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4.5 stars

Quick and dirty read. Just like i prefer them. Age gap isn't usually my preference but lawd have mercy. This was hotter than Phoenix in August.

I'm assuming each of the daddies and then their sons are going to be like this. Mama likey.
MagicalRi | otra reseña | Jul 31, 2024 |
4.5 stars

So far, the best of the series (the original Fathers and now sons). I am enjoying that answers are still coming to light.
MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
3.5 stars

Not my favorite book but this author. I struggled with certain aspects of the writing that seemed childish father than of the age group that I was picturing for this type of book. I really struggled with staying invested in the story. I appreciate the author and her hard work though. This book just wasn't for me but I'm sure it will be for others.
MagicalRi | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 31, 2024 |
4.4 stars

Sweet holy titfire. I would give up all the Oreo's in the world to thank the author who had the idea to collaborate with all the different authors to recreate the seven deadly sins because this series keeps getting better and better.

Twists, suspense, steam, secrets, and sinister intentions are just a few of the elements that this series offers. I love that each story ends with a peek of what and who is to come.
MagicalRi | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 31, 2024 |
Bridget has been through so much over the last few years, she is just doing what she can to get by and not truly living her life only living with regret. She wants to get out from under the scrutiny and judgement of her parents and to start she decides a one night stand would be a good place to start. One night with a guy that is incredible, funny, and sexy was everything she wanted, she just never thought she would ever see him again. Chase is a cocky playboy because his past made him that way with a broken heart and humiliation, so after his night with his incredible angel he can’t get her off his mind which is unusual. When Chase sees her at his best friend’s gathering he sees it as his chance to get to spend more time with her, but he is met with resistance. Bridget doesn’t want to date, she’s still trapped in the past so she continuously blows Chase off, but he is relentless in pursuing something. This story was one that was sad, suspenseful, hilarious, and so much more. Chase was my absolute favorite part because his humor would leave you laughing, yet underneath you knew was a standup guy who would do anything for anyone especially his friends. His banter with Bridget was always entertaining and their connection was amazing, but it made me so mad when they all turned on him and wouldn’t believe a word he said let alone get a word in. He would have stood by them, but they all gave him so a hard time and Bridget jumped to conclusions without talking about anything knowing he wasn’t wanting to spill their relationship just yet. It made me mad that she would react like this and just let him walk away, I know her past was painful, but Chase proved him self over and over again how much he changed, but they couldn’t see beyond his past which they all had. Overall this was such a great read and I loved the suspense, steam, laughter, and I am so curious about Ben’s mystery woman.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
4.2 stars

Great book filled with humor, angst, suspense, funny characters, and chemistry galore. I loved watching this story grow and these characters traversing the road to happily ever after.
MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
This book was not what I expected. I knew it was erotica and there would be a lot of sex scenes. What I didn't expect was how suspenseful the storyline would be. There were times I had no idea what would happen next. Having a bat shit crazy character in the mix definitely added a new level to the book--I'm not going to tell you who is bat shit crazy. I read this in two days barely putting the book down. Many times, I wanted to beat each of the characters for being idiots or straight up denying themselves what they wanted. The intrigue is what keep me reading until 3am to finish the book.

Jensen Stone is a Freshmen at the University of Illinois in Chicago. A long way from her hometown in Oklahoma. But that's exactly what she planned. To get out of the small town life and pettiness that she had to endure in high school. Until her best friend Christine wanted to pledge. Of course since the two never did anything apart, Christine talked Jensen into joining her during pledge week. This is where Jensen begins to find trouble particularly with one mean girl, Sylvia. Jensen being the sassy take no crap stands up for herself--kinda. Jensen actually walks into a dare that changes her life forever.

