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4 Obras 6 Miembros 2 Reseñas


Obras de J. J. Marstead


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Thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange of an honest review!

Tackling Lauren was full of love, drama, friendships, sarcasm and swearings(?).

It was a story of true love and second chances.

My favorite part about the book was that it had two rather than just one love story. There was not just the love between Lauren and Beckett, but also Eric and Grace. And I loved that.

My least favorite part on the other hand was that there weren't many distinct characters. There were just 5 characters that played a distinct role, I wish there had been more.

Also, there was all action and no description. I wish the writer had focused a bit more on the descriptions. (other than in the sex scenes!)

Other than that though, it was a fairly good read.
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Swibells | Nov 28, 2017 |
As a debut novel, I have to say it was impressive. It did need some polishing in some areas, but overall it was a great story. It contained everything a great MC book should, action, club drama between women, sex and of course the man claiming the woman. What it lacked was a deeper character development, but there were a lot of characters in there for future use. I’m sure in the next books we will see amazing things from J.J!!

As for Ace and Alison, their story is a bit of a stretch, her being so young, but then again since when does age play a role in falling in love at first sight! When you know you know and Ace knew, he just needed to let Alison know!

I am giving this book 4 stars and cannot wait to see what J.J comes out with for book 2!!
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pcorrea3 | Dec 19, 2016 |

