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Plant Spirit Wisdom
Shamans and Sin Eaters Celtic Techniques for Healing the Soul
by Ross Heaven

I was amazed at how plants, animals and spirit all came together in this refreshing 200 page read. There are so many wonderful parts and I enjoyed everyone of them, especially learning about the different properties of the plants and the important part the elements also play in the whole symphony of life. And if that wasn't enough there was a explanation of original sin that so closely matched what I believe that it made my jaw drop open.

I fell in love with the section that uses herbs to heal the heart, especially issues of an addictive nature. The author has an honest and straight forward way about him that made me feel safe and got my attention all at the same time. There is so much to learn between the covers of this noble teacher and I completely recommend it to anyone wanting the more earthly way to healing on many different levels. Thanks Ross, this makes so much sense.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
biunicorn | Mar 15, 2012 |