Damien Cross is bored with his life. Actually, he never chose this life--it was thrust upon him when his father and older brother were killed in a car accident. He controls everything in life from the women he beds to his employees. Now he's stuck in his father's club--Exquisite. A place that used to be full of excitement has dulled him. Nothing satisfies Damien which is why he wants to sell and get out of the club. But first, he finds a new toy that he wants to break. What he doesn't know is that she's wants everything he gives her and more. They start a game of who can outsmart the other. Somewhere along the way, the game becomes personal. Neither of them want it to end. Most of all Damien. Damien struggles to maintain control over his club and his emotions. Events happen that changes everything for him.
randaknight | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 2, 2022 |
Funny romance with quirkily adorable characters

This was a funny, lighthearted romance. I put this on hold at about 35%. It started off good but I wasn’t hooked. Eventually I picked it up again. The humorous banter between Andie and Roman compelled me to continue reading. The banter alone makes this book worth reading. I haven’t laughed so hard in ages!
katie66219 | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 24, 2021 |
Fire extinguisher not included (but it should be)

Hot! So #*@%!§€ hot! High heat, low angst with a big pinch of Dom/Sub kink. I have read lots ‘best friend’s dad’ romances. This is one of the best.
katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
I love this wonderful romcom. K Webster and JD Hollyfield put together something that is hot as sin and funny AF. I spent a whole lot of time I was reading this book laughing out loud. My husband couldn't understand why I was laughing so hard, so I tried to explain, but really, Frannie defies all explanation.

I adore Frannie. She's smart, sweet, funny, snarky, and has this real innocence and vulnerability about her. But at the same time, she's got this really tricksy side that we get to see too. She's utterly charming and can talk to everyone into just about anything. It's just because she's so dang charming. They just want to go along with whatever she says because they just like her immediately, and well, for some reason, even her craziness seems to make total sense.

I didn't care for Luca at first, it took me a minute to warm up to him, but once I did, I thought the poor man was so overwhelmed because Frannie is just a force of nature. Once he accepts that, it's all good.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
dnf 75%

I really liked 1st chapter but after that it went downhill v fast.
child p*rn as a plot device, revealing that mc has depression by their relative, drunk anal sex without explicit consent, sex without protection without taking about it, motivated by "this is long term relationships" two(?) weeks into said relationsip. and all of it in sweet sugary coating of a cute scenery and gestures.
idk it bothered me, but ymmv
Alevis | 2 reseñas más. | May 17, 2020 |
Mason and Evelyn Blackwell have been in the foster care system for years. Mason is almost out when the siblings are placed with the Griffin family. Lillian Griffin decides that Mason will be the perfect leader for her secret society since he has so much to lose if he doesn't do exactly as Lillian says. Holding Evelyn as a bargaining chip, Lillian puts Mason through hell until he agrees to lead the initiates of the Elite. Mason must delegate evil deeds to the other members to complete as well as complete his own. Mason's task is to expose the dark secret of the new Theology professor at St. Augustine University. However, once he finds out who the unlikely professor is, Mason's task becomes much more difficult.

The second book in The Elite Seven series focuses on the group's leader, Mason who has been given the sin of pride. So far, books one and two have meshed together really well, keeping characterization and timeline all in sync. In Pride, the evil nature of The Elite Seven becomes apparent as Mason is a very reluctant initiate. Mason's life has not been easy, so his character is more relatable than Rhett in book one, Lust. Through Mason, we find out a lot more about LIllian's character, her motivations and how much pull she has within the Elite. Mason's story line is as much seated in revenge against Lillian as it is his relationship with his target, Meghan. Mason and Meghan's relationship was explosive, dirty, hot and incredibly sexy. These steamy scenes also happened a lot throughout the book, so this one has a high heat rating. Pride's story pushes along the plot of the Elite Seven society and leads into the next story of Wrath.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.½
Mishker | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 29, 2019 |
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

With her special brand of quirky comedy, J.D. Hollyfield takes the readers on a sexy, laugh out loud ride in Life As We Know It. Main character, Penny, is your smart, but ditzy friend you love to have around for a laugh. Penny is over the top, the kind of character you can't help but enjoy even though you recognize she's unrealistic. She's crazy, a bit immature, and a whole lot of fun. Along with Penny comes her equally crazy best friend, Patti, a handsome neighbor, and an even hotter one night stand, Sam, that becomes a whole lot more in a very short period of time.

