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A bog-standard, Bleach-like, Shonen manga with a forgettable hero. I was hesitant to continue reading past chapter 1, but things get slightly better from there. The unique relationship between the twin brothers is the heart of the story. The East meets West demon and weapon designs are a plus. We'll see if future volumes pique my interest further.
MarkHiroki | 15 reseñas más. | Aug 9, 2022 |
My tenth manga book ever and the longest out of all of them, I picked this up because of how appealing the title and premise sounded. While reading this, I felt let down. This was a case of the writing was worse than the premise because the execution of the story fell very flat for me. I expected the book to be darker and have more of a dark tone as we go but instead, it just felt silly.
Parts of the plot were occasionally pretty easy to predict, I just felt disconnected from these characters. I would have loved the drawings if they weren't so cluttered, there was so many characters drawn in one scene that I was surprised how they squeezed into that space.

The character development was something I thought would be an enjoyable thing in the book but unfortunately, it felt rushed. It might improve later, who knows?

Before Reading:
So I'm trying Manga?
I don't read much, I've only read 9 in my life?
SO lets see my thoughts?
crazynerd | 15 reseñas más. | Mar 30, 2022 |
I honestly don’t have words. What a wonderful, enthralling, STRESSFUL volume. Thank god I’ve just subscribed to Shonen Jump so I can read ahead and find out what happens to my favorite exorcists before 2020.
sarahlh | Mar 6, 2021 |
I have 99 problems and all of them are about how much I love Izumo and Suguro. F'real, though. It was definitely worth the wait for this volume. And the next volume comes out in ... May? Oh dear.
sarahlh | Mar 6, 2021 |
In this volume of Blue Exorcist, it's all school all the time, whether it's solving the Seven Mysteries of the academy or participating in the academy festival, a fine staple of school-based manga now rearing its head in this supernatural shonen title. It's also very Yukio-centric, as the more studious and serious Okamura brother becomes concerned about his own possible demonic tendencies. It's a book with a good mix of action and character-based moments and rather hard to put down.

My complete review of BLUE EXORCIST volume 11 is now at my blog.
sarahlh | Mar 6, 2021 |
Oh, Blue Exorcist. Stop making me feel things about bald monks with heroic complexes and overwhelming supernatural burdens! Also, priests that are super hot and super unorthodox, i.e. Fujimoto-san and his ever-present cigarette. This volume of Ao No Exorcist is full of plot stuff, character development, friendship, odd demon-fueled family drama, and Mephisto being Mephisto and putting everyone else to shame in terms of dramatic entrances. As Rin confronts his own personal demons, actual demons are coming towards the Impure King with less than pure intentions...

You can read my complete review of BLUE EXORCIST volume 7 at my blog:
sarahlh | Mar 6, 2021 |
Another great volume of Ao No Exorcist/Blue Exorcist, with a whole lot of Rin Okamura problems and whumpage as well as some adorable Shiemi and a huge character reveal. Plus, more Amaimon which I know fans love cause he causes so much trouble every time he shows up. As usual, the art is lush and wonderful and there's an expert blend of drama and humor. I especially loved the brotherly dynamics between Rin and Yukio in this book. And the cover is simply too cute for words!
sarahlh | 6 reseñas más. | Mar 6, 2021 |
Series Info/Source: This is the 6th volume in the Blue Exorcist shounen manga series. There are 24 volumes published in this series right now in the US with the 25th due out Feb 2021. There are 26 volumes in this series right now with the 27th to be published in 2021 in Japan.

Story (4/5): In this volume we find out who in Sguro’s family is the traitor and we learn about the past of the Koma Sword. Then Rin and Shiemi accompany Yukio on a mission to conquer a phantom train. After that we see some of Kuro’s day to day drama as a Rin’s familiar.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the whole story line involving Sguro’s extended family and the whole “who dun it” kind of feel to it. The rest was fine though and each of these volumes covers a lot of ground.

Characters (3/5): I absolutely adored the chapter of a day in the life of Kuro, it was soooo funny. The rest of the characters remain kind of so-so for me. We met a lot of new characters in the last couple volumes as we are introduced to Sguro’s family. And of course, in keeping with the series, the traitor was a the poor characterization of female characters continues (have I bitched about this enough yet??!!). I am starting to give up hope that there will ever be a decent female character added to the series.

