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Veronique Launier

Autor de Redemption (Hearts of Stone)

1 Obra 28 Miembros 6 Reseñas

Obras de Veronique Launier


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Equal parts intriguing and aggravation.

Redemption caught my attention because there was gargoyles in the plot line. I thought it would be nice to read something with a paranormal creature I haven’t seem much of.

The storyline had promise and it was interesting how they made it such that gargoyles used to be human, and can take on various forms: human, stone, and reptilian.

Aude (or Odd as she is often called) inadvertently released 4 gargoyles that have been locked in stone, on the top of a church in Montreal the past 70 years. When they are released they can take human form, but they need essence to stay that way or they will turn to stone again. One of the gargoyles, Guil, thinks that Aude is the key to supplying and maintaining their essence.

Unfortunately, I think perhaps the author tried to squeeze a little too much stuff into this first book (back history etc) but at the same time leaving out information that I felt was important for the reader (what is this prophecy and it’s importance).

I was going to list all the things I thought overwhelmed the book but it really might work out for another reader where it didn’t for me. I still enjoyed Redemption and got through it quickly, but I’m not exactly chomping at the bit to read the next book. I’m thankful that at least the relationship that was built up between Aude and Guil was done well and that there wasn’t any insta-love!
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Pabkins | 5 reseñas más. | Jun 24, 2014 |
First, thank you to Flux and NetGalley for permission to read this ARC.

This book held such promise. Gargoyles, French roots, Mohwawk prophecy. It is so original. Sadly, I only made it page 142. I feel terrible and have never given such a low review. But I just couldn't not get past the rather generic characters, the flawed dialogue and the inconsistent pacing.

At first, Aude seemed like she would be a fun and "Odd" character. But her pettiness, her doubt, and her ridiculous obsession with her band got incredibly old. Really fast. One thing I do love about her is her French and Mohawk roots. I was really hoping to get this part explained, but sadly, I had to stop about halfway through.

Guillaume reminds me very much of the Edward from Twilight. And I don't mean this to be good. He stalks Aude because he knows something about her is tied to his an brother's and his release from being a gargoyle. He also has this annoying habit of telling the reader that he doesn't have feelings because he has a stone heart. Sadly, this was poorly executed. He did have emotions. Anger, confusion, doubt, etc. One thing I do love about him, is that he is a original supernatural character.

As for Lucy and Trick, Aude's friends, I disliked them, a lot. They were shitty friends and I wanted to punch them in the faces. For goodness sake, they stood up Aude so that they could have their own date and Aude gets attacked! Not okay. In fact, this is the only emotional response I had to the entire 140 pages that I read.

The dialogue was the biggest pitfall of this book. I understand that the guys are all really old, centuries old, so yes they have different ways of speaking. But I find it hard to believe that as gargoyles who can hear everyone below them, that they managed to not pick up on modern patterns and colloquialisms.

Also, I don't normally harp on this because I don't usually have an issue with this, but it seemed that Veronique was not trying enough for the guys inner dialogue to come across as...well, a guy. And on the flip side, I think she was trying way too hard with Aude as a petty teenager that it just wasn't believable.

As for the pacing, this entire first half was too slow and too fast at the same time. That probably makes no sense, so let me try to explain. The flashbacks went too fast and the modern times was going too slow for my liking. It would have been different if there were some world building or character building, but it was lacking in both.

I do want to say that I absolutely applaud Veronique for trying to tackle such a unique supernatural element. It's not everyday that I read about gargoyles.

Overall, I was hoping and hoping that this book would be wonderful. I mean hello, gargoyles! I have never read a gargoyle book in my life. I had such high hopes for this one but was sadly let down.
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Ashley_McElyea | 5 reseñas más. | Dec 15, 2013 |
One word: Gargoyles

Well, okay, a few more: FINALLY a paranormal romance I actually like.

Plus: It's set in Montreal, where I lived for 2 years.
shellwitte | 5 reseñas más. | Dec 11, 2013 |
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.

Quick & Dirty: A gothic love story with the potential to become an interesting series.

Opening Sentence: Humanity wandered by, the way it always had.