“You see, my sweet Penny” – he begins caressing my cheek with his magic thumb – “you are something I am not sure how to describe. Like a wrecking ball just crashing through every wall, ever boundary of my life.”

Life As We Know It is written just like the character Penny is, it's rambling at times, hilarious always, and definitely makes you feel like you've consumed just as much tequila as she has at every turn of a page. There's an underlying suspense story line that made this story just that much better for me, because only a quirky girl like Penny could get mixed up with the type of people she does. In the midst of the banter and the seriously sexy moments is a true story and readers will find themselves unable to ignore this book, desperate to see just how Penny can get away from danger and how she and her handsome one night stand, Sam, can have a real shot at something more and learn to openly trust I truly enjoyed this book from start to end, in fact I read it in under 3 hours. If you like your comedy with a side of sweet romance and shadowed with a bit of suspense, this book is for you.

“Holy bonkers. A few things flow out of my brain at the same time. First, apparently, I still might have a job. Second, he forgives me. Third, he kept my shoe.”
CarleneInspired | otra reseña | Jun 14, 2019 |
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Dani is the nice girl, she'll help anyone out with anything, even assisting her boyfriend in the plot that led to their separation. Influenced by alcohol and her best friend, Dani sends a string of profane texts to the now ex-boyfriend, but she might have gotten the numbers wrong. Ram didn't know how badly he needed a distraction until the texts came through, Buttercup just might be the highlight of his year. What starts out poorly soon forms into a bond neither can deny, but there's still a chance none of it could work when they finally meet in person.

"Who knew a wrong number could go oh-so-right?”

Text 2 Lovers will be one of those books I turn to when I am in desperate need of a laugh and of a happy ending with a side dish of reality. Written by K. Webster and J.D. Hollyfield, the witty duo bring comedic relief to the cliche "unknown number" text storyline we've all come to know so well. With J.D. voicing the females and K. bringing her alpha-dirty-talking a-game for the males, Text 2 Lovers is a slam dunk in the romantic comedy genre. I didn't get a single thing I expected out of this book and I like it all the more for it. It was better, because it was so beyond cliche at many parts and totally realistic and filled with comedic relief in other parts. It's a perfect blend of smut, insta-lust, angst, drama, and comedy.

I have to hand it to both J.D. Hollyfield and K. Webster, as a fan of both I know they have different writing styles, completely different prose actually, but it worked perfectly in Text 2 Lovers. Longtime fans know these two share a pretty serious friendship and it's obvious in the book with the way the characters play off each other. The jokes are too die for, the smut is off the charts, and even the confusing parts are easily forgotten with how much hilarity is packed into this short novel. Dani is super innocent and Ram is experienced, but jaded. Both go through quite a bit of impressive character development, with the novel focusing solely on their relationship built off white lies and drunken text messages. They are cute, both finding everything they could have wanted in one another, but things just can't be that easy. There's just the right amount of drama to make the novel more entertaining than a basic romance, written in a style that is much like you'd expect both main characters to sound like if they were real. It's the kind of book that feels simple, but you can't put it down and you will definitely want to go back for more once you finish.
CarleneInspired | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 14, 2019 |
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Adeline is desperate for a change. She loves her parents, but she feels held back and at 21 she knows just what she needs to do. First though, she needs a drink and maybe a man. Lockelan is not the man she pictured though and when the familiar man takes her to the magical world of Wren she thought only existed in stories her entire world changes. Destined to be married and to become the next Queen of Wren, Addie fights to find the key that will return her to real life where Wren is only a story made up by her father. Locke is charming in a broguish, intense kind of way though and soon she finds that she can't escape fate or her growing feelings.

If you're familiar with my reviews you're probably asking yourself why I am reviewing a fantasy novel. I know, they aren't my style, but an author I respect 100% suggested it and when J.D. Hollyfield explained the premise a bit more I bought into it. WORTH IT. I loved this book, I might have to read more fantasy like this in the future.

'All we have to do is dangle ye in front of his brother and wait until he breaks.'