Setting (4/5): It was good to switch scenes to Kyoto and see the differences in the True Cross there. The phantom train storyline was pretty fun and was a cool setting.

Writing/Drawing Style (4/5): This continues to be decently drawn and well written. It’s easy to follow and the story moves at a good clip.

My Summary (4/5): Overall I am still mostly enjoying this but continue to be absolutely exasperated by the exclusion of any decent female characters. I am on the fence about whether or not I will continue this. We’ve been getting these from the library in groups of three and this is the final one in the second set. My son is loving these (he is the target audience as a 14yr old boy), so I might keep picking them up for him.
krau0098 | Dec 23, 2020 |
Series Info/Source: This is the 5th volume in the Blue Exorcist shounen manga series. There are 24 volumes published in this series right now in the US with the 25th due out Feb 2021. There are 26 volumes in this series right now with the 27th to be published in 2021 in Japan.

Story (4/5): This was a more interesting storyline than the last volume. Rin tags along with Yukio to help at an incident involving the poison eyeball of the Impure King. Rin is still being alienated by his friends because of them finding out he is the son of Satan. I did enjoy getting to see what the Knights of the True Cross actually do, rather than hanging out with the students the whole time.

Characters (3/5): Not a lot of new characters introduced in this volume, although we do meet some new Knights of the True Cross. The highlight of this volume is Kuro for me; I still don’t like Rin as a character that much and Shuro bugs the crap out of me. Still looking for some decent female characters in here...

Setting (4/5): A lot of this story takes place in some creepy underground tunnels which was a good setting for the story. We get to start a journey to Kyoto as well which should be interesting in the next volume.

Writing/Drawing Style (4/5): Not a lot more to say than what I’ve said in review of previous volumes. These are decently drawn and easy to follow. I like the fast pace and action in this manga. The characters remain a weak point of the series for me. I did like getting into a storyline with a bit more background and “meat” to it, hopefully the Impure King storyline will go on a couple volumes.

My Summary (4/5): Overall this continues to be a solid shonen manga series that I am enjoying. While the drawing and storyline aren’t absolutely fabulous, this is one of the better shonen manga series I have read.
krau0098 | Dec 18, 2020 |
Series Info/Source: This is the 4th volume in the Blue Exorcist shounen manga series. There are 24 volumes published in this series right now in the US with the 25th due out Feb 2021. There are 26 volumes in this series right now with the 27th to be published in 2021 in Japan.

Story (4/5): In this volume Rin and his classmates work to survive the trails in the woods, but in the course of doing this Rin accidentally reveals he has the blood of Satan which makes his classmates distrust him. I liked the quest that these characters needed to go on in the woods and enjoyed the interesting types of demons we saw there.

Characters (3/5): Shiemi needs to be rescued yet again and Rin gets himself in trouble...yet again. The characters are fine but there is still a lack of decent female characters, I understand this is targeted at a teen male audience but come on… It was good to see the classmates start to work together, even if this all fell apart at the end.

Setting (4/5): The creepy forest setting here was a nice change and I enjoyed it. It is well described and pictured throughout.

Writing/Drawing Style (4/5): This is decently drawn and easy to follow. The story makes really good progress each volume and I am enjoying both all the new types of demons and the action scenes.

My Summary (4/5): Overall this was a well done continuation of this series. I continue to be impressed by the pace of the story and to enjoy the demons and the action. The characters are a weak spot, there just isn’t anyone in here I really engage with well. This is a pretty typical shonen style manga, so if you enjoy those I would check this out.
krau0098 | Dec 18, 2020 |
Series Info/Source: This is the 3rd volume in the Blue Exorcist shounen manga series. There are 24 volumes published in this series right now in the US with the 25th due out Feb 2021. There are 26 volumes in this series right now with the 27th to be published in 2021 in Japan.

Story (4/5): In this installment Father Fujimoto’s familiar (a cat demon named Kuro) goes haywire and Rin ends up talking him down. Then Rin and his class have to search for a ghost in an amusement park where Amaimon, King of Earth surprises Rin by stealing the Koma sword. One of Rin’s classmates helps him but then reveals herself to be the rather busty Senior Exorcist First Class, Shura. Back at school Shura stays on to teach some of the Exwire classes. Finally as summer break approaches Rin and his class are tasked with doing Forest Camp, if they succeed at the tasks they are given for Forest Camp they will be able to start going on real exorcism jobs. This remains a fast-moving and entertaining story that I enjoyed a lot.

