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How to guide for a sex slave

This is volume 1, a taster. Amy has been taken but she is proving difficult to train; Robert is resented by his brother and his father has blackmailed him into preparing Amy for her owner. It is well-written and interesting, but too short. The reader gets a feel for the characters, and can guess at how the story will unfold, but the cliffhanger ending leaves you more frustrated than the protagonists are.
SuzieEN | May 2, 2022 |
I really liked INTERVIEW WITH A MASTER. I was intrigued by the book because it was written from the male POV by a man. The cover is very powerful and compelling. You get a sense of the tone of the book from the emotional simplicity of the cover.
In spite of the comparison and some criticism, this is not FSOG. This telling does not sensationalize BDSM. This Dom is not some uber rich, power-centric bore needing to exert his wealth and control over some naive ingenue in order to feel superior and in control. There is no red room of pain. This Dom doesn't need expensive or elaborate and sometimes painful sex toys to prove he is the Master.
I have zero personal knowledge of the BDSM lifestyle. I have no idea how factual or realistic Jason Luke's version of the Dom/sub relationship. His understated prose sucked me into the story from the first few pages. I liked Jonah Noble. He is strong, while at the same time empathetic to everyone's needs. Leticia is not some doe eyed innocent impressed and influenced by power and wealth.
I have no problem recommending this book. I would not hesitate to read more from Jason Luke. And all I can say is I wouldn't mind seeing this made into a movie instead of the one in production right now.
Carole0220 | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 23, 2020 |
I can understand all the uproar over the ending. That sort of thing is hard to accept. And I can't say I liked this book as much as INTERVIEW WITH A MASTER. The resumed 'interview' seemed more forced and clinical in this book. Also, I really wasn't feeling the magnetism in book 2 as I did in book 1. That said, it was a satisfying conclusion that pretty much tied up the loose ends left in IWAM.
Carole0220 | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 23, 2020 |
Well, well, well!! I had been waiting with baited breath for this book after picking up an alert about it on Facebook! A book written from Sir's point of view, fabatastic! Was I disappointed hell no!

Basically we meet Jonah, he's controlled, calm and clear in the details he gives Leticia who's writing an article about this private man. Leticia turns up with her notepad and the strike a bargain, he'll answer real probing questions honestly and truthfully as long as she does the exact same thing for him. She agrees and they set of on a journey that finds them having some frank and open conversations.

It's written from Jonah's point of view and I think this was the exact right thing to do. He's relaying his life story to her and she's revealing little snippets about what she'd like and how unsatisfied she's been thus far.

If you're expecting a FSOG/Crossfire sex-fest I guess you'll be disappointed - not to say there isn't plenty of that detailed in the book, there is, but its not the way you'll expect it happen. All I can say is I really enjoyed it, work interfered with my reading boo and now I'm sad its ended and hope that Jason Luke considering a book 2 because there is definitely unfinished business, it can't end like that for Jonah and Leticia!

Thank you Jason Luke you definitely didn't disappoint this reader :)
VictoriaJ1707 | 16 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2016 |
This book was very detailed...and very detailed it was...and very hot...can't wait to read book 2....
Dawn2016 | 16 reseñas más. | Jan 29, 2016 |
I struggled through the writing style for awhile and then gave up. DNF. It's just not for me.
kara-karina | 16 reseñas más. | Nov 20, 2015 |
Snort. No. I hate to give a poor rating and not articulate why, but I'm stumped on what to say here. It had an interesting start, but it fell apart spectacularly. Nothing felt really fleshed out. And in a story that's supposed to be "in the dom's own words", I struggled to believe that he had mastery of anything. He seemed like a weenie.
mullgirl | 16 reseñas más. | Jun 8, 2015 |
Jason Luke is not a one trick pony. His talent shines through his latest work. His ability to capture a scene with such vivid detail is only part of what makes reading his works so fascinating. The characters he develops are so realistic. Their depth and interactions within the story pull at your heart strings. Just as Connie stands in awe of Blake's artistic talent, I stand amazed in Jason Luke's talent as a storyteller, and author.

