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Sandi LynnReseñas

Autor de Forever Black

64 Obras 702 Miembros 35 Reseñas 2 Preferidas


Lorelei needs a job and she gets offered the job of personal assistant to Jack - an ultra rich, extremely hard to work for grumpy man. Lorelei will do anything to keep this job, but she is not about to take Jack's grumpy demands lying down. Jack has met his match. What is he going to do about it? There are a few things about her that when he finds out will throw him off his game. Is she worth it?

This was an easy KU read. I liked it, but there was not really a lot that stood out about it. If you like rich guy workplace romances, give it a try.
sdbookhound | Apr 8, 2024 |
Sheryl_B | Feb 6, 2024 |
I loved this story. Was it perfectly written? No, but not bad at all for a first time author. I can overlook a few writing imperfections if the story speaks to me which this one did. I'll be looking for new material from Sandi Lynn and will definitely read any future books.
DebJack | 13 reseñas más. | Jul 28, 2023 |
Same book...different POV. I made myself finish this because I loved the first book. I just would have rather spent my money on reading new material. Connor's POV really didn't make much difference IMO.
DebJack | otra reseña | Jul 28, 2023 |
DebJack | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 28, 2023 |
DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
favorite of the series
amandasgoodbooks | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 3, 2021 |
For the last time, if the child is yours, you aren't babysitting...
Stacie-C | May 8, 2021 |
“Family was everything to them”

This book wraps up the story of one of my favorite families, the Blacks. I can’t cover much of the story without re-summarizing. The story covers each one of the Black Family members point of view giving the final journey to their HEA. Since I have read the entire series, the main and subcharacters were well known to me to be able to follow their additional life growth.

This book I would definitely recommend that you have read the previous novels before trying this one. Although Ms Lynn gives some background, some of the actions and statements the characters make have more sense if you have already got to know them. I am going to be honest. The first 35% of the novel was a slower read. This novel was more romance than steam in her previous Black Family books. It took me a bit to get into the novel. However, there is a plot twist that does engage and the experiences to the outcome were pleasantly not what I expected.

The book was good but not in love with it or a re-read like Connor and Ellery’s original story. Is this final book as need to read? No. But if you are like me and like your serials to end in a nice wrapped bow and you need a summer read at the beach, it’ll be worth the casual read.
karenhulseman | Dec 3, 2019 |
Rory is violently attacked. The man who saves her takes over her life, but of course, she falls for him. A crazy, weird plot that I wasn't too keen on.
sunnydrk | otra reseña | Jul 13, 2018 |
Feisty woman discovers her boyfriend cheating, gets passed over for a promotion because of her cheating boss, her father dies suddenly...could life get any worse? Yes, playboy trying to take over her father's company! Lots of corporate drama while woman tries to hate guy. Quick read.
Hanneri | Jan 21, 2018 |
FREE everywhere!
December 10, 2017
odetteoswald | otra reseña | Dec 10, 2017 |
I love love love this book. Well written and so sexy!

Given for an honest review.
LysaJP | May 14, 2016 |
What an amazing story! Fall in love with Elle and Connor. Connor the millionaire playboy who didn't love and no one stayed the night who meets Elle the bold outspoken woman who steals his heart. Elle is hiding a dark secret and that secret could tear them apart. This story is one that tugs at the heartstrings. These 2 love each other so much but to damn stubborn to move forward. You will be a journey that twists and turns like no other. When Elle disappears the question is can Connor find her and will they live to be happily ever after.
bridgetcrusan | 13 reseñas más. | Apr 5, 2016 |
Read the first book, but not sure I'm going to read the followup. The first book ended the story just great for me.
seyebrows | 13 reseñas más. | Dec 30, 2015 |
It was a nice story. Luke was a real sweetheart but I felt Lily was a little immature and very over dramatic at times. It was story about two broken people who find each other at the right time. A good choice to cleanse my smutty mind for a short time but don't get me wrong Luke was beyond hot!! The scenes with him were the best part of the book!

One of my favorite quotes:
"Why does he have to be so damn sexy? Why does the universe have to light up every time he smiles? Why does he have to have such a great body? Why does he have to live next door?" Life is just not fair, Lily. LOL!

