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The Duke’s Magnificent Bastard by Sandra Masters
The Duke Series #4

I felt this to be more of a fairytale than a true historical romance. Why? Well, I can’t imagine Alicia chasing Thorn and being so blatant in her desire for him at that point in time and with her being higher class than he was. And, the idea that he might be given a “title” when not really eligible seems a bit iffy and unlikely except in a fairytale. I have a feeling that if I had read the previous books in the series I would understand the characters and storyline a bit better. This was not my favorite historical romance but it did have romance, a trip to Barbados, an uprising, information about what happened to Thorn’s mother, a horse race, and a HEA for Alicia and Thorn.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wild Rose Press, Inc. for the copy of this book. This is my honest review.

3 Stars
CathyGeha | otra reseña | Feb 10, 2017 |
The third book (mini novella prequel to book four) in the Duke Series is here and Author Sandra Masters delivers another true regency romance with Thorn, Son Of A Duke.

The book opens with Thorn Wick aboard his Majesty’s Ship en route to England, 1817. “Thorn Wick leaned over the railing of the ship. A queasy sensation roiled in his stomach as he watched the swelling of the seas. He closed his eyes and hoped he’d wake up and find himself in his sunlit room in Barbados on firm ground listening to island chants.”

Enjoy regal characters and superb story telling that will keep you invested in the plot. Let me share with you a passage from the book as tension builds at ‘London Wharfside’.

Quote: “Thorn stood by the railing and scanned an old road that gave access to wharves and docks on the north bank of the River Thames. The panorama before him amazed. Busy docks men and porters hustled large cases and bales from the ships to the waiting warehousemen. Men shouted while clerks with inventory lists directed longshoremen to the appropriate buildings.
“Sir Tomas, what is that large building to the right of us? Never have I seen such a large structure.”
“That’s the East India House owned and operated by the company. I would venture to say the wealth that passes within its portals is unsurpassed in the world. They are a powerful force with which to reckon. Fortunately, your forefathers had the good sense not to invest in India and chose Barbados.”
Thorn’s eyes widened at the activity; excitement overtook him. He didn’t know where to look first.
“Do you see that black coach with the Lion crest waiting?”
“Yes. Is that my father’s?” he asked with a bit of trepidation.
As they spoke, a tall aristocratic gentleman departed the coach, his beaver top hat and greatcoat an admission of his wealth. The coach driver was armed and one footman was on the back board. The other footman walked behind the man. A gold dome-topped cane glistened in the sunlight.
“Is that my father, Sir Tomas?”
“Yes, it is. He’s come to greet you personally.” Tomas grasped Thorn’s shoulder in convivial support. “Just be yourself, Thorn. Everything will be fine.”
The gangplank was lowered, and the passengers prepared to depart. Thorn and Tomas waited for the others to precede them.
“Courage, little lion,” Tomas joked.
“I will need more than that,” Thorn replied, unable to keep his eyes off the aristocratic gentleman who waited patiently on the dock.
I now understand what my mother saw in him.
Thorn took a deep breath. “I’m ready, Sir Tomas. Let us greet the great lion.” He smiled with an inquisitive stare at the man who gave him life and wondered what future awaited him.

I invite you to follow this father and son reunion and see what lays in store for this son of a duke. Read the entire Duke Series by Sandra Masters at Amazon. Each book stands alone for your regency romance enjoyment.

Cold Coffee Press/Cafe endorses Thorn, Son Of A Duke (The Duke Series Book 3) by Sandra Masters. We reviewed this book from Kindle/PDF format. The review was completed on March 10, 2016. For more information please visit Cold Coffee Press and Cold Coffee Café

Kindle Purchase Link:
coldcoffeepress | Mar 11, 2016 |
Follow-up regency romance Once Upon A Duke with My Divinely Decadent Duke (Duke Series Book Two).

Back in London in 1822 arranged marriages of even royalty doesn’t mean the woman (seen as a possession) is secure in life or love, in fact the beautiful Lady Cassandra Montgomery yearns for love.

At the ballroom “Cassandra turned to her brother. “Brent Montgomery, Earl of Stratton. May I introduce you to his Grace, Duke of Althorn.”

Later “The Duke stared at the sun-dappled ocean from his balcony residence as the evening hour approached. The ever-present restlessness was his companion. He took deep breaths, prepared to harness his energy and put it to work for him. His beloved dog Clayo lay at his side. He knelt to pet her head. She was one of his prized possessions; there could never be a doubt of the indisputable fact. The animal gave him a lick on his hand. His gentle creature with the name of a temptress Egyptian Queen was dedicated in her affection for him.”

“The Duke decided to walk the beach again. This time he took Clayo, and his attire was indeed informal. He’d left his jacket at the villa, but was still dressed in his waistcoat appropriate to his rank. Crop in his right hand, he strode quickly. Although he would be loathed to admit it, he wanted to see if his Enchantress of the Sea would be out and about. He invited her the night before to walk along the beach, but she didn’t present herself. In his heart, he didn’t think she would tonight, but nonetheless, it didn’t hurt to ask. Clayo plodded alongside him and wagged her tail. He kept at their “stick into the ocean” game, and she promptly retrieved.

They played most of the time until either he became bored or Clayo tired.

