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Christine James (2)

Autor de Fallen (The Chosen Series, #1)

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See my blog for interview with the author, and dream cast in her eyes. Plus more.

Wow, this story really captivated my attention. I would dream about it, and think about it when not reading. It took over my life, lol. For those who had not read the first 2 books, I will basically do a summary, but warn you, there could be some spoilers for books 1 ( Fallen) and 2 (Risen).

We start this one where Risen ended. The Chosen Nephlimn still have the battle ahead agains Lilith and her demons. Now the the Chosen have something that Lilith doesn’t know about, that can help them win, I wont say what, as it would be a major spoiler for those who didn’t read the other 2.

I will say we had excitement non-stop, action and some fun sexy times. The war that Erin has going on with her feelings in this one is a major one. I feel so bad for Angeleo, but will say, Thad sounds pretty good to me. I pictured my own hereo for him (Thor) meaning the actor, Chris Hemsworth, who I LOVE.
Make sure to read the interview I did with Christine, she gives us her vision of the main characters. I will give my own too as I write this.

I was really happy with the few new characters that we have acquired, especially Lucy, who is funny, snarky, and just plain fun. I also loved Thad too, but hate the conflicts he causes.
I was sad about the whole Angie deal, if you read the first 2, you will know the path that she is headed, and its sad. But I will say, this book did end with satisfaction. All loose ends were tied up nice, and I was satisfied, but sad to see it end as well.

I want to point out, that this series, and this book especially is really well put together. I really can’t find any flaw in it. Only one thing that I know will but a few people, but I got used to, is the changing from one character to the next without a pagebreak, BUT in saying that, its done in a way, that your not lost. Also, I can’t be sure I have a finished copy, so there is that too. I do enjoy getting inside the different characters heads. It really makes me care about them, I feel they are part of me now.

I connected in a big way to all of them, and that’s not something I always will do. Even Erin, who I took longer to warm up to in the first book, has grown on me, now I love her.
I highly recommend this book, and the previous ones. (you need to read them first, to know what’s going on)

I want to let you all know my own visual I have of some of these characters. Erin, I have an artist pic that shows an angle with the blonde hair, and lavender eyes, this could be Erin. That’s who I pictured. But if to pick an actress, I would have to pick Claire Holt (Rebekah in the Vampire Diaries show)

For Thad, of course I see Chris Hemsworth (like when in Thor)

For Lucy, I pictured Krisin Kreuk (was Lana in Smallville, now in Beauty and the Beast on tv)

For Angie, I pictured Phoebe Tonkin (Played in The Secret Circle as Faye, now on Vampire Diaries as Tylers friend Haley)

For Josh I could see Steven McQueen (Vampire Diaries as Jeremy)

I had a harder time picturing Blaze, as to me, just about no-one without hair is attractive, and even though the description doesn’t fit entirely, I saw Shemar Moore as Blaze, as he looks great bald. (he is an agent on Criminal Minds tv show as Derek) I just could not picture Vin Diesel as the author described, as I do not think he is attractive.

Angelo, was hard, I ended up picturing Ian Somerhalder with them grey like eyes, close enough (Vampire Diaries for those who don’t know, as Damon)

For Sable, I could see The Rock being him, don’t know why, just popped into my head.

5 out of 5 stars for me

This book was provided to me by the author for my honest review.

Visit my blog for lots of book related stuff, like book tours, giveaways, and more. Will have a post at my blog with photos of my ideas of what the characters look like, and the authors interview also with Dream cast. Will be posted there 11/13
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ConciseReviews | Nov 12, 2012 |
See my blog for more reviews and book tours, etc. This review will also be there. Concise Book Reviews By Michelle (Soon to have a new Name, will be called Michelle’s Paranormal Vault of Books)

Wow, This book was intense, action packed, and not a dull moment. Book one was great, but there had to be lots of character development, where this one, we already know most the characters, we do get a new addition, smokin’ hot Thad. Whew, his description totally makes me think of Chris Hemsworth, yum. Yeah, lovin’ him. Not too happy on the new love triangle, as I am not understanding how, but I think that will be explained more in book 3, I think, we will see, as I will be reading it soon.

(If you have not read Fallen (Chosen Book 1) I will say, I am trying to keep this spoiler free for both this and the first book)

The story continues about 6 months after book one. We get to get into more heads than just Erin, Angelo, and Blaze. (written from rd person which is very nice) We get to see inside Angie, and Thad as well. Interesting developments with Angie, and Thad has turned out to be an overall great guy. He of course is like Erin and the rest (angel), has some unique powers of his own too.

I love how in this book we get to find out some nice surprises about the groups heritage, will not spoil, so won’t say what. But sure was interesting.

