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4 Obras 33 Miembros 4 Reseñas

Obras de Rj Locksley

Craving Beauty (A Wylder Tale #1) (2015) — Editor — 13 copias, 2 reseñas
Brie Visits Master's Italy (2013) — Editor — 11 copias, 1 reseña
Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set) (2013) — Editor — 8 copias, 1 reseña


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The writing is as beautiful as the dangerous world and lures in with just as much grace.

Usually, I start off with a short description of the plot as I saw it, but this time, the blurb says it all. Vynasha lives a solitary life thanks to her magic, and she holds secrets to match the gossip swirling about her. She's an intriguing character, who also grabs sympathy right away, not only because of her lonely situation but due her to desire to protect her nephew, too.

The world is crafted with as much poetic beauty as the writing. It's a treat to visit each scene and simply sink into the moment. It weaves with Vynasha's journey to form a vivid atmosphere and makes the tension, worries, struggles, and hopes dig deep. While lovely, though, some passages need to be read more than once to understand what is being brought across. This isn't my favorite style, but it'd be wrong to say that it's not well done.

The plot follows the main flow as described in the blurb. However, there is quite a bit happening on the side as well. It's layered with so many secrets and surprises. While these captured my interested and curiosity, many of them are left open-ended and unanswered, while others simply brought a little confusion. There is a second book on the way, which I'm expecting will clear much of this up. While I did enjoy diving into this tale and found the twist to Beauty and the Beast more than intriguing, I'm going to bow out after this first book, since it's simply not quite my thing. Still, I'm glad I had the chance to visit the enchanting world.
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tdrecker | otra reseña | Jul 30, 2023 |
3.5/5 stars

Craving Beauty by Jennifer Silverwood is the story of Vynasha. Set in a valley surrounded by the Azul and forbidden Wylder Mountains. She and her nephew, Wyll, are the remaining members of a once thriving family. Permanent disfiguring scars remain on her and Wyll from the fire that took his mother and she blames herself for what happened.

When a beggar tells her where she should go for Wyll to be healed, hope stirs within her and she sets out with Wyll on a journey, trusting in the beggar's instructions.

Silverwood's literary prose takes the reader on a compelling journey with Vynasha as she seeks the place she might find healing for Wyll. Her mind and dreams are haunted by her brother, Ceddrych's stories which now seem to be segments of the reality she experiences. When she is taken she is desperate to find her way to freedom and learns of things about herself that never knew.

I especially liked Vynasha's terryfying experiences with the golden-eyed beast. My favorite character was Grendall. Vynasha seems strong at times but more inconsistent. As much internal mode thinking as she does, one would think she would have more clarity. Still, the story is quite entertaining and a good read and I was left wondering what would happen to Vynasha and Grendall next.
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ThornO | otra reseña | May 6, 2017 |
Contains four well written erotica romance stories with characters straight out of every day life. Plot and events taken straight out of every day life as well, and with the added bonus that both the romance and the erotica feel "real", i.e. no over the top, everything-went-stellar aspects. Phew, what a relief: normal people for a change.

- In 9 Days
- 9 Days and Counting
Two stand-alone stories about the same female main character. The first story takes place when she is still a teenager, the second one a couple of years later when she is in college. Solid and sweet YA/NA romance.
Theme: He's The One.

- And Then He Saved Me
To my mind, this story was the strongest of the four.
The story starts out with the female main character at the absolute lowpoint in her life, willing and fully intending to end it all. One stranger, a man, sees her, as in really sees her and acts on what he sees.
The depiction of the female main character's hopelessly depressed state of mind is subtle, perhaps too subtle, but very believable.
Theme: Life Affirming & Connecting

- Play With Me at Noon
Female main character has one-time-only lunchtime sexual encounters with several types of men (e.g. the virgin, the biker). There's a little twist at the end of this story.
I suspected this twist might be coming at an early stage of the story. Although I applaud the role-playing to add spice to an otherwise dead sex life premise of the story, the execution is not entirely believable. The five characters the woman has sex with are so extremely different in language, posture, behavior, that I find it hard to believe the husband is such a good actor as portrayed.
Personal gripe: the dirty language and general raunchyness of the waiter in the last story was like a cold shower compared to the male main characters of the other lunchtime encounters. Yuck!

Theme: Variety is the Spice of Life
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Bluerabella | Dec 12, 2014 |
★★★★★Brie Visits Master's Italy by Red Phoenix (After Graduation #7)

This is a BDSM erotica short coming in around 75 pages.

Ok, all I'm saying is, "Sir I have a birthday coming up. Hint, hint, wink, wink. I'd be glad to play your little games."

The home coming was bittersweet, heart-wrenching, sexy, everything, but so worth it.

Unfortunately we are coming to an end, only one more to go, very sad, I've grown to love hearing about Brie's challenging ways. And of course, I read too fast, and am not stuck waiting with the rest of you on the final installment.

Anyone up for a game of "X" marks the spot?
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Chantelle713 | Sep 25, 2013 |


½ 4.4