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In the land of Castile, a wise man reigned,
Afonso the noble, his realm he sustained.
With a heart for learning, his mind open wide,
He sought knowledge and wisdom, side by side.

In his fruitful reign, a book he did create,
To capture the essence of his vibrant state.
A chronicle of daily life, so others might see,
The beauty and richness of his era's decree.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians found solace here,
In Afonso's court, devoid of judgment and fear.
High standing they had, with prominent roles,
Living together, united in common goals.

Translations were cherished, in glorious hue,
Arabic works transformed into Spanish anew.
And Latin, too, found its way to this land,
Preserved in Castilian, at Afonso's command.

Languages flourished under Afonso's reign,
A love for tongues diverse, he could not contain.
For in every verse, in every spoken word,
He found beauty, beyond what could be heard.

But his love for poetry knew no bounds,
His heart, like a troubadour, forever sounds.
Sponsoring the Cantigas de Santa Maria,
A testament to his passion, his sacred aria.

Four hundred and twenty, in Galician's embrace,
A treasure trove of tales, each filled with grace.
He supported Galician poetry's art,
Preserving the heritage of his very own heart.

So let us raise our voices in grateful cheer,
To Afonso the Wise, a ruler so dear.
For his legacy will forever resound,
In the ballads of history, his glory renowned.
Kaianna.Isaure | Jan 30, 2024 |