Yes, it is a cliffie but nothing too dramatic. I'll still be following along!
GwendolynGrace | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 15, 2015 |
I have extremely mixed feelings about this book. On one hand the story had a pretty good plot, but on the other hand the plot was very repetitive in the long run. I liked the main characters, but they were ultimately kind of underdeveloped. Really what it comes down to is that I really liked the way this book was going, but it seriously needed some more editing in terms of punctuation, grammar, and paragraph determination. Honestly, I would say I liked this book, but trying to figure out who was speaking at certain times and the problems with punctuation really pulled me out of this story. All in all I'm not thinking I will read the next one, but who knows; maybe I'll get curious.
RCW | 13 reseñas más. | Apr 8, 2015 |
3.5 stars. I wanted to love this book so much more than I did.I mean, I liked it, it was good...but it wasn't as great as I was hoping for, or had the potential to be. Honestly, I think that had the author stretched it out, it could have been amazing. We just never really got to know Connor. There was more there that could have been explored. Really, this story could have been a LOT more and still been great. I wanted to feel more from both of them, understand more about their lives and what was going on in their head.
Overall, I was left wanting.Even with the epilogue. I just wanted to know them better.
Having said that, it was an amazing first effort, and I think that we will see great things from this author in the future.
Kate.Good | 13 reseñas más. | Jul 3, 2014 |
3.5 stars. I wanted to love this book so much more than I did.I mean, I liked it, it was good...but it wasn't as great as I was hoping for, or had the potential to be. Honestly, I think that had the author stretched it out, it could have been amazing. We just never really got to know Connor. There was more there that could have been explored. Really, this story could have been a LOT more and still been great. I wanted to feel more from both of them, understand more about their lives and what was going on in their head.
Overall, I was left wanting.Even with the epilogue. I just wanted to know them better.
Having said that, it was an amazing first effort, and I think that we will see great things from this author in the future.
Kate.Good | 13 reseñas más. | Jul 3, 2014 |
Loved this book and couldn't wait for the next one in the series.
lisakaye.quast | 13 reseñas más. | May 28, 2014 |
Sandi is a new and upcoming author . This is her first publication and with her first publication she chose to share Ellery and Connor with us . What an amazing Journey it has been to read and become friends with these two characters in this book .

This is a story about, love, courage, strength , and the lengths you will go to to show the love and understanding that you truly have for someone when they think nothing lasts forever .

Book Blurb :

When Ellery moved to New York with her boyfriend, she thought they’d live happily ever after in their small New York apartment. She never thought he’d pack his bags and leave because he “needed space.” With her newfound single status and fear of being alone, Ellery buries herself in her artwork and paintings until one night she helps a mysterious intoxicated stranger get home safely. Little did she know the mysterious stranger is none other than CEO and millionaire Connor Black. After finding Ellery in his kitchen the next morning and assuming she broke his #1 rule about sleepovers, he becomes intrigued, not only by her stubbornness and defiance, but by her kindness.

Connor Black, emotionally dead and damaged, that stemmed from a personal tragedy, made a vow to never love or fall in love with a woman, until Ellery Lane walked into his life by accident. After she opens up and shows him her world, Connor starts to feel emotions and feelings he never knew existed. Despite the rumors and warnings regarding Connor Black and his use and misuse of women, Ellery finds herself being drawn into his world.

Ellery knows they can never be together because she is harboring a deep secret that could destroy Connor emotionally forever.

Join Connor and Ellery as they embark on a journey of courage, love and strength. Will it be enough to save them?

I LOVED both Ellery and Connor. I love the devotion Connor had to Ellery and no matter how ugly things got between them and this journey they showed us all that LOVE can withstand anything and that everything can last forever ,.

I loved watching these to who met by accident , become friends and then become lovers. Although it was at times one hell of a journey , they both came out on top and Ellery got her fairytale and her Happily ever after .

“Because at some point you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life and this is my way of keeping you in my heart.”

If you have not marked this book on your TBR list yet YOU MUST .. It definitely is worth the time to read and enjoy Ellery and Connor as much as I did . Sandi is an amazing author , and I am thankful to her for letting me ride through this journey of these two characters . I can not wait for Connors POV to come out ...

Chris.BlogEmporium | 13 reseñas más. | May 6, 2014 |
4.5 Stars

WOW you all are going to LOVE Luke. He is totally Swoon worthy for sure.

What happens when the lives of two people who no longer believe in love are suddenly changed by fate?

Meet Lily, all her life she has been surrounded by cheating, her father was a womanizer and cheated on his mom through his whole life. The Day Lily is to marry her fiancé she finds him in a room in the church with her sister. Vowing to never live her life like her mother did, Lily packs up and moves to Santa Monica putting her family out of her life and men as well.