The main characters in Unlocking Adeline are so headstrong. Addie and Locke are stubborn characters who are always in denial, it's hilarious. I loved the push pull between these two and that they were both covering up what they really felt due to the pressure on them. Their story is made up of fate, but they're fighting that fate and I think it really brought out some interesting dynamics between the two. It doesn't help that they're from two dimensions, two very different worlds with different ideals and beliefs. That said, I think Addie was written perfectly for the world change, she was so sick of life, of being held back, and this opportunity, though not ideal, really brought out her true self. Definitely loved them both.

Normally I rate fantasy down due to the unbelievable scenarious, but the changing dimension made a world of difference in terms of believability for me. J.D. Hollyfield is an incredibly descriptive writer, she brought Addie's world at home and the skeleton key world of Wren to life. World building is huge for me, so being able to picture the land of Wren like I was seeing it right in front of me was incredible. Unfortunately, I wanted more in terms of character history. While we get the full story by the end of the novel, I was left desperate for a bit more related to the secondary characters. There were a lot of strong emotions left over due to Addie's father and I would have really liked to see those explored more. Plus, with Addie's strong temperment I think it would have expanded the world even more for me.

'His eyes; they are just like in my dad's stories. The crescent moon. The eyes of the prince who comes to claim his princess.'

I really enjoyed J.D. Hollyfield Skeleton Key novel, Unlocking Adeline. It was the perfect book to bring me back into the world of fantasy, as well as a delightful story about family, romance, and fate. I absolutely recommend this one to all readers, even those like me who run from fantasy at every turn.
CarleneInspired | Jun 14, 2019 |
Find this review and others are Carlene Inspired.

4 Sundays are for Laughing Out Loud Stars

I knew I was going to get a lot of laughter out of anything with both K. Webster and J.D. Hollyfield listed as authors, but Sundays are for Hangovers was hilarious and also very sweet. Without going into any detail, because I think this is the sort of book you should read without any background, this book has everything you could want from the two authors. It's a tiny bit angsty, as smutty as it gets, and every romantic moment is laced with humor. It's Rom-Com at its finest and I don't know why a producer isn't already seeking out a way to turn this into a movie.

"She, my little next door neighbor from hell, tastes like heaven."

Lilith and Will aren't eachothers type in their own eyes, but the chemistry between them sets everything around them on fire, literally. They're simply meant to be and though it could be that simple, K. Webster and J.D. Hollyfield turn their affair into a full length story. Lilith, or Lil, is a really entertaining character to read about. Her perspective is even better. She's sort of the girl that's least likely to do anything right, except it totally works for her. Will, on the other hand, seems too straight laced to even know what fun is, but he's got a bit of a past and a whole lot to offer that replaces his lack of humor. I really liked that we get to know them individually before we get to know them together, because as readers that intimate knowledge is fun to have, especially with the other characters don't have that same background. It turns into prank wars, flirty phone calls, and a lot of stolen, smutty moments. And when I say smutty, I mean smutty. Will can dirty talk...and he follows through with every word he says. Meanwhile, Lil turns into putty for him and in time grows into her own force of nature, learning how to take what she wants from the guy who gets what he wants from her.

Mind the mouth, I've always been attracted to him."

Yes, it is a hilarious book, one that I laughed through from start to finish, but it has a touch of serious. I do wish Lil and Will had been better at forming a relationship, but I also apprecaited that the lust was just that strong between them. They each let things slide that I probably wouldn't, but hey, it's a book and I like my books being different than reality sometimes.

"At least when using my address, send over my type."

Sundays are for Hangovers is a romantic comedy that you should not wait to read. I haven't laughed that much in a while, especially at the ridiculous things they fought over. Sure, the solution to them is always a bit naughty, but once you get to know Lil and Will you know it's perfectly suited for them! Over the top and roll on the floor funny, Sundays are for Hangovers is a fantastic release from writing duo and friends, K. Webster and J.D. Hollyfield.
CarleneInspired | otra reseña | Jun 14, 2019 |
4.5 stars

Quick and dirty read. Just like i prefer them. Age gap isn't usually my preference but lawd have mercy. This was hotter than Phoenix in August.

