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This was a very touching read and is basically a motivational book. While his main focus is weight loss, I think that most of what he talks about can be applied to everyday challenges. Mr. Katzoff himself was once morbidly obese and managed to lose most of the weight without surgery. He used the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet as his aid and credits this program with saving his life. To date he has lost 200 Ibs and has kept it off. I enjoyed reading this book and found him to be very inspirational. This is definitely not a weight loss book. There are no diets in here. He focuses on battling with your mind and attitude and getting it to the right place in order to achieve your goals. He is sometimes tough but always compassionate as he knows the pain, it is a road that he has himself walked. One of the things that I liked was his idea of "one bite at a time". He says that rather than take the attitude of "one day at a time" where one feels that they have made one mistake today and see the whole day as a failure, he says to take it bite by bite, that way your nutritional mistakes can be remedied while still eating the same meal. So if you find yourself eating something that you know you shouldn't, rather than get depressed and eat it all and maybe even order more, the one bite at a time approach says to put the food away once that realization hits you. You have not failed, since you are taking it a bite at a time. I would recommend this to everyone both as a weight loss tool and as a life tool. Whether you have to lose 10 or 100 Ibs or your trying to apply to graduate school and are scared, I think that you will be encouraged.
TrishNYC | Aug 4, 2008 |