Fotografía de autor

Albéric Magnard

Autor de Correspondance.

21 Obras 27 Miembros 3 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Incluye los nombres: Alberic Magnard, Albéric Magnard

Obras de Albéric Magnard


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All interested persons, or even the mildly curious, should read my review of the earlier Bourg recording (alas, abrdiged) of this masterpiece. For utter, super-involving passion, that set gets the prize. Still, this set is of inestimbale value sinmply because it's the entire work. Mme Behrens is a sober, compelling Truth, and while Jose Van Dam gets high marks for effort, his performance cannot compare with the earlier historic recordings. At times he simply sounds out-of-breath, quite aside from the lack of true poetry. As the seconday figures of Giselle and Heurtal, Nathalie Stutzmann and Gary Lakes make the most of their roles. My reservations are merely the fastidiuosness of an old man who has studied this masterpiece for years. Three hours spent with this CD set could be life-changing for the right listener(s); I pray that it be so.… (más)
HarryMacDonald | otra reseña | Feb 19, 2013 |
For those who are curious about this little-performed work, it should be noted that this is a historic revival performance from decades ago, abridged, and with pretty poor sound -- though the latter never diminishes the best of the singing, especially that of Demigny in the title role. The only current complete version on EMI has the obvious virtue of completeness, the powerful singing of Hildegard Behrens as Truth, plus a word-book (which this Bourg set lacks). Even so, I defy anyone with even two of the four heart-chambers with which humans are endowed, to listen to the best of this old set without tears of joy at the nobility of Magnard's vision and accomplishment.… (más)
HarryMacDonald | otra reseña | Feb 17, 2013 |
Lovely and loving performances of all this master's orchestral work aside from the four Symphonies. Contains the HYMNE A LA JUSTICE (composed in the wake of the Dreyfuss affair), the early SUITE DANS LE STYLE ANCIEN, the CHANT FUNEBRE (for his Father), the OUVERURE opus 10, and the HYMNE A VENUS. In his programme-notes the great scholar Harry Halbreich quite correctli identifies Justice and Love as twin poles of Magnard's world-view. Hw right he is -- and the discerning listener gets to hear it on this radiant disc… (más)
HarryMacDonald | Jan 21, 2013 |

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