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5 Obras 13 Miembros 1 Reseña


ssued in conjunction with a 1983-1984 exhibition of American expressionism. With a lengthy illustrated narrative by Piri Halasz. This catalogue includes works by Ben-Zion, Arbit Blatas, Hyman Bloom, Paul Burlin, David Burliuk, Marsden Hartley, Maxim Kopf, Benjamin Kopman, Rico Lebrun, Jack Levine, Mane-Katz, Sigmund Menkes, Fred Nagler, Abraham Rattner, Umberto Romano, Josef Scharl, Joseph Solman, Everett Spruce, Nahum Tschacbasox, Max Weber and Karl Zerbe. Focuses on the figurative art produced by these artists during the 1940s. The exhibition checklist cites 62 works, and 40 are pictured here.
petervanbeveren | Oct 29, 2023 |