Characters (4/5): I absolutely loved the addition of Kuro, he is so much fun...your typical cat but with some demonic tendencies. I groaned at the addition of Shura, yet another scantily clad, constantly drunk female character. I actually stopped reading Black Clover because I was sick of the weak female characters in there and am starting to feel the same way about this series. Yeah, Shura can kick butt but she also doesn’t wear clothes most of the time and is constantly sloshed. Right now the two female characters I have to read about in this series are Shura (yuck) and Shiemi who constantly has to be rescued by people (double yuck).

Setting (4/5): The setting was well portrayed and fine. We travel from True Cross Academy to an amusement park and end the story is outside of a generic forest.

Writing/Drawing Style (4/5): This volume is well drawn and easy to follow. It’s not the best drawn manga out there, but it’s well done.

My Summary (4/5): Overall I am still enjoying this series. I was disappointed by the addition of yet another weak and annoying female character to the series. However, this is offset by the highly entertaining Kuro. I continue to enjoy the fast-pace to these but still don’t engage with any of the characters very well.
krau0098 | 6 reseñas más. | Dec 18, 2020 |
Series Info/Source: This is the 2nd volume in the Blue Exorcist shounen manga series. There are 24 volumes published in this series right now in the US with the 25th due out Feb 2021. There are 26 volumes in this series right now with the 27th to be published in 2021 in Japan.

Story (4/5): This was another well done installment in this manga series. Rin is not doing all that great in exorcist cram school and we meet some additional students that are awesome performers. The whole group is informed they have to pass an exam to become Exwires and they don't realize how practical that exam will actually be. Meanwhile, we also find out that some of the teachers may have Satanic origins of their own. It’s a well done story and I enjoyed it.

Characters (4/5): Some of the new characters introduced are a lot of fun and only a few new characters were introduced so it's not too overwhelming. I like the characters.

Setting (4/5): Most of the story is set either at True Cross Academy or in an old building where the Exwire trials takes place. The setting was well done, drawn nicely and interesting.

Writing/Drawing Style (4/5): This is well drawn and the story is easy to follow. Really no complaints.

My Summary (4/5): Overall I enjoyed this, it's a fun read that moves at a good clip. I plan to continue with the series and would recommend it to those who enjoy traditional shonen style manga. It’s not as fantastic as FullMetal Alchemist but it is well done.
krau0098 | 5 reseñas más. | Dec 18, 2020 |
Series Info/Source: This is the first volume in the Blue Exorcist shounen manga series. There are 24 volumes published in this series right now in the US with the 25th due out Feb 2021. There are 26 volumes in this series right now with the 27th to be published in 2021 in Japan.

Story (4/5): Rin and Yukio Okumura are twin brothers being raised by Father Fujimoto (an exorcist). Yukio wants to go to school to become a doctor but Rin is kind of a dead beat...that is until he finds out he has the blood of Satan running through his veins. Following Father Fujimoto’s sacrifice Rin decides he wants to be an exorcist too and enters cram school at True Cross Academy to do so!

This was a fun and fast-paced story that had a lot of action in it, some humor and a decent plot. I found myself drawn into the story quickly and curious to know what will happen next.

Characters (4/5): I enjoy both Rin and Yukio a lot. Rin has kind of your typical over exuberant shounen attitude, but his heart is in the right place and I enjoyed him. Yukio was more enjoyable for me as a character and I liked watching his secrets be revealed. I also really enjoy Mephisto Pheles who is a crazy character and a huge mystery.

Setting (4/5): This book takes place both at the church where Rin is raised and at the True Cross Academy. Settings were well drawn but more a background feature than a huge part of the story.

Writing/Drawing Style (4/5): This is very well written and drawn. The drawing is easy to follow and characters are very distinct from each other, so it’s easy to follow what is going on. The story was engaging right away and I liked the characters. I also loved the Faustian references throughout. This was definitely an enjoyable read and I look forward to reading future books in this series.