This is a romance, through and through. From beginning to end you find yourself hoping and praying that everything will work out for Connie and Blake. The details of Blake's past bring tears to your eyes, while Connie's past is just as heart wrenching in her naivety. Your hope is for a fairy tale ending, but there's a lot of angst to go through as these two strangers grow.
KatrinaH | Apr 8, 2015 |
This book was developed on an interesting twist -- a young, still-have-to-prove-myself journalist interviews a (former) BDSM Master. Through the course of a week-long interview, the man behind the Master is revealed through his recollections, without the complication of this becoming a love/romance story. The BDSM portion is mild and told in hindsight -- a bit removed from the reader and the journalist, but enough for the reader and the journalist to start thinking, trying on for size. Ideas and philosophies of one man's journey through BDSM is revealed and explained. Again, this is not a love story, even while feelings between the journalist and the interviewee do develop into an attraction and their is a kiss.

The story was told well and uniquely, hence, a rounded-to-four rating. The book made this reader want the story to go on, but, this book reads well as a stand-alone. A breath of fresh air in that this books does not have the irksome cliff hanger (the heavens open up with a chorus of hallelujah's). There is room for a follow-up story, and with the series subtitle including the "#1", I presume one is being planned.

This reader looks forward to the next installment!

olongbourn | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 1, 2015 |
Jason Luke astounds again as he opens the doors to erotica and romance. I rarely read a book in one day, but this story pulled me in and kept me hanging on every word. I didn't want to put it down.
Word Master is what Jason Luke is, without a doubt! His ability to capture a moment in time, describe it with delightful details that make you feel like your watching every nuance of the characters performing right before you. It's amazing!
From beginning to end I was enthralled by Jerico James. Luke's characters pull you into their story. His masterful ability to weave a story left me breathless and sad to see The End. I know I'll be dreaming about April and Jericho for days to come!
KatrinaH | Feb 7, 2015 |
Mr Luke shared a story similar to others I have read in a way I have not read. I enjoyed seeing such raw emotion from a male perspective written by a male author. I am glad there is a second book and I can only hope that Leticia and Josh can find a happily ever after with each other.
lornajarkin | 16 reseñas más. | Aug 22, 2014 |
Mr. Luke did it again and presented the readers with a story full of character and emotion that will not soon be forgotten. I know a lot of people are arguing about the book, especially the ending, BUT I feel the characters remained true to themselves to the very end. Secrets revealed and stories shared make this book just as good, if not better than, the first. I recommend this book and Interview With a Master to anyone who wants to hear about a love story from the male POV. Jonah Noble's story isn't one you will read about anywhere else!
lornajarkin | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 22, 2014 |
Meh...just ok thank goodness I borrowed this one :)
Debbie97462 | 16 reseñas más. | Jul 16, 2014 |
Jason Luke continues to stir the heart of the reader in the second book about Letecia Falls and Jonah Noble. I fell in love with Jason Luke's smooth style of writing and characters that he created in his first book Interview With a Master. I, like so many others, couldn't wait to see what was going to happen with Letecia and Jonah. It was well worth the wait.

It was delightful picking up my book each night, reading about Letecia's hopes, and Jonah's desires. Reading, immersed in the moments, as the words flowed off the pages into visual images that captivated the imagination.

In Love with a Master is a wonderful sequel to Interview with a Master. I know I'll continue to look forward for further works by Jason Luke. I really love his style!
KatrinaH | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 24, 2014 |
Anticipation builds as fans await the next 'Master' book. Vignettes of a Master collects the scenes that were created in Jason Luke's World Tour of reviewing sites on facebook. Fans made suggestions, and Luke provided the creative force responding with short scenes off the cuff. I've never seen any author give himself over to the fans that way, demonstrating the depth and breath of his creative talents.
I was thrilled when Luke decided to publish all of the vignettes from the world tour in one spot, plus add 30 more vignettes to the collection. Top that off, he added the first chapter of the next book. What's not to love?
I can't wait for the next book to hit the shelves (my kindle!).
KatrinaH | May 15, 2014 |
This is the most honest book about men and women's sexuality that I have ever read. It is straight, honest, raw, and absolutely compelling.

Master Jonah agrees to be interviewed by an up and coming journalist. His reasons for this unparalleled interview is not given just that "it is time" to tell his story.

Leticia is a young journalism intern with the local paper. She is inexperienced and naive when the interview begins. Her innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge is an intriguing factor that draws Jonah into relaxing and forming a friendship with her.

Jonah agrees to answer any and all questions Leticia might have in return for being allowed to ask questions of her life. "Do ut des" it means "I give that you may give" . This becomes their mantra and the foundation for their friendship.

