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Tayari Jones

Autor de An American Marriage

13+ Obras 5,977 Miembros 366 Reseñas 7 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Tayari Jones was born on November 30, 1970 in Atlanta Georgia. She attended Spelman College, University of Iowa, and the University of Georgia. She later attended Arizonia State University to earn her MFA. She went on to teach creative writing at the University of Illinois and George Washington mostrar más University. Her first novel, Leaving Atlanta, was written in 2002 while she was a graduate student at Arizonia State University. It was about the Atlanta Child Murders of 1979-1981.Her other title's include: The Untelling, Silver Sparrow, and An American Marriage. She has been awarded the Hurston/Wright Award for College Writers, the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award for Debut Fiction, the Lillian Smith Book Award, and the Radcliffe Institute Fellowship. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos

Incluye el nombre: tayari jones

También incluye: T. Jones, (Author) (3)

Obras de Tayari Jones

An American Marriage (2018) 4,051 copias, 258 reseñas
Silver Sparrow (2011) 1,169 copias, 73 reseñas
Leaving Atlanta (Perfidos E Iluminadas) (2005) 384 copias, 15 reseñas
The Untelling (2005) 279 copias, 4 reseñas
Atlanta Noir (2017) — Editor — 60 copias, 13 reseñas
Half Light (2022) 15 copias, 2 reseñas
Dispossession (2021) 13 copias

Obras relacionadas

Meridian (1976) — Introducción, algunas ediciones1,310 copias, 12 reseñas
The Street (1946) — Introducción, algunas ediciones1,216 copias, 23 reseñas
Well-Read Black Girl: Finding Our Stories, Discovering Ourselves (2018) — Contribuidor — 389 copias, 30 reseñas
Shelf Discovery: The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading (2009) — Contribuidor — 351 copias, 26 reseñas
McSweeney's Issue 28 (McSweeney's Quarterly Concern) (2008) — Contribuidor — 170 copias, 6 reseñas
Gumbo: A Celebration of African American Writing (2002) — Contribuidor — 124 copias
Neighbors and Other Stories (2024) — Introducción, algunas ediciones; Introducción, algunas ediciones81 copias, 3 reseñas
Read Hard: Five Years of Great Writing from the Believer (2009) — Contribuidor — 79 copias, 3 reseñas
Mighty Justice: My Life in Civil Rights (2019) — Prólogo, algunas ediciones77 copias, 16 reseñas
New Stories from the South 2009: The Year's Best (2009) — Contribuidor — 39 copias
New Stories from the South 2004: The Year's Best (2004) — Contribuidor — 33 copias
A Manner of Being: Writers on Their Mentors (2015) — Contribuidor — 12 copias


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Celestial and Roy are married just for little more than a year when Roy is imprisoned for a rape he didn't commit. What impact would this have on their young marriage?

My opinion: When I read the blurb, I thought the book might contain who actually committed the crime, Roy's name being cleared, the judicial process, and other such factors that are common in crime books. But the book stays true to its purpose. The entire focus is on the marriage of Roy and Celestial. The story is told from three perspectives, the two people above and Andre, Celestial's childhood friend. The book was absolutely fabulous till about 75%, when it suddenly turns into a cliche. The ending redeems it somewhat but not much. Go for it if you don't mind the Bollywoodish end.

Rating: 3.75/5

Join me on the Facebook group, "Readers Forever!", for more reviews and other book-related discussions and fun.
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RoshReviews | 257 reseñas más. | Jul 26, 2024 |
Very good story of a group of African-American elementary school students dealing with someone kidnapping and killing children their own age. Told through the perspective of several different children in the same class.
SteveCarl | 14 reseñas más. | Jun 24, 2024 |
Celestial and Roy, married for 18 months, are visiting his parents in Louisiana when Roy is accused of rape. He did not commit it but is sent to prison for 12 years. Released early, he tries to determine if he is still married and if he and Celestial can make it work. Can they? Have they moved beyond their marriage?

I liked this story, but it is sad. I liked that it is told from three points-of-view--Roy, Celestial, and Andre, Celestial's best friend since childhood. Each provides a full view of the marriage and the prison term. I felt for Roy. He got the worse. He did nothing wrong but because of his skin color, he is convicted. I found it interesting who his cellmate was. I liked the wisdom of Walter. He was spot on in so much that Roy would go through. Not sure what I feel towards Celestial and Andre. I do not like their betrayal of Roy. Nor did I like how clinical they tried to be with Roy.

I think the ending was what it was going to be, what it had to be. The three characters had grown in different ways and directions. Roy was hardened from prison. Celestial was more independent than she initially believed. Andre was always there for Celestial and, to an extent, Roy.

I was glad I read this. I will read more of her books.
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Sheila1957 | 257 reseñas más. | May 29, 2024 |
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones was a fine book. Sweeping in its scope, the book tells the story of Celestial and Roy. They are southern, black, well-educated, hard-working, and prosperous. They have risen above their ancestry of sharecropping and poverty and are proud of where they are going, or would be if it were not for their marriage problems. Roy is what he likes to call "a ladies man", which is a polite way of saying he cheats on Celestial. Their arguments have begun to include talk of divorce, but Roy knows exactly how to charm his way back into his scorned wife's affections.

Then it happens. An elderly woman is raped, and she points the finger at Roy. The eye of the court looks discriminately at black defendants, and packs him off to prison for twelve years. Roy's life and his marriage dissolve like salt in a glass of Roy's mama's iced tea.

An American Marriage was a gripping read. It was - to my delight - epistolary for part of the book. Roy and Celestial and Andre, the other side of this triangle, are so keenly drawn that you can see their faces, hear their voices, know their hearts.

And yet.

I didn't like the way the book ended, and that's all I'm going to say about that for fear of spoilers. I didn't like the fact that I couldn't understand all the imagery. There was something important about a pear Roy once ate in prison, but I could never figure it out, although the image recurred throughout the novel. And this part pains me - I don't think I could ever comprehend the book fully because the book is about black American families and black American lives, and I fit in neither of those categories. Because of that, some parts of the book that might be plain to others are lost to this WASP-y lady in Canada.

However much I did and didn't understand, this was a masterful novel, and I am really glad to have read it and been privileged to meet the people within its pages.
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ahef1963 | 257 reseñas más. | May 9, 2024 |



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