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Rac Shade is an alien from another dimension sent to earth to stop a creature of total insanity that's escaped from the Area of Madness and is running riot across the USA - The American Scream. On arrival, Shade finds himself stuck, Sam Beckett style, inside the body of death row serial killer Troy Grenzer. Teamed up with Kathy, the daughter of Grenzer's last victim, and on the run from the authorities, Shade must follow the madness stream all across America, from Dealey Plaza in Texas where a giant JFK head wants to know who shot it to New York where the litter problem is getting out of hand to Haight Ashbury where the hippy dream has gone seriously wrong. British writer Milligan brings an outsider's twisted perspective to the land of the free, and it's fascinating to watch Bachalo's art evolve towards his current style as the series progresses.

Read the full review at my blog.
1 vota
rolhirst | otra reseña | Jan 20, 2010 |
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