All questions are answered except one... just wait to the very end. Do not expect this to be your run-of-the-mill erotic story. This is a unique and masterful insight into one Master's lifestyle from its beginning. As the story evolves, two human beings forge a relationship based on trust and intimacy.

The ending of this book will leave you stunned. Jason Luke says that "anticipation is everything". So true, but why do I feel like I have been left on the brink of an orgasm and the Master has denied it?

I would love to read a sequel by this author. His writing style is easy and eloquent. I hope to read more of his work in the future.
Gloria.Herrera | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 26, 2014 |
Wanted to love this but the ending and the confidentiality betrayal just irritated me so much. Won't spoil the details. Loved it until the last few chapters. I dislike the "I know what is best for you and it is not me" excuse for break ups.
sharonhd | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 13, 2014 |
Sassywenchseven | 16 reseñas más. | Feb 12, 2014 |
Every once in a while a man comes along (usually fictional, but not always) who seems to know more about women that any other man… and even more than some women themselves. Johnny Depp did this in “Don Juan DeMarco” and Jason Luke now does this through Jonah. Given the fact that these words had to come from somewhere, you can seriously bet that Jason Luke is one of those men in real life. Or comes damn close.

For Jason Luke’s first novel (under this pen name), this is a fantastic way to start. Immediately I was engrossed; pulled in, as was Leticia, the apprentice reporter who is getting all of the nitty-gritty details of Jonah’s life. He’s giving her the interview of the century, not holding anything back. He tells her details of various experiences, and explains bits of the lifestyle to her when she doesn’t understand. The interview (and this book) span across several weeks, as Jonah tells her of his first experience within the BDSM lifestyle as a sub, and then as he grew from there.

Jonah is the type of Master most every sub wants. One who can know her pleasures before even she does and build upon them. Harsh when he needs to be but never unnecessarily so. Although this book & Jonah aren’t about physical pain for pain’s sake, which some subs prefer, so if that’s what you’re looking for, look elsewhere (and I could give you a few ideas… or just read some of my other reviews).

The book is told from the point of view of a man who knows women and makes you wish that you knew him and possibly had one of him for your very own. He explains things in such a way that you feel are vastly profound, yet also incredibly simple making you wonder “Well why didn’t I think of that?” or “Yes! That’s exactly what I meant but I didn’t know how to phrase it!” Luke’s writing style is smooth and cohesive, grabbing all of your senses and giving them tingles.

Quite honestly, this can be read for pleasure or as an instruction manual, because he gives those answers to men and women everywhere who are trying to spice up their life… if you’re just trying now, or if you’ve tried and failed… Don’t give up. Jonah and his Big Book Of Rules are here to help! And you get bits of levity in just the right moments where you start to giggle.

For example, Jonah explains gender roles altering, the woman seeing herself as “an independent person, strong, opinionated — equal to a man.” When Leticia remarks on him sounding like a feminist, he smiles and says, “It’s a variation on ‘know thy enemy’.” I loved that philosophy and it made me laugh. He also remarks on how no woman tastes like honey, but every woman wants to know that she tastes good and can therefore relax and enjoy rather than wondering what he’s thinking as he’s tasting her. This struck home with me because every single time I read “You taste like honey” or “peaches” or “(enter-some-terribly-incorrect-fruit-here)” I just think, “Well that’s not possible… Especially if they just had garlic!” From a man’s point of view, I get it now.

So thank you to Jason Luke for writing this up and sharing it with the world. It’s a world that needs this point of view — the man’s point of view ACTUALLY written by a MAN.

If you can’t tell already, I love this book and I give it a five out of five, and damn I hope there’s more. It may not be a sequel, but I hope I get to hear more from Jason Luke, both as a person and an author because he seems like an incredibly interesting person.

