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Mik’s has memory issues surrounding her sister’s death and her ‘ex’ fiancé is on trial for it. Noah is a billionaire’s son and the future CEO of the family business and they will do anything to prove their narrative whether it is true or not. Can he convince her that he didn’t do it so they can have their life prior back? Can she deal with the grief and controlling ways of him and his family? Their attraction isn’t in question, but the truth of that fateful night will make or break them?
kianas_smuttylibrary | May 17, 2024 |
I love books that showcase or revolve around the primal kink especially if they are done r. Which this one is. This book is about Ivy and Connor. Ivy has always had what she thought were thoughts that were wrong and when a dating app ad pops up she tries it and finds Connor. Connor is happy fulfill ivy’s every fantasy. This book was just amazing was sad when it ended. Definitely recommend if you like BDSM themed books that revolve around primal chase and submission.
“Get ready, little doe,” he breathes. “I’ll chase you anywhere, and I’ll always catch you.”
kianas_smuttylibrary | otra reseña | May 17, 2024 |
Dirty Desires is such an amazing series. Book one Chase Me is heavy primal play. Restrain me is heavy on the bondage side.
This is not a playbook if you are trying to get into BDSM but depicts good dynamics (every dynamic is different but overall behavior is what I’m talking about here)
back to my review: Bailey gets in the app her friend has told her so much and is battling with herself and desires. Can Grant show her they are okay and how to embrace and ask for what she needs? Can she accept that?
kianas_smuttylibrary | May 17, 2024 |
Is this DARK yes I’d say a 6/10 on the dark scale not the darkest I’ve read but a bit more than the middle ground I’ve read. You have a young lady ready to get revenge for her fathers death and become unalived as a result. The world had other plans. She went in unprepared in my opinion but it was needed for the plot lol. She makes a deal with the devil, is that literal or figurative you’ll have to read to find out. She ends up with two men into her and the show has just begun. To find out what happens read this story now before the other half of the duet releases soon.
kianas_smuttylibrary | May 17, 2024 |
I really hope that Nic gets a follow up book because I need a follow up. You have the FMC who picks up from where book one ends and decides that they will be getting revenge against terrible men with the skills she was taught during that year in book one. During one of her missions some thing draws her back to New York where she goes to get her own revenge. That revenge is not what she expects which I thoroughly enjoy because it shows how the characters have developed with the time that passed. I love seeing how Leo still had hope but also didn’t I love seeing how dumb dealt with her trauma, but also feared for her cousin, all while trying to except the circumstances that they were currently in. Book 1 was a WhyChoose-ish book where is book 2 is a second chance one person romance. If you enjoy second chances, enemies to lovers, revenge darkish books, this is for you.
kianas_smuttylibrary | May 17, 2024 |
In this short story the readers get something that is hot and steamy. Ivy as certain things she desires and has been lacking in her past relationships, so when she is presented with an app that will help her discover and explore things to her liking she can hardly refuse. When she embarks on this journey, she doesn’t expect to find someone who intrigues her as much as Connor does, but she knows what they share is more than just a one-time thing. When I say hot and steamy, I mean the pages could ignite because the chemistry and tension between characters is intense. I really enjoyed this and would love to see more from this series or even these characters be expanded on.
readonreader | otra reseña | Jan 5, 2024 |
A review of Under Cover by Jenna Gunn, a novella in the Not Over You anthology:

As bachelor number two strutted out on the stage, Rachel Lawson nearly forgot to breathe. She knew that man. The one who destroyed her all those years ago. Rachel couldn’t put all the blame on him as she had never told him her true feelings. But neither did he. Anger, fear, and lust filled her resolve. After what he did, she never wanted to see him again. So, Rachel did what any sane person would do. She ran the bid up to show him exactly how she felt.

Hunter Roman still thought about the one who got away. He knew he should have done things differently. Truth be told, he was younger then, self-absorbed, and terrified of his feelings. Even now, Hunter could remember the woman with clarity and knew he had been wrong. But he had more things to worry about than her.

Jenna Gunn writes with a passion blending her characters to provide the perfect romance. A novella in the Not Over You anthology, Hunter knows just the thing to calm the woman he desperately wants back in his life. Her anger seems permanent, but fate may have just played the final card.

I received Under Cover by Jenna Gunn as an advance review copy free. I own the anthology, Not Over You. I have read and reviewed this book voluntarily.
--Brenda, JustViews
scribblers | Jul 27, 2022 |
CW//suicide, abuse, manipulation, drug use, drug overdose, attempted suicide

Mafia romance set in New Orleans. I picked this up after seeing the author promote it on IG.

This story follows Lana and Naz.

Lana is a mafia princess - her parents are related to the head of a NOLA mafia group. Her scheming parents want her to marry an asshat politician for clout and control. The guy is a grade-A douchcanoe from the word go. She's had a major trauma experience a few years prior to the start of this story and it really messed with her head. She sort of just goes along to get along in some cases. She's attending some college classes but doesn't seem interested.

Naz is a soldier for one of the NOLA Bosses. He likes the money and doesn't really think about the drugs at all. He can afford to help his mother, sister, and nephew so he'll keep doing what he's doing even if he knows he might never get made.

When Lana and Naz meet, you sort of wonder what the attraction is other than lust. Naz happened to be there the night of Lana's trauma event and she vaguely remembers him. He, of course, has been lusting after her since the moment he laid eyes on her. They come together because Lana wants to do something crazy and she knows sleeping with Naz is it. Things get out of control and it's a winding and sometimes lame spiral after that. The end you see coming from a distance off if you're paying attention to the clues. The wrap-up afterward, although a HEA, doesn't feel complete or satisfying. It's more sort of 'this is long enough so here's some good shit that happens.' I wasn't feeling it myself but others will have different thoughts.

I really wanted to like this book, a lot. I like mafia tie-in romances but this had so little mafia business in it- the business it did have was so easily explained in a single conversation that it had me question it. Maybe I'm too expectant?

The characters fell flat for me. Other readers may find them really well rounded or growth in them, I did not. Lana is sort of trapped between a rock and a hard place, but there were other options for her and even though her cousin has told her to hang in there and he's got something in the works, his involvement is more plot convenience than plot dynamic.

The sex was not what I would call spicy, at all. For new readers to the genre, sure. Not for me though. Overall, this was a decent enough book to read but I don't think I'll be heading back to this series or author soon.

I'd recommend this for newer romance readers who want to dabble in things that may seem 'dark' or are looking for easy mafia romances. There's a strong chance the series will improve in the next books or try checking out the authors' other books.

**All thoughts and opinions are my own. I read this using my personal KU subscription.**
The_Literary_Jedi | Jun 11, 2021 |
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