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Jerry Hopkins (1935–2018)

Autor de No One Here Gets Out Alive

38+ Obras 2,627 Miembros 29 Reseñas 1 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Jerry Hopkins was born Elisha Gerald Hopkins in Camden, New Jersey on November 9, 1935. He received a bachelor's degree from Washington and Lee University and a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University. He wrote for The Twin-City Sentinel in Winston-Salem, The Village Voice in New mostrar más York, and The Times-Picayune in New Orleans. In the early 1960s he was a writer-producer for PM East, a television talk show hosted by Mike Wallace, and a talent booker for the syndicated Steve Allen Show. In 1966, Hopkins and a partner opened Headquarters, a shop that sold drug paraphernalia in Los Angeles. He was also writing freelance articles for various publications when he responded to a 1967 ad in an early issue of Rolling Stone asking for submissions of music reviews. He became a music writer for Rolling Stone magazine and became the magazine's London correspondent in 1972. He wrote for Rolling Stone for about 20 years. He wrote several biographies of musicians including Elvis: A Biography, No One Here Gets Out Alive with Danny Sugerman, and Behind Closed Doors. He also wrote books and articles about exotic food, sex, travel, hula, and Hawaiian musical instruments. His memoir, The Ultimate Fish, was published in 2014 and focuses on his relationship with a transgender prostitute. He died of heart failure on June 3, 2018 at the age of 82. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos
Créditos de la imagen: Jerry Hopkins

Obras de Jerry Hopkins

No One Here Gets Out Alive (1980) 1,816 copias, 22 reseñas
El rey lagarto lo esencial Jim Morrison (1992) 159 copias, 1 reseña
Elvis: A Biography (1971) 82 copias
Elvis: The Final Years (1980) 49 copias
Thailand Confidential (2005) 39 copias
Bowie (1985) 39 copias
Yoko Ono (1987) 32 copias
Fax to Da Max (1985) 21 copias
The Rock Story (1970) 15 copias

Obras relacionadas

The Doors : the illustrated history (1983) — Prólogo — 124 copias, 2 reseñas
Angels Dance and Angels Die: The Tragic Romance of Pamela and Jim Morrison (1998) — Prólogo, algunas ediciones57 copias, 1 reseña


Conocimiento común

Fecha de nacimiento
Fecha de fallecimiento
Lugar de nacimiento
Haddenfield, New Jersey, USA
Lugar de fallecimiento
Bangkok, Thailand
Lugares de residencia
Camden, New Jersey, USA



The best Doors history written
Rostie | 21 reseñas más. | Jul 10, 2024 |
Jim was one f'ed up dude. Who knew he had an 146 IQ. Could drink like a fish. Did find some of the questions about his death interesting. Lot of credit to his band mates for putting up with him. Seeems like he had a lot of anger.
bermandog | 21 reseñas más. | Jun 19, 2021 |
A well written book about the life and mystery surrounding Jim Morrison
TenkaraSmart | 21 reseñas más. | Jun 8, 2021 |
To look at this coffee table sized book with Elvis smiling on the cover, you'd think this would be a fluffy story of the making of Blue Hawaii and the comeback special and how Elvis is still a big tourist draw to the islands. Those subjects are covered, but as Hopkins was with Rolling Stone magazine for twenty years, he dug deeper and is sometimes critical about what he finds, especially with the two follow-up Hawaiian movies.
This book is filled with very rare photos that even a big fan may never have seen before, such as Elvis aboard the ship to his first visit to the islands in 1957. There's the story about the local rock radio station's publicity stunt for Elvis' first concert there, with the station's engineer dressing like Elvis and wearing a black wig while another employee dressed as Col. Tom Parker. They were chauffeured around the island in a convertible while the station kept reporting on Elvis sightings. "Elvis" came to the radio station, located at the top of a fourteen story hotel, wiggled for the screaming crowd below, then pulled his wig off and dropped it to them. Stunned silence.
Elvis' last visit to the islands, just months before his death and with an entourage of thirty-one people, is remembered by a long-time friend. There's also a few pages of Elvis-in-Hawaii collectibles.
… (más)
mstrust | Aug 22, 2019 |


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