Check out my short interview with Jason at
FaeRhi1985 | 16 reseñas más. | Feb 12, 2014 |
I would be happy to give this book 10 ++++ stars if there was an option to do so. I am a giddy fan girl of this writer for sure. I will say what I did on my personal review on the author's Facebook page is this: How do you leave a review on a book that enthrals you from page one? How do you express across to another reader the eroticism of a book that allows you to look inside the character as if you knew him? I can't. And I can't explain to you how really at a loss for words I am to describe to you how I feel in full or really think about this book. Each one of us that reads this book will feel in different ways about different sections of the book.
Yes it's about a Master and his flashbacks on his foray into BDSM, which I have found to be really overdone in stories lately more so after the success of the FSOG. However the fact that this is written by a man about a man's view adds this whole new prospect into a delightful read. The idea in itself that Jason Luke has drawn from some of his own experience into being a Master, to me is erotic and exciting and adds a nice flavour to the story. And you really want to know what experienced parts he is drawing from when you are reading. It's very descriptive so if you are faint at heart in that matter, don't bother reading it. But if you like the description to be told in a very erotic sensual & raw way then please go ahead and read! There is certainly no filter on Jonah's mouth. As it starts we know nothing about Jonah Noble but it's through the story being told that we discover who he is and what he is about. And it's a bit of a "tit for tat" interview or "Do ut des" as Jonah states it. We hear something about Jonah in exchange for something about Leticia who is the reporter interviewing him. Jonah Noble comes across as a hard man that holds little or next to nothing in emotions. However as you get to know him more you discover that this is not the case at all.
"The Interview with a Master" is not a normal interview that you would envision from a reporter. It is more of memoirs from Jonah Noble. And the more that you get into the "interview" you really want to just drop your own panties for Jonah Noble and possibly even Jason Luke himself ;)

I for one liked the flow of the story. I'm not bothered by the fact that there are no actual chapters. Some readers would have an issue with this but I don't. I feel that the story unfolds exactly the way it needs to. It's a nice change to take a step back and hear the other sides of this lifestyle from man's view. Jonah is certainly very perceptive of a women's mind and how to "play" them.

Is it a romance? Yes in a way it is yet not in the traditional sense that you would think.

Is it erotic? Most definitely! This book will make you want to squirm so don't be thinking that you want to read it on a train or bus or even getting your hair done! Sit yourself up ladies with a comfy seat and read away in quiet because you will be twitchy and maybe some lucky partners might reap the benefits! In fact get those partners reading this, will open up many doors I say.

Is there a cliffhanger? No, not really, however I for one would like more. There has to be more of Jonah Noble.

This story will keep you going from page one and it will definitely get you a bit hot under the ummm..... collar.
I say well done Jason Luke for a story that was innovative and refreshing. Jason Luke has proven to me that he can certainly write in this genre. I would possible faint if I ever got the chance to actually meet the guy! He is definitely one whose career I will follow and devour for the rest of my reading life.
jacquie.denison | 16 reseñas más. | Feb 12, 2014 |
IWAM is a tremendous read. Brilliantly written, Master Jonah tells his story with incredible insight. Jonah jokes about his big book of rules, but he could take over the world with his words of wisdom. Ok, maybe not take over the world, but certainly, lower the divorce rate and have women sexually satisfied everywhere.

"One of a Masters most potent, powerful weapons is........Anticipation." - Jonah Noble

This book was tame as far as my preconceived notion of BDSM. That is probably one of the things that made it such a fabulous read for me. Jonah's BDSM philosophy focuses on the simple and psychology associated with BDSM. Not the FSOG Red Room image. I would venture to guess that there will be a huge increase of interest in BDSM from this book

Jason Luke Author reiterates that this story is fiction, however he also informs the readers that the spent several years living the BDSM lifestyle. My fav line from book which is followed up by a very lengthy explanation of what BDSM is all about is when Jonah says "BDSM is like seafood. Some you like and some you do not"......"
ChristiKirzner | 16 reseñas más. | Feb 12, 2014 |
This is my partial review for Interview with a Master by Jason Luke for Eskimo Princess Book Blog at .
The first section of Interview with a Master was a solid 5 Stars for me. I was sitting on the edge of my seat engrossed in this book. I stayed up until 1 am reading it. I was left wanting the rest of the book. Interview with a Master follows the interview of BDSM Master Jonah Noble by up and coming Journalist Leticia Fall. Noble has been interviewed many times but he vows to make this Interview different. Miss Fall starts out very nervous but by the third day of the Interview process she was so invested in the story that she was writing down everything Mr. Noble said. I look forward to finishing out the novel. I want to know if there is more to the following quotes…..

“Women don’t want to be forced to their knees. They want to be made to feel weak at the knees. Husbands and lovers need to make the woman in their life feel conquered.”


‘They don’t want to be
submissives… they want to feel like they can’t resist submitting.”

