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Obras de Dylan Joseph


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Soccer: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Outsmart Your Opponents and Improve Your Mentality, How to Get a Good Night's Sleep Every Single Night, and How to Fuel a Great Performance
Bundle where there are three books about soccer:
Soccer Mindset: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Outsmart Your Opponents and Improve Your Mentality by Dylan Joseph
Book starts with offer of free checklist printout
Table of Contents where there are many chapters and each one focuses on an aspect of the mentality of the game plan.
About the author is included where it talks about how the author got involved in soccer and writing.
Highlight of 4 other books by the author and a dedication page along with a preface.
Love the pyramid shapes and what each portion of it stands for in this book.
Chapter one starts you off with an explanation and examples of what growth mindset is vs fixed mindset. What I love about this book is throughout there are sections in bold type and those are the important facts to pay attention to as they are explained further.
Like examples of putting each of the mindsets against one another to see the differences.
Locus of control is also another important chapter and I also love hearing about game day jitters and how to overcome them.
This chapter also gives you activities so you can select an option and answers are listed in the appendix at the back of the book.
Chapters talk about so many more aspects of the mental part of the game that I find it useful in other parts of our regular lives.
There are so many sketches and charts throughout the book that I think really depicts what they author is saying by showing. There are also many examples of soccer players and their experience with a problem and how they overcame it.
There are also helpful tips for the different positions of middle fielders, Forwards, defenders, goalkeepers, also tips for parents and coaches to emphasize things that will be a positive role. Love the chart showing who capitalizes on the ground conditions the most.
So many other rules/laws spoken about the explained in terms of soccer also.
Ends with an afterword and the free gift checklist.
Offer of a free ebook when you sign up at the author's site and also an appendix where the answers are given to the test.
Glossary is also included with the word or phrase and further defined.
Acknowledgements end this book.
Like this book very much because besides having the physical abilities to play well in soccer you also need the mental traits as well.
Soccer Sleep: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Get a Good Night's Sleep Every Single Night (Understand Soccer Book 9) by Dylan Joseph
Starts with offer of a free checklist for sleep.
Table of contents where chapters are broken up into important sections of sleeping.
Dedication page and preface follow.
Love pyramid in color showing all aspects of soccer training with sleep and nutrition among other non sports related items also noted.
Introduction about the elements of the book in 5 different sections.
Parts that I love the best is that i don't have to be a sports player at all to benefit from the research author has done for better sleep.
I love also that some sentences are highlighted for me, the most important summarizing facts of the paragraphs, like highlighted in bold that stick out.
I actually tried a few things: pillow choice and napping and what he tells you to do actually worked for me, just one time trying.
light and getting rid of annoyances to get faster sleep patterns is enlightening.
Other color photographs, charts and graphs are also included during chapters to help explain different things.
Things relating to soccer playing are also discussed during each of the chapters as it specifically relates to that.
Love the six bonus tips included at the end along with about the author.
Other works by the author are highlighted with links at the end.
Offer of a free book when signing up to be part of soccer squad book team.
Glossary of words are defined at the end and acknowledgements.


Soccer Nutrition: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Fuel a Great Performance (Understand Soccer Book 13) by Dylan Joseph
I am just really excited about this book, hope you can tell as I talk so much about it.
Book starts out with offer of a free guide, one page to take with you summarizing the steps to take in this book.
Table of contents and dedication page are included.
Preface where pyramid of soccer positions and goals are labeled.
Introduction talks about more of main points of this book.
Chapters I like the best are those with pictures showing diagrams of pyramids and how different aspects are more important than others and what you should be concentrating on. Had no idea what I eat first is important for the rest of the day for me.
Love chart on age and activity makes a difference when it comes to calorie intake.
Love that this book like the others highlight and bold print sections that are most important to the whole chapter.
Color pictures along the way show what is being discussed.
My plate diagram is how we had been eating now I see the difference with the next pyramid of food types.
Talks about when and how to eat for the player who has a game that day.
Post game even has meal plans, such a cool idea.
Compared to other world soccer players, how they eat and why. I can relate to eating more on days i have chores to do, lots of physical manual labor vs one where I am just doing small chores.
Like comparison of sports drinks vs. water. We'd take water every time. Nutritional label really matters to me and almost 8 years since my spouse had a heart attack it shows you in serving size and what and how much of everything you should be intaking.
All the bad processed parts of food are also discussed and why they are a bad idea.
General nutrition is a really good topic and why you should eat your meals in a certain order. Never thought about it but I like vegetables first as they are usually hot and won't stay warm for very long.
Examples of the authors days: inactive and active and what portions he will intake.
LOVE BMI calculation because the doctor doesn't know if I have body weight or muscle mass. I actually went to the site and put all the measurements in and I am very happy with the outcome! Thanks for the link!
Love summary at the end of each chapter.
Excellent example of the newer nutritional labels and what they really tell you about what's really inside the food in the package and how much you really should be eating of it-serving size.
Love this book for the experimentation the author tells you to try. Love it myself as we try all the spices and combinations in our pantry. Oils are most helpful when you really don't know exactly what kind of oil to get.
So glad to hear about this book because I love healthy foods. Was interesting to learn what a soccer player would need vs. a regular person.
Offer of free book, about the author and other woks by the author are highlighted at the end.
Author's contact info and website are included.
Glossary where words are explained in detail. Acknowledgements are listed as well.
A KEEPER!, not just for soccer players.
