Fotografía de autor

Alison Penton Harper

Autor de Housewife Down

5 Obras 91 Miembros 5 Reseñas


Obras de Alison Penton Harper

Housewife Down (2005) 44 copias
Housewife on Top (2007) 23 copias
Housewife Up (2006) 15 copias
Housewife in Love (2009) 5 copias
Housewife in Trouble (2010) 4 copias


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truly enjoyed reading House Wife Up and House Wife in Trouble and am looking forward to read Harper's other books in the series.

House Wife in Trouble is the fifth book by author Alison Penton Harper. Her third book, House Wife on Top wasn't just your average yuletide read--it was a zany farce full of holiday cheer and mishaps. I fell in love with Helen Robbins, a divorcee employed by Rick Wilton as his personal secretary. The book, House Wife on Top, featured many well-rounded and neurotic characters including Helen's highly neurotic friend, Leoni whose nerves are so frazzled by all this yuletide mayhem and three kids not including her husband, Marcus. Leoni swears she is about to do her husband in by subjecting him to a high cholesterol diet. In steps Aunt Helen, committed to help her friend give her family a no-holds barred family Christmas so her frazzled friend can relax. Trouble is, Rick has commended Helen with the task of organizing his Christmas; and to top it all off, her Sister Julia is in the middle of a marital crisis. Helen meets Rick's Russian Housekeeper, Helga who doesn't know a word of English and gives Helen a fright of her life.

In House Wife in Trouble, the gang is all there routing each other on. Helen, now Mrs Rick Wilton, is finding marriage a bit surreal. She misses her old apartment and her gay neighbours Sally and Paul. Leoni is her usual neurotic self and Julia, Helen's sister has a few surprises up her sleeves. I really enjoyed these two novels and am contemplating on reading the author's first two novels and House Wife in Love .

If you really want a good laugh as you are downing your third glass of Pimms or red wine spritzer, I recommend these light-hearted novels. Alison Penton Harper knows how to weave a good English farce. The author lives in Northamptonshire with her husband and two daughters. Before her first Novel, House Wife Down, she was down with the flu and saw an episode of Richard and Judy which featured a 'How to get Published' competition which Amanda Ross, Cactus TV's executive Producer ran with Pan McMillan Publishers. Alison entered the competition with her first Novel, House Wife Down and was one of the five finalist. The novel was published in 2005. It was then she took to writing professionally.
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TheGoldenPen | Jul 23, 2011 |
I was actually very pleasantly surprised by this book! I was unimpressed by its predecessor, 'Housewife Down', in which Helen, our leading lady, loses her vile husband in a freak accident just as she is losing the will to live in her own marriage. In this installment, Helen's inherited fortune has been frittered away by a fraudulent 'investment guru', and she finds herself having to step back into the world of work after thirteen years as a downtrodden housewife. Throw in a slimy boss, an even slimier toyboy, a luxury yacht and a whole bunch of sassy friends, and you've pretty much got it.

Fortunately for me, this book was worth the 'one more chance, Alison' gamble. The author has seriously upped her game since the last book, and I found the whole thing much more enjoyable. The writing was all-round better, with some very amusing dialogue, sparkier characters, a more organised plot and a welcome dose of attitude. It's light, fluffy and great fun - perfect for a sunny summer day with a cocktail or an evening in with a tub of ice cream!
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elliepotten | otra reseña | Jul 22, 2010 |
In this witty, charming holiday book Alison Penton Harper whipped up a zany and entertaining story about a merry widow who takes up organizing Christmas for her busy, chaotic friend and her boss. To her surprise Christmas turns out to be more chaotic than she thinks to manage. I enjoyed this book and recommend it for a light Christmas read.
TheGoldenPen | Feb 5, 2010 |
Opening Sentence: '…I don't remember when I shelved the dreams I had wished for myself as a girl…’

Helen Roberts is in the middle of preparing dinner for her husband's business partners while listening to a woman complain about domestic slavery on the radio, she suddenly realises that she is a marriage victim too. For thirteen years she has lived a life of of perfect wifedom with Robert, bending to his abusive demands and allowing herself to be bullied into mundane, dutiful routine. That evening she decides to throw off her role of domestic angel and hit him where it hurts: she dares to criticise his driving in front of his friends. Incensed by his wife's comments over dinner an irate Robert sets out the next morning to prove himself and is killed in a freak accident. Helen's life is about to transform.

The book is chick lit - it is suppose to be light and fluffy with the occasional dark and reflective moment. This book delivered that to me. There are so many women who are being mentally bullied - you mostly hear about the ones that are bounced off walls - the insidious downward slide into a person who can't think for herself, is sucked dry of any confidence and does everything the way HE wants it just to be left alone.

Well sometimes they escape - and Helen has. I loved all the characters, the four women - Helen, her sister, her sister's PA and Helen's childhood best friend - all came to life for me. They all have problems but get on with life and fight to be the people they are.

Lots of laugh out moments, perfect Sunday afternoon reading with a glass of wine.
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sally906 | Aug 14, 2009 |


½ 2.7

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