I am looking forward to the release of Interview with a Master by Jason Luke!!
Edited 2/6/2014
This is my continued review for Interview with a Master
Mr. Luke is brilliant. He has published a well put together novel full of ingenious statements most men would be unwilling to admit to. Thank You Jason for giving us a novel that was full of beautiful scenes that were so sensual it had my body on edge and my heart in my throat. Jonah Noble was a Master alright. He had me on the edge of my seat just like Leticia. I do not want to give a lot away. It isn’t that I don’t want to. I would like nothing more than to go absolutely crazy telling you everything but in this instance I will control myself. I recommend YOU READ THIS BOOK YOURSELF!! If you like or enjoy reading about BDSM I believe you will love this book. Jason done a wonderful job and I look forward to reading anything he may write in the future.
I leave you with a few quotes as a tease into Interview with a Master.
“But in all of my BDSM experiences, it has been about reciprocal giving. I give pleasure, so that she will give back to me.” – Jonah Noble
“Anticipation is more potent than a whip and more compelling than handcuffs. The ability to tease and arouse a woman is a subtle skill few men ever bother to learn.” –Jonah

I could have added so many more quotes that touched me in some way. I will say that when it comes to treating a submissive right, look out Christian Grey, here comes Jonah Noble.
All I will say about the ending is it blew me away.
I have since purchased a paperback edition to add to my personal collection, that hubby has promised to read!!

I received Interview with a Master as an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Angela.Ruble.Scott | 16 reseñas más. | Feb 12, 2014 |

I waited for hours after Jason posted that he had 'pushed the button' for it to be released with dozens of other anticipating fans on Facebook. We had a great time, speculating, gossiping, building (I think) friendships. And then I got the email. I literally squealed, making my 7-year-old ask why I just squeaked like a mouse. :)

So, I started reading it. And it was awesome. And then, about 2/3 of the way through, I started getting depressed. I was mentally blogging about how the book was making me feel. Thinking it was a dangerous book to read because it made me long for something that I doubt would ever happen in real life. Yes, I know it's fiction, but there's that element of wanting a Master...And because of things I've done in my past, I don't know if I could ever be that 'type of woman.' A woman that would thrive under a Master, at least not in the way I would want to. (But that's a whole other story.) But that's not Jason's fault...that's all me, and, like I said, his book was amazing...fantastic...everything I hoped and more.

Jonah Noble is everything that the ARC reviewers said he was. Everything the teasers my online friends made up. He was...amazing. Sexy, rough, arrogant (in a good way). And then there was the question that he wouldn't answer and it knocked my depression right out of me. I was literally stunned. I stared at my Kindle, hands shaking and disbelief flooding my brain.

I don't cry. I hate crying. Hate! It! I avoid movies and books that make me cry. And tears ran down my cheeks as I read the last few pages of the book. Not a lot. I didn't bawl. I didn't sob. Just a few big, fat tears rolling down my cheeks. Even now, I'm shaking from the emotion that coursed through my body from the ending.

I am completely...satisfied doesn't touch how I feel... Satiated is the word. I am completely satiated with this book; like after a great round of sex that touches your mind, soul and spirit. It was a fantastic, amazing, beautiful few hours that I spent getting to know Jonah Noble.

This is so much more than a BDSM book. Jason/Jonah 'gets'...understands... least, women like me. Everything he said, at least in my mind, is true. (I'm sending this over to my hubby's Kindle as soon as I finish writing this. lol.)

What more can I say? My mind is still reeling from the ending...

Marissa_Honeycutt | 16 reseñas más. | Feb 12, 2014 |
Leticia Falls, an aspiring journalist, lands the opportunity of a lifetime interview Jonah Noble. Her focus, what made him into the man he is today, a larger than life successful tycoon with a private side that isn’t the norm.
Jonah agreed to the interview, but as with everything in his life, it’s going to be on his terms. His way! He’ll share his life, his experiences her entire interview in exchange for glimpses into his interviewer’s life. There is something about his interviewer that piqued his interest.
One thing I feel I must say, I was apprehensive to start reading a book that was going to be ‘an interview.’ I thought that it might get sort of he said/ she questioned/ he replied. Boy was I wrong. I fell in love with Jonah. His gentlemanly attitudes, his analyzing nature and willingness to put someone else’s needs first accentuated his desire to educate Leticia during this interview process. He explained without being condescending and during the process he began to understand the woman that Leticia was.
There is so much packed into this book. It is one that I truly enjoyed. I’d read it again. I’d give it as a gift to friends that were interested in Jonah’s lifestyle. One thing that’s for sure, I’ll be watching for more books from Jason Luke, I like his style.
KatrinaH | 16 reseñas más. | Feb 11, 2014 |
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