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From Introduction This present book, devoted exclusively to Judo for women, is a worthy companion to Professor Ito's 'This Is Judo,' published by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. several years ago with an introduction by the then United States Ambassador to Japan, Edwin O. Reischauer. That book, in my opinion, after a lifetime of practising and study of Judo, is the best single introduction to the sport which has ever been published. The present volume for women is in the same high catagory. It would be difficult to imagine a more comprehensive, clear, and concise text. With the increase in violent crimes everywhere in the world, it becomes ever more necessary for all people, but especially the relatively weaker sex, to know the fundamentals of self-defense. This book can teach women those fundamentals, but it goes beyond that mission. It teaches also a way of life, which is basic to Judo, an outlook , a point of view, and elements of character which can stand women in good stead through the trying times which accompany the progress of all of us through life. Women's Judo takes into consideration their special physical qualities such as relatively weak shoulder and arm muscles, and a lower center of gravity. It stresses-as does Judo for men-that at all times one should be in control of one's emotions and this cannot fail to help all women, everywhere. Strength is not all-important in Judo-if you are good at it. But by the tme you are good at it, you are also fairly strong. But women who follow Professor Ito's teachings need not fear that they will begin to look like weight lifters. Observe the comely Miss Tsunako Miyake in the illsstrations with which the book abounds. She is light and graceful, and possesses the shapely form of a good dancer. All women who practice Judo seriously, with very few exceptions, can achieve this level of physical fitness and grace. Contents Introduction Recomendation Author's Note Chapter 1 Meaning of Judo Chapter 2 Judo of Kodokan Chapter 3 Judo in the World Chapter 4 Art of Judo Chapter 5 Dojo, Grades and Student's Manners Chapter 6 How to Bow Ckhapter 7 Notes for Practice Part 1 Art of Self-Defense Aim of Self-Defense and Infromation for Practice Lesson 1 Taisabaki Taisabaki Kamae in the Natural Posture Atemi-Goho-Ate; Ogoho-Ate How to Atemi Lesson 2 How to ward off 1. Katate Tekubi Tori 2. Ryote Katate Tori 3. Shishi Gyaku kTori 4. Ude Kakae Tori 5. Ushiro Kakae Tori Lesson 3 How to Control 1. Ude Gyaku Tori 2. Ushiro Eri Tori 3. Ushiro Kubihimo Shime 4. Ushiro Tori 5. Kyohaku Dori; Alternative Kyohaku Dori Part 2. Form of Gentle Art (Jun-No-Kata) 1. Merits of Ju-No-Kata 2. Interpretation of Ju-No-Kata Lesson 1. 1. Tsukidashi 2. Kataoshi 3. Ryotetori 4. Katamawashi 5. Agooshi Lesson 2 1. Kirioroshi 2. Ryokataoshi 3. Nanameuchi 4. Katatetori 5. Katateage Lesson 3 1. Obitori 2. Muneoshi 3. Tsukiage 4. Uchioroshi 5. Ryogantsuki Part 3 Art for Practice Lesson 1 Posture Lesson 2 Breakfalls Lesson 3 How to Hold Lesson 4 How to Break Balance Lesson 5 Art for Practice 1. Uki Goshi 2. Seoi Nage 3. Deashi Barai 4. Osoto Gari 5. Tomoe Nage Principles of Judo Part 4 Art for Reference 1. Uchi Kake 2. Ushiro Tori 3. Tanto Uetsukisashi 4. Pistol Maetsuki 5. Pistol Ushirotsuki a and b 6. Sode Tori 7. Mune Eri Tori 8. Vital Points on the human body Judo Term Indexed
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |

Author's preface
Background section
Chapter I History of judo
Chapter II Scope of judo
Basic and Intermediate sectin
Chapter III Judo etiquette
Chapter IV Judo fundamentals
Chapter V Methods of faling
Chapter VI Training and its cautions
Chapter VII Basic techniques
1 Deashiharai (Advanced foot sweep)
2 Ukigoshi (Floating hip throw)
3 Seoinage (Shoulder throw)
4 Hizaguruma (Knee Wheel throw)
5 Osotogari (Mojor outer reaping throw)
6 Haraigoshi (Sweeping loin throw)
7 Ouchigari (Major outer reaping throw)
8 Hanegoshi (Spring hip throw)
9 Kouchigari (Minor inner reaping throw)
10 Kesagatame (Cross-chest holding)
11 Katagatame (Shoulder holding)
12 Uchimata (Inside thigh throw)
13 Kamishihogatame (Upper four-corner holding)
14 Taiotoshi (Body ddrop throw)
15 Kosotogari (Minor outer reaping throw)
16 Yokoshihogatame (Side four-courner holding)
17 Tateshihogatame (Vertical four-corner holding)
18 Tomoenae (Somersault or stomach throw)
19 Katajujijime (half cross strangle)
Nami-jujijime (natural cross)
Kata-jujijime (half cross)
Gyaku-jujijime (reverse cross)
Chapter VIII Principles of judo
Chapter IX Forms of throwing (Nage-no-kata)
1 Hand techniques: Te-waza
a. Ukiotoshi
b. Seoinage
c. Kataguruma
2 Waist techniques: Koshi-waza
a Ukogoshi
b Sasaetsurikomiashi
c Uchimata