Luke Matthews, a year ago he lost the love of his life in a tragic car accident. He felt he would never get back what he had with his fiancé. He lived his life this last year being sad, playing his guitar and trying to ease the pain of his loss. Luke is totally Swoon worthy in my book. He is caring, supportive, and says all the right things.

Lily and Luke meet when she moves into the building they live in. Sam is Luke’s best friend and helps Lily out by helping her move the boxes into her apartment, which is across the hall from their apartment. Sam and lily become instant friends. When Lily first meets Luke he is rude to her. She becomes rude right back to him.

As Lily and Sam get to know each other Lily learns that Luke has had a rough last year and Sam explains a little to her about what happened. Lily also explains to Sam what has happened to her.

Thanks to Sam and his pushing them a little Luke and Lily start to become friends, and things grow from there.

“We aren’t going to have sex, Lily. We’re going to make love, and it’s going to be beautiful, but not tonight and not here.”

We see what happens when two very broken people try to keep distance from each other but in the end they have feelings for each other and they can’t stay away from each other. As they work through their past and issues they come together stronger as a couple.

“I’ll be there with you. I’ll be there for you, and I’ll be there to catch you if you fall."

Sandi did a fabulous job of bringing these two characters together. We watch a friendship grow into a love where neither one likes to be away from each other. Throw in a little drama from lily’s past and from Luke’s and you have a really great story about friends, family and what love truly means.

This book does not end here, there is a book 2 BUT you are not left with any kind of cliffhanger. It ends in a good spot.
I can’t wait for book two of Luke & Lily’s story the Upside of Love coming in 2014.

Thank you Sandi for sending this my way before release. I LOVED every minute of it.

Even the Clouds will say
There’s nowhere we can get away from
There’s nowhere we can practice positivity
When all I see is me
So let’s drop let’s stop this teenage rivalry
And every heart will break
There’s just no way to keep it safe from
If the only thing that makes it break is
Please don’t give it to me
’Cause seeing you cry makes me want to leave
But losing you scares the shit out of me.
Or maybe, I’ll sail the ocean blue
Or I’d fly a rocket to the moon
But I’m good for nothing without you
It doesn’t matter what you say
I think about you every day, girl, I
Am good for nothing without you
Even the clouds will say
That Saturdays and rainy days were meant to
If you’re indoors and in the arms of somebody
Under the blankets and sheets
Well the sky is clear; it’s the middle of the week
So come my dear, let’s make believe.
Or maybe, I’ll sail the ocean blue
Or I’d fly a rocket to the moon
But I’m good for nothing without you
It doesn’t matter what you say
I think about you every day, girl, I
Am good for nothing without you
Cause I want you
I want you
I want you
To want me to
I want you
I want you
I want you
I do
But I won’t fool this heart anymore
Or maybe, I’ll sail the ocean blue

Got my ARC woo hoo thanks Sandi !!!!!
Chris.BlogEmporium | 2 reseñas más. | May 6, 2014 |

Sandi was Kind enough to send this to me this am and I started it this right after she sent it , needless to say I was Consumed by this amazing book.

This is Forever You in Connor's POV . Let me tell you It is Just as Amazing in his POV, no actually it is Better in my opinion.

“Infinity is forever, and that’s what you are to me. You are my forever, Mr. Black.”

We left off in Forever Black with Connor and Ellery talking about their daughter . So you all know this one goes into alot more detail when the time comes and Ellery is pregnant.

I absolutely LOVED reading this book in Connor's POV. You get to see how he reacted to EVERYTHING in Forever Black from his POV . It broke my heart all over again when he found out Ellery's Cancer had come back and We get to Journey with Him When he leaves Michigan and drives back to new York by himself.

Looking at everything through Connors eyes was different in my eyes . I Loved how With each scene that we remember in Ellery's POV Sandi has added to it in Connor's POV and made it so much better.

I do not want to ruin it for anyone , so I will stop there and Just tell you this if you thought you did not need to read this because you read Forever Black , think again YOU NEED to read this one too.

“There's no limit to what I wouldn't do for you. Just ask, and it will be done, no matter the sacrifice,”

I LOVED Ellery Just as much in this one as I did in Forever Black and Maybe a little more too. We see her through Connor's Eyes and I truly understand now why they are so much in love .

“I love you, Ellery. Not only for whom you are, but for the person I’ve become because of you. This is my forever to you.”

“You complete me, Ellery. You’ve given me a life of happiness that I never knew existed, and I’ll spend the rest of my life thanking you.”

