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Still useful illustrated pamphlet in regards to identification, sanitation & prevention. Please do not use the outdated & harmful eradication methods from 1911.


1. Sanitation is the most effective and important step in preventing and/or reducing pest numbers.
2. Keep a clean house. Seal garbage cans with tight fitting lids.
3. Screen windows and doors to keep flying pests out.
4. Use DIY indoor traps or sticky tape to manage pests inside the house.
5. Use insect-repelling essential oil and plant insect-repelling herbs.

1. DIY FLY STRIPS: Cut a paper grocery bag into strips. Boil ¼ cup of sugar, ¼ cup of honey, and 2 tablespoon of water in a small pot. Using a fine paint brush, coat the strips of paper in the mixture and hang the strips from your ceiling to attract and catch flies. Throw away the strips after a couple of days.
2. DIY FRUIT FLY TRAP: Fill a glass jar with apple cider vinegar and place a paper funnel in the jar. The scent will attract flies and the paper funnel will prevent them from flying out.
a. Clean an empty, plastic two-liter soda bottle.
b. Carefully cut the top third of the bottle by cutting near where the top of the label used to be.
c. Pour a sweet liquid, like sugar water, in the larger, bottom third of the bottle.
d. Turn the top third of the bottle upside-down, making a cone shape, and place it in the opening of the larger part of the bottle.
e. Flies will find their way into the bottle but will be unable to get out.

ESSENTIAL OIL FLY REPELLENTS: Basil, Clove, Eucalyptus, Scented Geranium, Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint & Thyme repel flies.
• SPRAY REPELLENT: Mix a few drops of one of these essential oils with water and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture around your kitchen and living room, and anywhere else flies are visible.
• STRIP REPELLENT: Put several drops of of one of these essential oils on ribbon or cloth strips and hang them near doors or windows.

Use these as houseplants indoors and/or plant outdoors at the doors & windows of the house, stables & out-buildings.
1. BASIL: It doesn’t require much work to maintain and can survive in any climate.
2. BAY LEAF: Grows great during the warmer months and can be brought indoors.
3. LAVENDER: Hang lavender in bundles around your home or yard or simply let it grow in your yard.
4. NASTURTIUM: This flower keeps more than just flies away such as, aphids, most beetles and squash bugs. It also promotes the growth of other plants, which is why many gardeners plant nasturtiums along the edges of gardens.
5. MINT: Grow mint near windows or other openings in your home to keep away flies, mice and ants.
PitcherBooks | May 23, 2019 |