The Review:

Redemption is a gargoyle love story with some potential. As a teenager I would have probably fell in love with this book but as an adult not quite so much. Aude, pronounced “Ode” but everyone calls her “Odd” is a musically talented young woman who is looking forward to a future in music with her band. She is basically a loner, her only two friends are her bandmates who have just recently begun dating. Her dating bandmates have her believeing her band will fall apart and with the new tension she doesn’t believe she can confide in her friends about the strange things happening to her.

An attack on Aude ultimately releases Guillaume and his gargoyle brothers from stone. The gargoyles can turn from stone to human flesh but to do that they have to rely on essence fed to them by an essentialist (basically a witch). It has been over 70 years since Guillaume has been in human form, the last essentialist he knew died, and he can’t help but follow Aude to find out what power she holds. It doesn’t take him long to confront her but he knows he is going to slowly have to gain her trust if he wants to find out why she was able to bring him back to flesh.

Aude is being followed by Guillaume almost wherever she goes, she isn’t a huge fan of it but then she begins to be attacked by a stone man. A few times she relies on Guillaume to save her but she does save herself a couple times too when he isn’t around. Aude and Guillaume begin to unravel a prophecy about the destruction of Montreal and they have to figure out how to keep it from happening.

I liked Aude most of the time and I really enjoyed her enthusiasm for music but I felt she was way too stubborn at times. She didn’t want to listen to people and when her friend finally gave her a wakeup call about who was really destroying the band, she begin to trust in other people. Now Guillaume is a different story, I really liked him at first but when as his backstory was revealed there was just something about his character that I couldn’t quite feel for. And for having no emotions he was certainly quite selfish. As for Aude and Guillaume’s relationship, I was rooting for it off and on. (I would add more but I feel like I’d be spoilery about it.)

The setting for Redemption is the Montreal, Quebec, Canada and Veronique Launier pays close attention to detail about the buildings of that city, past and present, and how they affect the story. The atmosphere to the story has a bit of a gothic feel with little twists of humor.

Redemption jumps back and forth between Aude and Guillaume’s point of views. It is easy to know who is speaking since it is labeled at the beginning of every chapter. I had a few issues with the plot, mainly at the end of the book. I did have to read the end fight scene twice because after I read it the first time, I couldn’t remember what just had happened and why the following scene was like it was.

Overall, I think Redemption has some potential to be a good series. I like the originality to the gargoyles and their backstory. There is also a interesting set up to a Persian gargoyle that I would love to read more about and learn his story. He definitely added some extra conflict to Aude’s feelings and I’d like to see where it goes. As of right now, I can’t find any information on a sequel except for Goodreads listing Redemption as part of a series.

Notable Scene:

Finally, I felt the bitter wind against my bare skin and I knelt beside her. Her eyes were closed again. I made a small gagging sound as I tried to swallow past a lump in my throat. Her eyes opened a slit and she watched me, her breath rasping. In my imagination, I saw the corners of her lips raise slightly at the sight of me. I knew this wasn’t real but it was enough to pierce through the walls I’d kept up for centuries.

Here she was, this girl I’d come to love, dying in an alley, and it was my fault. I stroked her hair as I choked back a scream. I wasn’t meant to feel. This is what happened when I went against my nature. First Marguerite and now Aude. I was responsible for both. Instead of protecting them, I had to watch them both die.

“Guil … ” Her words sounded like a dry cough.

“Shhhh, don’t speak.” I put my finger on her lips in a gesture for silence.
“Don’t … ” She let out a couple of broken breaths before continuing. “ … cry.”

It took me a while to understand what she meant. Tears streamed down my cheeks, I wiped at them ith the back of my hand.

Whatever light was still in her eyes dimmed slightly.

“No! You can’t die on me! You can’t abandon me like she did.” Like she abandoned all of us. My heart was so heavy I thought it would fall out of my chest. It hurt.

“Hang on. I need to get help.”

“Please … ” She made a small sound and her eyes rolled a little. She closed them and I saw the tears streaking down her cheeks to mix with the blood and dirt that covered her face. “Please stay.”

FTC Advisory: Flux provided me with a copy of Redemption. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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DarkFaerieTales | 5 reseñas más. | Jun 7, 2013 |

