to combust. The Loopers are taking over the town, and Interpol has been called in to try and stop it.
The book is a look at computer games, viruses, Artificial Intelligence, misinformation, the Internet, with social media, have taken over our lives. Hopefully, we won't have to resort to warfare to combat it!
rmarcin | 10 reseñas más. | Aug 6, 2023 |
Loop is an interesting mashup of science fiction and horror that I found to be pretty easy to get into from the start. The author, McClung, weaves a story that is thought-provoking and was a bit different from the stuff I’ve been reading this year.
McClung's writing is crisp and engaging, with a knack for creating vivid and unsettling imagery, around the potential dystopian eventuality of the Loop concept.
I found Loop to be a compelling read that offers a fresh take on the science fiction and horror genres. It's a book that made me think, especially with the growing emergence and importance of AI in our lives, whether we want it or not. I personally enjoyed the ride and look forward to reading more from William Kely McClung.
Leventak1 | 10 reseñas más. | Aug 4, 2023 |
This is my second McClung book, my first being part of his Tommy Black series. Like the other book, McClung has a knack for keeping the action going. The creative style in this book differs from the last one I read and fits well with how the world ended up.

The story itself follows a literal badass, or Bad Ass. The characters here are well thought out. McClung does a great job detailing the world and creating an atmosphere for the characters in this AI-initiated dystopia. It's an excellent commentary ( even if embellished for the novelization) on the real threat of what could happen if we progress the way we have: with a reckless lack of consideration for the consequences of technological leaps. Overall, I recommend this book, it's worth the read!
Snowboyz | 10 reseñas más. | Jul 26, 2023 |
Loop by William Kely McClung is a fast-paced piece of work packed with horror, AI, death, action, grotesque, colorful characters with different backgrounds, and deformed creatures called Loopers who spread like a virus that attacks every living being. It is a book that doesn’t let you breathe and keeps you in suspense the entire time, and before you know it, you are already reading the last pages, as it happened to me. The author does a terrific job with the portrayal of scenes and characters; I could immediately create an image in my mind of the Loopers or the characters. But the aspect that I liked the most about this book is the idea of combining AI and viruses and then taking that and transforming it outside the technological space into some grotesque and living creatures.
Gorgose | 10 reseñas más. | Jul 26, 2023 |
Loop is an interesting blend of sci-fi and horror. The book is an exploration of a dystopian world where artificial intelligence, social media, super-viruses, and conspiracy theories intertwine in a chillingly familiar way.
The narrative is well crafted, with twists and turns that certainly held my attention. The characters interact well and have unique perspectives adding depth to the story. There is a dark, suspenseful atmosphere that lingers throughout the book.
I’d say this would be an interesting read for any fan of sci-fi and horror. I think this will stay with me for quite a while. So, if you're looking for a book that combines suspense, horror, and thought-provoking themes, then Loop is probably for you.
Eliseem | 10 reseñas más. | Jul 18, 2023 |
In his debut novel, Loop, William Kely McClung takes us on a journey through a dystopian world with artificial intelligence, social media, super-viruses, and conspiracy theories. The novel manages to blend elements of zombie/pandemic/survival stuff in a manner that feels fresh and invigorating​.

From the opening pages, Loop embarks on an Orwellian journey with an edgy, “LSD” twist. Our guides are four misfit heroes, engaged in a frenzied race against time to stop a devastating computer virus. But this is no ordinary virus: powered by artificial intelligence and stolen military technology, it's begun the terrifying process of remapping human DNA. As the world around them spirals into chaos, exploding with conspiracies and viral media, the lines between reality and paranoia start to blur​.

What stands out most about Loop is its prescience. It raises stark, unsettling questions about technology, media, and the power to manipulate human biology. But McClung’s story isn’t just brutal but thanks to its well-drawn characters and cinematic style I found it really compelling and hard to put down as well..

One thing I would say, though, it at times the narrative becomes slightly muddled by the dense web of subplots and tech-heavy jargon, potentially alienating readers who aren’t steeped in the genre. The pacing could be a little more consistent at times before it rockets back into high gear later on.

Loop is a thrilling debut novel that offers a glimpse into a future where the boundaries of technology, biology, and paranoia intersect, it's a promising start for McClung, and I’ll be looking out for more of his books in the future.
Orione1 | 10 reseñas más. | Jul 18, 2023 |
Just like the title says, this is a nail-biting action thriller of suspense!! It is very well written, and it captured my attention from page 1.

This book is kind of fast paced but rest assured, you’ll get all the feels, the anxiety and the mystery behind the story like if you were the hero himself. This story is about trafficking and has a lot of action, the hero, Major Tommy Black, a former black ops operative find himself helping a friend when his daughter is kidnaped. And so the adventure for Tommy begins. The author is very good at creating scenarios for a very skilled Tommy Black.
Star53986 | 17 reseñas más. | Jul 17, 2023 |
This book is a fantastic action thriller that had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. You know it's a good book when you can't stop reading it and you have to force yourself to take a break.

The author brings suspense and action that will leave readers lost for words. The story follows somebody who finds themselves caught in a web of danger and conspiracy. The nail-biting suspense kept me guessing at every turn, and the plot never lost its grip on my attention. The descriptions and actions made me feel like I was in the story itself. It reminded me of a movie, and I also believe this would be great as a movie.

If you're a fan of heart-racing thrillers with a great storyline, 'Black Fire' is a must-read that will leave you craving for more.
555litereads | 17 reseñas más. | Jul 16, 2023 |
Loop by William Kely McClung is a pretty dance intricate and captivating read. The world of Loop is a place where time flows like a river and realities change as quickly as scenes in a play.
The characters in Loop feel like people you might know - they're relatable, yet with an air of mystery. Our protagonist is a flawed yet inspiring figure, shaped by his circumstances but not defined by them. McClung's skill in bringing these characters to life is truly remarkable.
At times Loop’s narrative ambition can lead to moments of confusion, and some story threads feel like they could have been explored further. But these are minor hiccups in an otherwise smooth journey. McClung's writing style is as fluid as the concept of time in his book. His descriptions are rich and vivid, painting a picture that you can almost touch. His dialogue is sharp and character-driven, adding another layer of authenticity to the story. The pacing has its ups and downs, but it keeps the suspense alive. An audacious piece of storytelling that deserves to be savored, pondered, and celebrated.
19EMACDT | 10 reseñas más. | Jul 12, 2023 |