I don’t want to put spoilers in this, and trying to even avoid too much spoilery for book one. We get plenty of action, and some sadness too, just overall excitement. I had a hard time putting the book down. I finished in less than a day, was done early this morning, and started it yesterday. I just could not stop. I know readers had complained about book one having mistakes and stuff, then it got re-edited, and was really good after that. I didn’t really find many mistakes in this one, very few, and was pleased overall with this book.

This book is a fallen angel kind of book, but very different than any I had read before. If you’re a fan of these kinds of books, then you really should give this one a try. It’s not YA, more New Adult (characters are around 21) Its written very well. I can’t wait to start book 3, but made myself wait till I wrote this, so I can keep them separate in my head, lol

I am glad to hear Christine the author, is working on new covers, as that’s really the only flaw on these books. So excited to see them, I will do a cover reveal for her when they are done.
5 out of 5 stars for this, give it a try.
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ConciseReviews | Sep 15, 2012 |
This review is also at my blog, check it out, I have an expert there too for you to enjoy. Concise Book Reviews by Michelle

(No Spoilers)
Wow, what can I say, I loved this book, has a great story, about fallen angels, and a chosen one that comes from the bloodlines of Archangel Michael. It’s quite different than any other fallen angel books I had read. Its fast paced and easy to read. I read the Re-edited version, and it’s very well done, very few minor mistakes that really don’t matter is all I seen. I was caught up in the story of Erin and Angelo, that I didn’t care anyway. It’s not all about them, there is a great story here, so it’s got the romance too, but it’s not just about the romance, which I found refreshing. The best part in a way, not huge cliffhanger, doesn’t end like you’re in the middle of a chapter, I really hate when authors do that, so I loved that. I am still ready and anxious to read the next one, but in a way that I don’t feel forced to, to see what happens in the climax that ended before done. You know what I mean; we don’t have that torture here.

I found the romance between Angelo and Erin very steamy, when they were not fighting their feelings for each other. I didn’t love Erin right away, but she grew on me, and thinking about what she had been through, I could not really blame her for anything she did.

I will say, in the beginning there is a part when Angelo was looking for the chosen one, when he found her many Greats-grand-dad, he mentioned the violet eyes (eyes that are the same as Erin) then, that this man was not really the father to the baby that carries the “chosen” ones line (his wife). I thought there had to be a mistake, but it gets explained so when you get to that, just keep reading, it all gets explained and makes sense.

I like how this story takes place over time, not just Angelo trying to find the chosen one over time, but when he finds her, Erin, the time from then, to the end, is at least several months I believe. Meaning it made it more believable in this world, her being trained, and their attraction turns to love, not just because of the “link” they have. (they are meant to be together, like soul mates) They don’t just instantly fall into bed, but they did want too, lol, but that’s ok, it was fun to read, and pulls you into the story.

I won’t say more on this just that, it’s a great book, written very well. I really look forward to the next 2 books, called Risen and The Final Redemption I hope I get a chance to review these for Christine, they are defiantly books I want to read. In this first book at least, I am happy to see there isn’t your usual “love triangle” I mean there is a small part that happens with someone else, after Angelo keeps pushing Erin away, but there never was a threat of him losing her, as their “link” is strong.

I only have one thing to say that I don’t like, it’s the cover. I think a better done cover would help a lot. But give it a chance, I highly recommend this book. It’s not YA either, more New Adult (Erin is just turning 21, lives on her own) There is some sexual content and some fighting type violence, 17 up should be ok, and adults will enjoy this too.
5 out of 5 stars for my rating.

Here are a few teasers for you below to enjoy.

“You will find her,” he gasped. “She is in my blood.” The boy coughed and sucked in one last sharp breath. As that breath hissed out between his lips, his head lolled to the side. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth and dropped onto the already bloody grass. He was gone.
Angelo sat back on his haunches. “It’s a girl?” he mused out loud. A girl was going to save his kind, as well as the human race. He stared down at the boy.

And here is another one

Angelo’s hair was pulled back tightly and secured at the nape of his neck. It was hard to tell, but it looked to be black as coal. The flashing lights seemed to make it shimmer. His cheekbones were high and hidden beneath dark stubble. Normally, she wouldn’t have found that attractive, but for some reason, it was immensely appealing at that moment. Dark eyebrows sat neatly above light gray eyes. Huh? she thought. She could have sworn they were dark gray earlier, but as she looked at them again, they seemed to grow lighter before her eyes. They were the exact shade of a new nickel. His eyes were fringed by thick black lashes, the type of lashes most women dreamed about having. Damn, he’s flawless.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for my honest review.
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ConciseReviews | Sep 12, 2012 |

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