His heart leaped when he saw Cassandra. This time the outfit was a dark azure skirt with the same white balloon sleeve blouse, a light blue jacket, and a fetching azure hat with her blonde hair tucked under it. The children were with her. Alicia, wearing a white ruffled dress with many petticoats, ran barefoot and giggled. A huge white bow accented her blonde braid so the wind wouldn’t whip hair in her face. Blue eyes that matched the sky, soft creamy white skin, and a delicate frame gave the girl an impish look. It then occurred to him how much Alicia resembled Cassandra. Could it be a coincidence? Or was there more to it? Was there a secret somewhere?

More than a romance story, it is an adventure told with remarkable storytelling, easy going to face paced reading, true to time period dialog and settings along with extensive research by Author Sandra Masters engages the reader in the search for true love between Lady Cassandra Montgomery and Duke Gordon Althorn.

Relax into a deep, hot bubble bath with a glass of red wine (or drink of your choice) and relax with romance as it should be. Author Sandra Masters states it best: “Every woman should have a divinely decadent Duke in her life.”

Cold Coffee Press/Cafe endorses My Divinely Decadent Duke by Sandra Masters as book two in this Regency Romance. We reviewed this book from Kindle/PDF format. The review was completed on February 6, 2016. For more information please visit Cold Coffee Press and Cold Coffee Café
coldcoffeepress | Feb 10, 2016 |
Bring regency romance into your life with Once Upon A Duke. Each book in the Duke Series stands alone for your reading pleasure.

Warm, realistic characters in book one bring the reader back to London 1817. Lady Serena Worthington Durand is a strong independent woman ahead of her time, but she faces demons from the past. I quote: “If Lady Serena could be granted one wish, she would ride off into the morning mist and vanish. That, of course wasn’t possible, but here in her favorite lakeside retreat, she could relax in safety.”

Legendary Duke of Sutton, Geoffrey Austen has a chance encounter with Lady Serena and I quote: “Allow me to introduce myself, Lord Geoffrey Austen, at your service.” He swept off his hat and bowed. “I am Henry Worthington’s hunting guest for the week.”

More than a romance story, it is an adventure that will make your heart pound, your emotions run wild and your spirit soar.

The combination of remarkable storytelling, easy going to face paced reading, true to time period dialog and settings along with extensive research by Author Sandra Masters engages the reader in the life and times of Lady Serena Worthington Durand.

I invite you to light a fire, pour a glass of red wine (Sandra Masters would join you in the wine, but hers would be a white fruity glass) and relax with romance as it should be. Author Sandra Masters states it best: “Every woman should have a divinely decadent Duke in her life.”

Cold Coffee Press endorses Once Upon a Duke by Sandra Masters as a true Regency Romance that will leave you wanting more. We reviewed this book from Kindle/PDF format. The review was completed on October 7, 2015. For more information please contact Cold Coffee Press.
coldcoffeepress | Oct 12, 2015 |
The fourth book the Duke Series is set in Porticio of Beckamhouse, London, England, 1820. The book opens with a romantic interlude between Thorn Wick and Alicia Montgomery.

Travel back into a period of time when men and women behaved elegantly and letters were more than mere words, they were the expression of one’s heart and soul. Let me draw you into the story with this quote:

“Chester announced that the visitor the Marquess of Montgate, had arrived, and he’d shown the gentleman into the room. She smiled a warm greeting to him.
“Dear, dear Alicia, I’ll be the envy of every man at the ball tonight. You look ravishing in that goddess-like gown. How will I keep all the men away from you?” He bent low and kissed her extended hand.
“I will assist by exhibiting the manner of a shrew if necessary. Now, Percival, give me a proper hug. I promise not to bore you about horses, but I will keep you engaged in conversation about my schoolmistress duties. I confess I’m worn out. I wonder how our tenants are able to cope with so many children without servants.”
Percival smiled. “We aristocrats do have some advantages.”
“That may be, but I look forward to our time tonight. Thorn gave you a letter for me?”
“Yes, he did when last we met.” He grinned. “He also gave me instructions that I was to protect you from any man who would try to woo you to a balcony or some such thing. Especially I’m to keep Claven, that scoundrel, a good distance from you. Please don’t encourage the rascal. I’m too young to die in a duel.” He walked toward her. “Thorn’s much in love with you, my dear.”
“And I am with him.”
“Alas, it’s my sad fate to relinquish you. Here is his letter.” He withdrew it from his breast pocket. “Now if you will direct me to the duke and duchess, I’ll extend my greetings while you read the contents.”
“Percival, you’re a good friend of his. I thank you. I’ll be with you shortly. Just follow the conversations, and they’ll lead you to the grand drawing room. Gordon is with them. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”
He turned to leave.
“Percival,” she called out. “Thank you for this wondrous gift. I shan’t forget you.”
“It’s my pleasure, Alicia. Thorn is my dearest friend. I know how much he loves you, and I’m happy to help him attain his goals.” He winked, and left.
She ran into the library where she could read his letter in private. She carefully opened it and her heart lifted at its prose.

You must read the book to find out what this letter said and how Alicia responds.

Theodocia McLean endorses The Duke’s Magnificent Bastard by Sandra Masters. One Night with a Duke, is promised for release in 2017. I purchased this book and reviewed it form a Kindle format. This review was completed on November 6, 2016.

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coldcoffeepress | otra reseña | Nov 10, 2016 |
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