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jbarr5 | Apr 5, 2021 |
Soccer Nutrition: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Fuel a Great Performance (Understand Soccer Book 13) by Dylan Joseph
I am just really excited about this book, hope you can tell as I talk so much about it.
Book starts out with offer of a free guide, one page to take with you summarizing the steps to take in this book.
Table of contents and dedication page are included.
Preface where pyramid of soccer positions and goals are labeled.
Introduction talks about more of main points of this book.
Chapters I like the best are those with pictures showing diagrams of pyramids and how different aspects are more important than others and what you should be concentrating on. Had no idea what I eat first is important for the rest of the day for me.
Love chart on age and activity makes a difference when it comes to calorie intake.
Love that this book like the others highlight and bold print sections that are most important to the whole chapter.
Color pictures along the way show what is being discussed.
My plate diagram is how we had been eating now I see the difference with the next pyramid of food types.
Talks about when and how to eat for the player who has a game that day.
Post game even has meal plans, such a cool idea.
Compared to other world soccer players, how they eat and why. I can relate to eating more on days i have chores to do, lots of physical manual labor vs one where I am just doing small chores.
Like comparison of sports drinks vs. water. We'd take water every time. Nutritional label really matters to me and almost 8 years since my spouse had a heart attack it shows you in serving size and what and how much of everything you should be intaking.
All the bad processed parts of food are also discussed and why they are a bad idea.
General nutrition is a really good topic and why you should eat your meals in a certain order. Never thought about it but I like vegetables first as they are usually hot and won't stay warm for very long.
Examples of the authors days: inactive and active and what portions he will intake.
LOVE BMI calculation because the doctor doesn't know if I have body weight or muscle mass. I actually went to the site and put all the measurements in and I am very happy with the outcome! Thanks for the link!
Love summary at the end of each chapter.
Excellent example of the newer nutritional labels and what they really tell you about what's really inside the food in the package and how much you really should be eating of it-serving size.
Love this book for the experimentation the author tells you to try. Love it myself as we try all the spices and combinations in our pantry. Oils are most helpful when you really don't know exactly what kind of oil to get.
So glad to hear about this book because I love healthy foods. Was interesting to learn what a soccer player would need vs. a regular person.
Offer of free book, about the author and other woks by the author are highlighted at the end.
Author's contact info and website are included.
Glossary where words are explained in detail. Acknowledgements are listed as well.
A KEEPER!, not just for soccer players.
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jbarr5 | Mar 24, 2021 |
Soccer Drills: a step by step guide on how to coach the perfect practice, by Dylan Joseph
Starts out with offer of free printout of instructions.
Table of contents where chapter are broken up into drills and other aspects of the practices.
Dedication page and preface about drills.
Pyramid chart showing all aspects of soccer and where drills fit into the big picture. Summaries of each section are included.
Introduction comes next and highlights all the aspects of drills.
Love that each bold highlighted phrases are included in this book along with other notes of importance.
Prior works by the author are also highlighted so you are not left in the dark.
Pictures, diagrams and charts are also included throughout the book to actually show you what's going on.
Different methods are included and how to motivate the players.
Various methods of drills are discussed in detail with pictures and how to achieve them.
Each of these sections has a purpose, setup, food skills required, sets, coaching points and variations. There is a lot to each of these chapters, love summaries of the key points.
Therea re so many different types of drills to do your players should not get bored while doing these even for a few minutes at a time. Love the hcarts and also the added features of the other games and how the rules are determined.
Each of these sections talks about each of the games in detail, how they are played, coaching points and variations.
Fun way to get your players playing as a team from different points of view.
Afterword follows summarizing the whole book.
Offer of free printout, about the author and other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Free book offer also when you sign up.
Glossary follows a thank you from the author.
What I love about the drills is that you can social distance and still be able to play outside with masks on. Our state allows that in the phase we are in, just no spectators at this time.
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jbarr5 | Nov 9, 2020 |
Soccer Tryouts: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make the Team (Understand Soccer Book 11)by Dylan Joseph
Book starts with offer of free printout of checklist for tryouts.
Table of contents is included showing the most important items you will need with tryouts.
Dedication page and preface which talks about how this book can really aid you in tryouts but you have to use the advice.
Player's pyramid is shown with multiple levels and skills. They are explained more in detail.
Introduction talks about what the book can do for you.
Each chapter has highlighted sections that you should really pay attention to as they are key.
So much detail is paid to experience of the author and what works over the years.
Love how the chapters are summarized with the most important information listed.
There is so much involved in the tryout itself: preparing with what to eat before, exercising weeks/months prior, and sleep and why is also explained further in the chapters.
Examples are also given of exactly what food to eat prior, day of and after and why.
When it comes time face to face there are also a lot of key points to make, some are just facial expressions and why are also detailed.
Coachable, wow hadn't thought of when you try out you are also telling the coaches you want to learn more. Great chapter!
Communication and words used will go a long way also and why some should be avoided. Have fun, you got this.
What I love about this book also is that the examples given can also be used in other things: going for a job interview, interviewing for other that soccer.
It's all key information.
Bonus tips are included and also I love the section on mistakes. we are all human.
Have fun and the afterword is also included at the end.
Offer of printout about tryouts is also discussed. Note to the reader and glossary of words used and explained.
About the author is also attached.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end along with offer of free book when you sign up for author's newsletter.
Acknowledgments are listed at the end.
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jbarr5 | Aug 17, 2020 |