My Summary (4/5): Overall this was a great start to this manga series. I liked the premise, the action, the characters and the story. The drawing is well done and easy to follow. I would recommend it to those who enjoy typical shounen type manga that have a supernatural bent to them.
krau0098 | 15 reseñas más. | Dec 9, 2020 |
I should take away a star for the F-cups covered by the triangle bra (because girl, no, talk to your chesty friends about why that is no good for athletic exorcist work), but I still find this charming to read on that same "it's Harry Potter but with more of a sense of doom!" level.
jeninmotion | 6 reseñas más. | Sep 24, 2018 |
Oh, this is fun. It's a little Harry Potter but with demons and Satan!
jeninmotion | 15 reseñas más. | Sep 24, 2018 |
It's like ' Harry Potter ' plus ' D. Greyman ' meets ' Going My Way '
Baku-X | 15 reseñas más. | Jan 10, 2017 |
It had been a while since I read the previous volume so I was a little confused when I first started reading it, but I got situated rather quickly. Everyone is observing Rin in the volume and waiting to see what happens. I found the story line with Fujimoto's cat very sweet. Rin's father's former apprentice is still very torn about Rin and it will be interesting to see how that relationship eventually plays itself out.
Rosa.Mill | 6 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2015 |
This volume of Blue Exorcist focuses on introducing new characters, particularly class mates. You watch first hand as Rin and Shiemi make friends and deal with their first big exam. There is definitely something going on with Mr. Pheles. Love the little comics at the end and the character bios.

Can't wait to read the next one.
Rosa.Mill | 5 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2015 |
Rin gets into a fight that finally exposes his demon nature. He decides that he wants to become an exorcist, like his twin brother when their surrogate father is killed by Satan, Rin's father. Rin and Yukio help Shiemi overcome a demon that is hurting her and she too joins the school.

I really like the story and I especially like Rin. There are a lot of other interesting characters popping up too. I did find some of the action panels confusing, but other then that I do like the art style.
Rosa.Mill | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2015 |
It had been a while since I read the previous volume so I was a little confused when I first started reading it, but I got situated rather quickly. Everyone is observing Rin in the volume and waiting to see what happens. I found the story line with Fujimoto's cat very sweet. Rin's father's former apprentice is still very torn about Rin and it will be interesting to see how that relationship eventually plays itself out.
Rosa.Mill | 6 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2015 |
This volume of Blue Exorcist focuses on introducing new characters, particularly class mates. You watch first hand as Rin and Shiemi make friends and deal with their first big exam. There is definitely something going on with Mr. Pheles. Love the little comics at the end and the character bios.

Can't wait to read the next one.
Rosa.Mill | 5 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2015 |
Rin gets into a fight that finally exposes his demon nature. He decides that he wants to become an exorcist, like his twin brother when their surrogate father is killed by Satan, Rin's father. Rin and Yukio help Shiemi overcome a demon that is hurting her and she too joins the school.

I really like the story and I especially like Rin. There are a lot of other interesting characters popping up too. I did find some of the action panels confusing, but other then that I do like the art style.
Rosa.Mill | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2015 |
This volume of Blue Exorcist focuses on introducing new characters, particularly class mates. You watch first hand as Rin and Shiemi make friends and deal with their first big exam. There is definitely something going on with Mr. Pheles. Love the little comics at the end and the character bios.

Can't wait to read the next one.
Rosa.Mill | 5 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2015 |
Rin gets into a fight that finally exposes his demon nature. He decides that he wants to become an exorcist, like his twin brother when their surrogate father is killed by Satan, Rin's father. Rin and Yukio help Shiemi overcome a demon that is hurting her and she too joins the school.

I really like the story and I especially like Rin. There are a lot of other interesting characters popping up too. I did find some of the action panels confusing, but other then that I do like the art style.
Rosa.Mill | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2015 |
It had been a while since I read the previous volume so I was a little confused when I first started reading it, but I got situated rather quickly. Everyone is observing Rin in the volume and waiting to see what happens. I found the story line with Fujimoto's cat very sweet. Rin's father's former apprentice is still very torn about Rin and it will be interesting to see how that relationship eventually plays itself out.
Rosa.Mill | 6 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2015 |