4 Back techniques: Masutemi-waza
a Tomoenage
b Uranage
c Sumigaeshi
5 Side techniques: Yokosutemi-waza
a Yokogake
b Uokoguruma
c Ukiwaza
Chapter X Forms of grappling (Katame-no-kata)
1 Holding techniques: Osaekomi-waza
a Kesagatame
b Katagatame
c Kamishihogatame
d Yokoshihogatame
e Kuzure-kamishihogatame
2 Strangling techniques: Shime-waza
a Katajujijime
b Hadakamijime
c Okurierijime
d Katahajime
e Gyakujujijime
3 Joints techniques: Kansetsu-waza
a Udegarami
b Udekujikijujigatame
c Udekujikiudegatame
d Udekujikihizagatame
e Ashigarami
Chapter XI Forms of judo (Judo-no-kata)
a Kime-no-kata (Forms of decision)
2 Ju-no-kata (Forms of gentleness)
3 Itsutsu-no-kata (Forms of five techniques)
4 Gokyo-no-waza (Forms of decision)
5 Koshiki-no-kata (Techniques of five principles)
Chapter XII Princoples of nagewaza
1 Hanegoshi-Attack; Defense
2a Seoinage-When grasping opponent in right positon; Left ippon seoinage from right natural postion (Defense against seoinage)
2b Eri-seoinage
3 Hizaguruma
4a From hizaguruma to tomoenage
4b From ouchigari to tomoenage
4c Defense against kouchigari
4d Choking attack by larger opponent
5 Ukiwaza
6 Oguruma
Research section
Chapter XIII How to grapple
1 When an opponent appraches with the right or left arm outstratched to take a grip
2 When an opponent grasps the inside left sleeve above the elbow with his right hand
3 When an opponent grasps your belt in back
4 When an opponent grasps yur belt in front
5 When an opponent takes an extreme right stance and pushes with a stiff right arm
6 When an opponent makes a strong one-handed pushing attack from a right stance
7 When an opponent grasps your right rear collar with his right hand
8 When an opponent attacks in the right defensive stance and grasps your right front collar with his right hand
Chapter XIV Combination technqiues and variations
Standing techniques
1 From kouchugari to ouchigari
2 From ouchigri to kouchigari
3 From hanegoshi to makikomi
4 Utsurigoshi
5 From hanegoshi to haraigoshi
6 Kokuchigari or a series of two or three kouchigari
7 From kosotogari to kokuchigake
8 From hanegoshi to osotogari
9 From uchimata to ouchigari
10 From kouchigari to ashiharai
11 Counters when attacked with kouchigari (Sasaetsurikomiashi; Hizaguruma; Tomoenage)
12 Counter for okuriashiharai
13 Counter against ouchigari
14 Counter against uchimata
15 Counter for hanegoshi
Grappling techniques
1 Ways of going into hold-down and combinations (Starting from the upper position; Starting from the opponent's side; Starting from underneath)
2 Escape from katagatame
3 Escape from kamishihogatame and change to maejujijime
4 Defensive actions against yokohoshihogatame (Switch to udekujiki-udegatame; Change to udegarami)
5 Kuzure-yokoshihogatame and modified hadakajime
6 The backward push and hold-down method (When an oppoinent tries to apply right kesagatame; Belt-hold reverse method; Switch against kesagatame attempted from a squatting positon; When the opponent is in a squatting position and tries to escape from the above joint technique)
7 Change from okurierijime when opponent blocks hold (hadakajime) (When an opponent defends against okurierijime; Belt-hold reverse method)
8 From reverse kesagatame to udekujiki-ashigatame
9 Udekujiki-ashigatame (alternative method)
10 How to win with or escape from udekujiki-jujigatame
11 How to escape from a hold-down with a leg scissors
12 From katate (one hand) yokoshihogatame to a choke hold
13 The study of mae-hadakajime (front hadakajime)-Mae-hadakajime (the reason for study); Ashigatame mae-hadakajime; Defense against and changes from B; Switch for use against the above defense; Defense C switch; Mae-hadakajime (getting out from undrenath with katatehadakajime-a one-hand collar grip)
14 Erigurumajime
15 Sodegurumajime
16 Yoko-okurierijime
17 Ryotejime
18 When an opponent is lying face down on the mat
Self defense section
Chapter XV Self defense techniques (Goshin-jitsu)
1 Katatedori-shomenuchi (single wrist attack)
2 Uchikake (overhead striking attack)
3 Tsukikake (straight punch attack)
4 Munaeritori (Lapel grasp and punching attack)
5 Ushirokaketori (rear bear hug attack)
6 Ushirokubishime (rear strangle, with cloth towel)
7 Katate-kakaetori (Double hand one arm holding)
8 Keage (front kick attack)
9 Katatetori renko (one handed restraint)
10 Hikitate renko (two handed restraint)
11 Tsukikomi (front straight knife thrust)
12 Nanameuetsuki (overhead diagonal slash)
13 somentsuke (pistol)(front pistol disarming)
14 Ushirotsuke (pistol)(rear pistol disarming)
15 Conclusion
Chapter XVI Assaulting technques (attemiwaza)
Chapter XVII Outline of kappo (resuscitaton)
Contest rules of Kodokan Judo
AikiBib | Aug 14, 2022 |
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