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Brianna Lee

Autor de Rush Into You (Rush, #1)

1 Obra 5 Miembros 1 Reseña

Obras de Brianna Lee

Rush Into You (Rush, #1) (2014) 5 copias, 1 reseña


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The life I lived was my purgatory, and I was only alive so that I could suffer for all of my sins.

Do you ever find those books that from the minute you read the blurb and see the cover you just KNOW they are going to be something special? It doesn’t happen too often for me, but from the minute I saw the cover reveal, I knew this was going to be one of those books. I am a lover of good writing and broken characters; the more damaged the better! Finding this combination from a debut author is rare, but when you do, you grab on tight and never let go. I was attracted to the cover, drawn in by the blurb, and the content settled in my heart only solidifying its rightful place. Like the characters when they were the motorcycles, this Rush Into You took me on a ride like no other and I never wanted it to end.

I saw nothing.
I felt nothing.
I was nothing.

You’ve no doubt read many books that deal with the aftermath of drunken driving. What was so unique about this story however was it centered on the person who unknowingly caused it. Like the drugs Gabby took to cope, it will be a bitter pill to swallow. How do you reconcile a character who, though it was an accident, knowingly got behind the wheel of a vehicle intoxicated? How can you forgive this character who cannot even forgive herself? The answer is simply that you get to know her. You live her grief, you see how deeply she struggles, and you experience all the hatred that is thrown her way. Then you watch her hit rock bottom and slowly start to turn her life around. There’s no fixing the damage Gabby caused. There’s no happy ending for the lives she took. But there can be forgiveness for a stupid mistake. And forgiveness for and from everyone involved is the only way to continue living life. How, why, and does this happen is just something you will have to read for yourself. There is no right or wrong answer. There just is.

“Still leaving on the back of my bike?”
“Only if your lips are still planning on being on mine.”

I enjoyed not only Gabby’s road to redemption but also the love story of her and Ryker immensely. The way he was there for her unconditionally, even only knowing part of her story and the reasons behind what drove her. From where they met to where they ended, the road was paved with heartfelt confessions and just learning to live again. They accepted each other so fully it brought tears to my eyes. For truly, if you seek it, there can always be forgiveness and redemption. I am a firm believer in everything coming full circle, and this book does that and more. Phenomenal debut from this debut author and I look forward to future installments in this extension series.
… (más)
BooksToBreathe | Jul 2, 2014 |

