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As a fan of Clare Walker Leslie’s previous books, I was thrilled to get an advance copy of her new book, “The Curious Nature Guide.” This beautiful book does not disappoint.

While I had an electronic copy, I think this is a book that likely shines in printed format. The guide makes heavy use of imagery and is filled both with gorgeous photography and the author’s own illustrations. Unlike a traditional field guide, this book provides suggestions and an invitation to readers to connect with nature where they are – whether they live in a gorgeous pastoral setting, or a bustling city. Ms. Walker Leslie provides several practical, experiential exercises for readers to experience nature right where they are, in the moment, using all of their senses not just their dominant one. With helpful suggestions she encourages readers to get in touch with their creative side, schedule an appointment with nature, and promises that “once you begin noticing, you will see more and more.”

This book will delight avowed nature lovers as well as those whose idea of “the great outdoors” is a walk on a paved path in a city park. This book would also make a lovely gift. 4 solid stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storey Publishing for a galley of this book in exchange for an honest review.
jj24 | otra reseña | May 27, 2024 |
It does a good enough job encouraging drawing in nature journals that I just might overcome my "art shyness" and try it. Leslie also provides lots of good ideas and pointers for journaling.
Treebeard_404 | 5 reseñas más. | Jan 23, 2024 |
If I had been serious about drawing from nature, this would have been a great book for me. It still turned out to be very interesting and readable.
mykl-s | May 23, 2023 |
I loved this easy-to-read guide to getting started with nature journalling. Lots of step-by-step instructions make it easy to get started and there are inspiring examples included from a variety of different people. I'm definitely inspired to have a go at my own nature journalling now!
Melanie_Knight | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 20, 2022 |
It was wonderful for getting new ideas and encouraging journal keeping and good aid for developing a love for the outdoors in all seasons. Especially like the really good illustrations through the book. Anyone with a little bit of time, patience, and willingness to learn new skills can do these projects. Recommend this to all my nature loving friends.
MadMattReader | 5 reseñas más. | Sep 11, 2022 |
Keeping a Nature Journal, 3rd Edition
by Clare Walker Leslie

Deepen Your Connection with the Natural World All around You

I wasn’t sure what to expect when requesting this book and since a fellow blogger suggested it to me, I thought, “Why not?” This book is filled with information and almost a collection of the author’s thoughts and ideas captured in sketches and words that have been compiled together with works of other artists of all ages and then shared with the reader.

The book is divided into sections with Part I dealing with why one might keep a nature journal, how to set your journal up, an introduction to drawing and how to keep an ongoing journal. Part II discusses journaling explorations and gives topics that might be considered for observation.

What I liked:
* The variety
* The sketches
* Being able to see how varied nature journaling can be
* Seeing the way teachers use nature journaling with students
* Being inspired to want to pick up sketching again
* The multitude of ideas
* Seeing that I don’t have to be perfect to actually sketch and keep a nature journal
* The idea of mindfulness that was brought in
* Seeing how “artists” keep their journals
* Wondering if this might be an interesting way to keep a diary
* Enjoying the uninhibited sketches by young artists and the clarity with which they saw what was around them.
* All of it really

What I didn’t like:
* Having so many ideas at the end of looking through the book that I can’t choose ONE to actually start in on with a new nature journal.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I like to have it in my library? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Storey Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 30, 2021 |
Alive to your environment! The art of seeing!

Twenty minutes a day of mindfulness and well being focused on your environment through using various artistic media. A wonderful encouragement to continue or start to take note of the natural world you encounter. In the past I've kept a similar journal but the presentation of ideas and interesting ways to proceed in Leslie’s very accessible guide take things to another level. No wonder this work is in its third edition.
Succinctly arranged, with colorful presentations makes this work a great companion for those already on a similar journey, or a beginning place for anyone interested.
From a chapter on ‘Getting Started’ and what nature journaling is, looking at what observing is, to developing ideas and so much more.
A great layout that calls you to follow. I love the sketches included. All filled with a lovely vitality.
It’s like yoga with pencils and paper, calling us to take time to be very much present in our world.
I will be purchasing this in hard copy once it’s released. I feel the need to savour it more fully than on a pdf file. I might even add it to my present list.

A Storey Publishing ARC via NetGalley
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)
eyes.2c | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 26, 2021 |
Discover a whole new wya of seeing the world around you
jhawn | 5 reseñas más. | Jul 31, 2017 |
A coffee-table book for hippies. Photographs, drawing, paintings are all very pleasant. There are a bunch of quotations sprinkled throughout and a bunch of interacting with nature suggestions. The book is solid artwork, with the text more or less superimposed, and must have cost a bit.
themulhern | otra reseña | Dec 28, 2015 |
I enjoyed reading this book because I can see myself using it in my classroom one day. This book incorporates facts about the seasons and different months. I like how the author also incorporates things about animals and plants as well. This book would be a really good tool to use in a classroom setting to teach children about the different things that happen in different months.
HillaryBertucci | 2 reseñas más. | Sep 24, 2013 |
I am starting a nature journal as part of my own learning process/growth - and this volume will continue to be a go-to guide for different approaches and inspiration.

Z may or may not take a shine to keeping some type of science-based journal as he gets older . . . this is a book that will provide some food for thought for him as well.
beckydj | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 30, 2013 |
Nature All Year Long takes the reader on a journey of all the months and seasons in our calendar year. The book begins with January and discusses what animals hibernate and how to distinguish animal tracks. February discusses the birds that stay in in the north even during winter and how to have a garden with beautiful flowers indoors. March discusses how to tell winter is over and spring is beginning by the snow melting and seeing buds on trees. April discusses how the animals begin to awaken and its showers. May discusses spring flowers and birds as well as how to sketch them. June, July, and August discuss summer animals, insects, and the night sky. September begins with preparing for winter and how the birds begin the migrate. Whereas, October is the beginning of fall discussing the different colored leaves as they fall from the trees and how to identify their leaves. November discusses what happens to the animals in ponds in late fall as well as discussing spruces and deciduous trees. December discusses the beginning of winter and how the animals begin to hibernate. All in all, I found this book informational. I wouldn't suggest a student or child read it all at once, but maybe month by month to understand what's going on with seasons. There are some really good activities and interesting facts within the book. The bibliography is a collection of field guides and the index is complete.
1 vota
smoore75 | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 30, 2012 |
This short, easy book has an abundance of information. It covers hibernation, bird migration, weather, and seasons. I loved the illustrations in colored pencils. The facts of each month are interesting tad bits of information. I would love to do the winter activity with my students. This is a great book to pull out for the different seasons, and do an activity that corresponds to the time of the year. For example, in the spring time, students can grow herbs. They can learn the different uses of the herbs grown in the class. For example. lemongrass is great for making teas.
1 vota
jenvid | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2011 |
I've been nature journaling both personally and in my biology/ classes for almost five years and use this book constantly both as a guide and as an inspiration. Ms. Leslie's sketches and descriptions are a tribute to scientific journaling. I cannot recommend this book highly enough for anyone interested in recording their outdoor thoughts, ideas, and adventures.
clif_hiker | 5 reseñas más. | Dec 12, 2009 |
Excellent book. My boys are reading this and it has encouraged them greatly in their nature journaling endeavors.
familyw | 5 reseñas más. | Jun 12, 2009 |
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