I'm assuming each of the daddies and then their sons are going to be like this. Mama likey.
MagicalRi | otra reseña | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.5 stars

So far, the best of the series (the original Fathers and now sons). I am enjoying that answers are still coming to light.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.5 stars

Funny and lighthearted read. I laughed out loud several times at the antics of Wonka and Lil. The greatest named Björk almost stole the show though!
MagicalRi | otra reseña | Apr 15, 2019 |
3.5 stars

Not my favorite book but this author. I struggled with certain aspects of the writing that seemed childish father than of the age group that I was picturing for this type of book. I really struggled with staying invested in the story. I appreciate the author and her hard work though. This book just wasn't for me but I'm sure it will be for others.
MagicalRi | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.4 stars

Sweet holy titfire. I would give up all the Oreo's in the world to thank the author who had the idea to collaborate with all the different authors to recreate the seven deadly sins because this series keeps getting better and better.

Twists, suspense, steam, secrets, and sinister intentions are just a few of the elements that this series offers. I love that each story ends with a peek of what and who is to come.
MagicalRi | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 15, 2019 |
Hollyfield definitely knows how to entertain. Her voice comes through her characters so loudly. It turns a romance story into a quirky, funny and entertaining saga. I have yet to be disappointed in any of her books that I read.

Penny is such a kickass character. I absolutely loved her. Her story had me in stitches. She is strong and independent. Seeing her come alive in this book made my heart swell.

I am not sure what it is about Hollyfield's story, but they are always spot on with the entertain and giggle factor, even when serious. They always have that perfect balance of realness, funny and steam.
AmberGoleb | otra reseña | Mar 13, 2018 |
I am not sure if I am in love with J.D.'s personality and voice in her stories or just her stories themselves. My guess is that it's both. Her sarcasm, wit and humor ring loud and clear in her writing. Her stories and writing style is completely addictive. Once you get a taste, you just want to devour all of the words, her words.

I love reading books like this one. One that will make me laugh and keep me entertained. All the while, the story itself isn't so over the top that I want to throw my kindle. Just enough of the reality in life and fantasy of those relationships we only read about.

J.D.'s words in this story had me smiling from start to finish. I love being entertained by her words. This book flowed from start to finish. If life hadn't gotten in the way, it's definitely a book I could have read in one sitting.

Overall if you are looking for a sweet and funny read, this one is for you. Between the characters with their humorous quirks and the never ending steamy encounters, you will be hooked for sure.
AmberGoleb | Mar 13, 2018 |
4.5 Stars

Holy crackers Batman! If you are looking for a book that will make you laugh and bawl your eyes out over and over again, then this is most definitely a book you MUST read. Let me tell you, this is the third book in a series. However, I was not lost in a bit. It is truly a standalone withing a series. There were no parts where I felt lost.

On to the story. Crap. I don't know where to start! The beginning of the book? I got whiplash. Most definitely it was whiplash. That proposal? Huh? Come again? I wanted to punch that f-er in the face! Seriously, knock him out. Prick.

The trip back home... Sigh. Swoon. The chemistry. The heartbreak. The love. The tenderness. Oh my emotions were all over the place throughout the entire book. And I loved EVERY second of it. This is definitely a second chances book in more than one way. This is definitely a HEA that ended how it should. I am now a J.D. fan.
AmberGoleb | otra reseña | Mar 13, 2018 |
4.5 Stars

Holy crackers Batman! If you are looking for a book that will make you laugh and bawl your eyes out over and over again, then this is most definitely a book you MUST read. Let me tell you, this is the third book in a series. However, I was not lost in a bit. It is truly a standalone withing a series. There were no parts where I felt lost.

On to the story. Crap. I don't know where to start! The beginning of the book? I got whiplash. Most definitely it was whiplash. That proposal? Huh? Come again? I wanted to punch that f-er in the face! Seriously, knock him out. Prick.

The trip back home... Sigh. Swoon. The chemistry. The heartbreak. The love. The tenderness. Oh my emotions were all over the place throughout the entire book. And I loved EVERY second of it. This is definitely a second chances book in more than one way. This is definitely a HEA that ended how it should. I am now a J.D. fan.
UANBookAddict | otra reseña | Dec 3, 2015 |