“You have nothing to fear, Ellery, because I’ll take care of you regardless of what the results show. I’m your lifeline, and I promise to give you a healthy life and future no matter the cost or sacrifice.”

“You don’t have to say a word, Ellery, I know how much you love it; I can tell by the look on your face. This was built for you because I love you. I want to give you every dream you’ve ever dreamed, every happy moment you never had, every bit of love you’ve ever lost, and most importantly, a family. This home, our home, is my future with you, and we’re going to spend the rest of our lives making beautiful memories here.”

“I could never understand my purpose in this world. I’ve had nothing but pain and loss my whole life. But now I know why God saved me the first time. It was so I could find you. Then he saved me the second time so I could love you forever. This house is perfect; you’re perfect, and no one will ever take that away from us. Our love is infinite, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you.”

Dr. Taub looked at me and smiled. “You’re pregnant, Ellery.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Peyton blurted out.

Book Blurb:

Forever You is the highly demanded sequel to USA Today’s Bestseller, Forever Black.

Connor Black’s life consisted of his company and his use of multiple women. There was never going to be love, relationships, or a fairy-tale life. Emotionally dead and damaged, that stemmed from a personal tragedy, Connor Black vowed never to feel any emotion or fall in love with a woman. That was true until Ellery Lane walked into his life by accident and changed his life forever. He begins experiencing feelings and emotions that he never felt before and finds himself being drawn into her world.

You took the journey with Connor and Ellery as their love, courage, and strength were put to the test. You watched their worlds come together through her eyes in Forever Black, and now it's time to take the journey through his in Forever You

Sandi Thank you so much for sending this my way to read this am. I am so thrilled I got to read it all day . I can not wait to see what Happens in Forever Us.
Chris.BlogEmporium | otra reseña | May 6, 2014 |
5 sweet, amazing stars

review to come when released !!!!!
Chris.BlogEmporium | 2 reseñas más. | May 6, 2014 |

I LOVED IT!!!!!!

I am not even sure where to start with this review. I LOVE Sandi Lynn, I will not deny it. I have loved her since Forever Black first came out. I fell in love with Connor and Ellery and through every single book that Sandi has written I have felt that I have been a part of their lives since the very beginning. To get through this series and be at a point where NOW I am reading a book about their daughter is truly amazing.

Seeing things with the Black family through Julia’s eyes was amazing. I have laughed, I have cried, and I was sad to see the story end.
Following Julia through her teenage years we get to witness her first heart break. We get to see how Connor and Ellery help her deal with the emotions of it all. Even Collin LOVES his sister with all he has. I cannot even put into words what watching this family grow does to me. I LOVE them. Every good, bad, ugly, funny part of them.

" I was thinking about how much I wanted to be loved by someone they way you love Mom.

The relationship that Connor has with his daughter is truly an amazing thing to see and read about. He truly loves her like a father should love their child unconditionally. Through the good and the bad, through the happy times, and the sad times Connor is right there for his daughter. She truly is his Princess. I LOVE how Sandi build this team of father and daughter. She truly did an amazing job. I love the relationship that Ellery has with Julia as well.

This is an amazing father right here:

“I’m really happy for you, Julia. You couldn’t be marrying a better man. It’s going to be hard, letting my little girl go, but I know I can’t hold onto you forever.”
“Aw, Dad. Just because I’m getting married doesn’t mean you have to let me go. I don’t want you to let me go. You’re my dad and I love you. You’ll always be with me no matter where I am or where I go.”

Then you get a Mom moment:

"We wanted to give you something that represents us as a family;something you can look at when your dad and I are gone and know that our love for you is forever, even when we're not here."-Ellery

“I’ll make sure she’s always safe. I know I’ve only known her a few days, but I already feel like I’ve known her forever. I can’t even describe the feeling I get when I’m with her.” - Jake

Jake Jensen, I LOVED him. He truly was what Julia needed to have her forever love. He is a perfect gentleman through and through. To know that these two had met once when they were younger and then met again on the beach when they were older. They were meant to be together in my opinion. Their love story through this book reminded me so much of Ellery and Connor and I knew that Julia was getting her happily ever after with Jake.

"I'm going to make you my wife someday, Julia, and I'll love you forever. I promise you."-Jake

The relationship between Connor and Ellery, the relationship between them and their children is something that is truly amazing. There is so much love, within these characters you feel like you are a part of their family. It makes my heart swell when I think of this family. I will definitely be reading this series many times over in the future just so I can have my Black family fix.

I cannot wait for Collin’s story.
Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |