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Rob KiddReseñas

Autor de The Coming Storm

29 Obras 2,719 Miembros 26 Reseñas


No. 3 in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow Series.
vviewlibrary | otra reseña | Oct 13, 2023 |
Jack and Fitzwilliam are going back to New Orleans to get the amulet. They run into trouble when the Pirate Police find and jail them. Jack, being able to get himself out of trouble, manages to get out of jail and find the rest of the crew. Calling on Tia Dalma, they bargain with her and find the gold gem for the amulet and Jack gets greedy only to be called on it. Finding Arabella and the Fleur they then come upon Madame Minute who wants the amulet. Now Jack must get them out of trouble and out of New Orleans. Can he do it? When will Tia Dalma call in their debt? Where is Madame Minute?

I enjoyed this story. Jack is crazy as ever with his schemes. I am glad they found the Fleur. I am glad that they manage to survive. I look forward to finding the rest of the books in the series so I can find out the answers to my questions. This is a good series for fans of The Pirates of the Caribbean as well as 8-12 year olds.
Sheila1957 | otra reseña | Jul 15, 2021 |
Having gotten out of New Orleans with Tumen's family's medallion and starting for the Yucatan, Jack and his crew are captured by Captain Laura Smith, who is Arabella's mother. Now Arabella wants answers and is not happy with what she is getting from her mother. When Jack overhears plots of a mutiny, he throws in with Captain Laura only to lose his first mate.

I enjoyed this story. It's short but a lot is happening between the pirates, mutiny, and the medallion. The crew is great and mysteries must be solved. We learn Tim Hawks' story and have to decide if he is true. The pirates of Captain Laura's crew are villainous and you know all will meet up again. I am looking forward to the meet-up and I want to see the medallion returned to Tumen's great-grandfather.
Sheila1957 | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 8, 2021 |
Tumen wants to go home so Jack and his crew take him back where they are greeted by his family and friends. Throwing a celebration dinner and story telling cause Jack and his crew to dream of the City of Gold. Waking the next day there are persona non gratis because the amulet leading to the City of Gold is missing and Tumen's great-grandfather is ill. Knowing they did not steal the amulet leads Jack and crew to search the island where a small doll is found with the mark of Madame Minuit upon it. Now they must sail to New Orleans and find Madame and retrieve the amulet.

I enjoyed this story. It starts a little slow but once they hit New Orleans it gets exciting. We find out about Madame Minuit and more about the amulet. We also learn more about Arabella. The ending sets up their next adventure (I hope) and I am ready for it.
Sheila1957 | 3 reseñas más. | May 18, 2021 |
lcslibrarian | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 13, 2020 |
lcslibrarian | 3 reseñas más. | Aug 13, 2020 |
lcslibrarian | 3 reseñas más. | Aug 13, 2020 |
lcslibrarian | 5 reseñas más. | Aug 13, 2020 |
lcslibrarian | 5 reseñas más. | Aug 13, 2020 |
Amazing! I'm kind of hoping that, one day, all these books are combined to form just one giant origin story for older readers. I would definitely buy it!
spellbindingstories | May 24, 2018 |
I read this installment awhile back and I can honestly say that I don't remember much about it story-wise. All I remember is my fondness for it, which is testament to its high level of enjoyment. If you liked the first book then you should definitely pick this one up in addition to the rest of the series!
spellbindingstories | 2 reseñas más. | May 24, 2018 |
I highly recommend this series for younger readers. Not only does it feature the one and only Captain Jack Sparrow, but it also offers a unique and interesting origin story for the characters for fans who wish to get more of him! I was not disappointed in the slightest. It is definitely a good pick for Elementary and Middle School readers!
spellbindingstories | 3 reseñas más. | May 24, 2018 |
I highly recommend this origin series for younger readers. It is such a unique and interesting on such a famous characters for fans who wish to get more of him! I was not disappointed in the slightest. It is definitely a good pick for Elementary and Middle School readers!
spellbindingstories | May 24, 2018 |
A must-read for fans of the film franchise!
spellbindingstories | May 24, 2018 |
This was my favorite book in the series! I remember being absolutely enthralled with it and audibly gasping aloud. A perfect book for young readers!
spellbindingstories | May 24, 2018 |
Amazing, just like the other books in the series!
spellbindingstories | otra reseña | May 24, 2018 |
I highly recommend this series for younger readers. Not only does it feature the one and only Captain Jack Sparrow, but it also offers a unique and interesting origin story for the characters for fans who wish to get more of him! I was not disappointed in the slightest. It is definitely a good pick for Elementary and Middle School readers!
spellbindingstories | 3 reseñas más. | May 24, 2018 |
This installment wasn't exactly my favorite in the series, but I still loved it nonetheless! Such an interesting origin story!
spellbindingstories | otra reseña | May 24, 2018 |
Having been a number of years since I first read this origin series, I don't remember a lot about it. However, I remember a LOT about this installment. I felt so betrayed by a certain plot twist in this book. I'm pretty sure it scarred me for life and prepared me for the real world. (I mean I'm joking but at the same time I'm not). Great installment!
spellbindingstories | May 24, 2018 |
I highly recommend this book (along with the rest of its series) for younger readers. Not only is it short and to the point, but it also features the one and only Captain Jack Sparrow! I went to Disney World where they had a set of the first couple of books in the series for sale. I immediately bought it since I'm both a sucker for the film franchise and origin stories. I was not disappointed in the slightest. I'm not sure how older readers will feel about it, but its definitely a good pick for Elementary and Middle School readers!
spellbindingstories | 5 reseñas más. | May 24, 2018 |
The tale of young wanna-be pirates who consider themselves of better character than the nefarious pirates of the Carribean. Jack Sparrow's child character keeps very true to Johnny Depp's portrayal of the adult Captain Jack Sparrow. It is a simple high-seas adventure, but well-written and highly fun for elementary age reading. The little girl in me enjoyed it a great deal!
REGoodrich | 5 reseñas más. | Apr 20, 2018 |
This adventure paled compared to the first. I still enjoyed it, but a great majority seemed like conversational filler. The end, however, made up for the long stretch of inactivity with a great deal of creative, intriguing action.
REGoodrich | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 10, 2016 |
A very intresting take on Jack Sparrow's early years and something that I would very much reccomend to children.
VictoriaBeard | 5 reseñas más. | Sep 20, 2013 |
A fun edition to the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, this series is meant for the older elementary school reader though could be enjoyed by the younger middle school reader who enjoys Jack Sparrow. The story follows young Jack Sparrow and his crew on their adventures through the Caribbean and each book clearly connects to the one before. Since this is the fifth one in the series, it wraps up the previous story and begins another though it was also able to be a fun read without any previous knowledge except of who Jack Sparrow is.

There are some suggestions of violence and other things but done in the same spirit as the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, so not terribly realistic and with a comedic spin on them. This series is a definite must for a younger child who enjoys pirates and is looking to read shorter chapter books that move quickly.
katekf | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 27, 2009 |
Die Piraten finden ein leeres Amulett wo drei Steine hineinpassen.Diese Suche begibt sie auf ein Abenteuer.
patrick96 | 3 reseñas más. | Jan 22, 2009 |