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Yule has been working on an outpost to monitor the planet Mayna from attacks. He works with AI named Tyd. Now Yule's time is coming to an end; and he wants Tyd to travel with him as he travels the galaxy. Tyd cannot since AI cannot leave the outpost with no body. Tyd has been researching earth so Yule can go there but Yule is not interested without Tyd with him. But Tyd has plans. Will they work out? Can Yule leave Tyd behind when his time is done?

I enjoyed this short story. When presented with Tyd's surprise, Yule is confused and dumbfounded. It was a joy to watch him struggle and not be confident. This is a fun Christmas story. I think Yule enjoyed the present from Tyd.
Sheila1957 | Dec 22, 2021 |

So this was surprisingly in-depth and such an imaginative read that managed to exceed my actual expectations massively.
Fabulous world building that built a sense of curiosity within me this managed to grab my attention here almost instantly.
I actually raced through "The Game Warden's Mate" and though not completely perfect I was invested and onboard here right from the onset.
So this is definitely one for the aliens that look like aliens crowd and in case your wondering that's certainly moi: In fact, that is initially what captured my interest here.
It reminded me very slightly of a Sci-Fi Hungers Games but with Aliens.
So, This one was quite slow burn in nature which did actually fit the narrative provided and seemed wholly believable to me.
"The Game Wardens Mate" Focuses much more on the storytelling and build-up itself and less on the actual romance developing, don't mistake me that was there but it just seemed more of a secondary concern to what was actually taking place, in this case, survival.
I myself would maybe have liked to see a bit more sizzle and spice between Esme and Xrez than I did I felt this was a tad lacking in that particular department: on the other hand, I also liked that this had such depth and substance to it and didn't rely solely on the smut to sell this story.
I also really appreciated the longer length of this novel as I felt this gave the story time to develop naturally without any sense of rushing with the unfolding drama.
I adored Esme as a character really appreciating her resilience and fortitude in the face of such an extreme and frightening situation: I felt the further she progressed here the more she evolved and grew as an individual.
Realising along with Xrez her strength of character, Xrez who had initially pegged her as pathetic and useless because of her species gradually realises she is so much more than what she first appeared.
There was also a much deeper message and implications to impart here beyond the superficial surface stuff.
The ethics and morality alone here behind this type of illegal enterprise are huge and totally make you question that just because something has been running for years and has become the norm so much so that you're desensitised to the whole unsavoury and immoral business model doesn't actually make it an ok practice.
This is the trafficking of individuals both Alien and human and lets not even mention the fact that humans are meant to be a protected species here, whichever way you look at things here its a form of exploitation: Whether it be by mate or servant it's all unwanted bondage.
I liked that this entertained me but equally it also made me think.
A few observations from my camp, I felt that Esme forgave Xrez much easier than I was expecting her to and also accepted her fate in regards to her family without much distress also thought it strange that she didn't inquire in more depth as to the fate of her previous companions considering her previous attachment to some of them and the lengths she went to avoid be treated any differently than them: Maybe they will get there own journey that would be nice.
I also loved the conclusion here I think that it wrapped events up quite nicely.
Finally, The book title here I thought was really catchy indeed but I must admit I was less a fan of the cover art used but in the scheme of things, this is actually a pretty minor detail.
So that about sums this up this was a really imaginative endeavour that snook up on me catching me unawares.
This intergalactic game of Hunter and prey was quite the unexpected gem.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of "The Game Warden's Mate"
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | otra reseña | Nov 7, 2019 |

So this was surprisingly in-depth and such an imaginative read that managed to exceed my actual expectations massively.
Fabulous world building that built a sense of curiosity within me this managed to grab my attention here almost instantly.
I actually raced through "The Game Warden's Mate" and though not completely perfect I was invested and onboard here right from the onset.
So this is definitely one for the aliens that look like aliens crowd and in case your wondering that's certainly moi: In fact, that is initially what captured my interest here.
It reminded me very slightly of a Sci-Fi Hungers Games but with Aliens.
So, This one was quite slow burn in nature which did actually fit the narrative provided and seemed wholly believable to me.
"The Game Wardens Mate" Focuses much more on the storytelling and build-up itself and less on the actual romance developing, don't mistake me that was there but it just seemed more of a secondary concern to what was actually taking place, in this case, survival.
I myself would maybe have liked to see a bit more sizzle and spice between Esme and Xrez than I did I felt this was a tad lacking in that particular department: on the other hand, I also liked that this had such depth and substance to it and didn't rely solely on the smut to sell this story.
I also really appreciated the longer length of this novel as I felt this gave the story time to develop naturally without any sense of rushing with the unfolding drama.
I adored Esme as a character really appreciating her resilience and fortitude in the face of such an extreme and frightening situation: I felt the further she progressed here the more she evolved and grew as an individual.
Realising along with Xrez her strength of character, Xrez who had initially pegged her as pathetic and useless because of her species gradually realises she is so much more than what she first appeared.
There was also a much deeper message and implications to impart here beyond the superficial surface stuff.
The ethics and morality alone here behind this type of illegal enterprise are huge and totally make you question that just because something has been running for years and has become the norm so much so that you're desensitised to the whole unsavoury and immoral business model doesn't actually make it an ok practice.
This is the trafficking of individuals both Alien and human and lets not even mention the fact that humans are meant to be a protected species here, whichever way you look at things here its a form of exploitation: Whether it be by mate or servant it's all unwanted bondage.
I liked that this entertained me but equally it also made me think.
A few observations from my camp, I felt that Esme forgave Xrez much easier than I was expecting her to and also accepted her fate in regards to her family without much distress also thought it strange that she didn't inquire in more depth as to the fate of her previous companions considering her previous attachment to some of them and the lengths she went to avoid be treated any differently than them: Maybe they will get there own journey that would be nice.
I also loved the conclusion here I think that it wrapped events up quite nicely.
Finally, The book title here I thought was really catchy indeed but I must admit I was less a fan of the cover art used but in the scheme of things, this is actually a pretty minor detail.
So that about sums this up this was a really imaginative endeavour that snook up on me catching me unawares.
This intergalactic game of Hunter and prey was quite the unexpected gem.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of "The Game Warden's Mate"
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | otra reseña | Nov 7, 2019 |

WOW what a gripping opener. I was drawn in and taken on a paranormal mystery with likable characters and an intriguing plot.

Shifter Claimed was an enjoyable debut into the Dark Wolf Enterprises series by A.M. Griffin.

Trudy, human hired to audit an account for the Dark Wolf Enterprises. I liked her. When things got scary she kept it together. She also took what Kristof was, well.

Kristof, wolf shifter and one who hired Trudy to look into their funds. I liked him. I didn’t fall in love with him like his brothers, but I did enjoy his character.

Kristof, imprinted the moment he meets Trudy face to face. I liked that it’s not called mating, but imprinting. The imprinting was a different perspective than what I typically read in shifter romances. It was a fascinate concept. Their romance was sweet and spicy.

The one thing I didn’t care for was Trudy forgiving Kristof to quickly. He broke her heart. It was a very emotional scene and it felt like more needed to be done; before they reconciled and she forgave him.

We are introduced to Kristof's brothers, they were appealing and fun. I can’t wait to read more about the bothers and find out what type of woman captures their hearts. The mystery is gripping. We do get some questions answered, but new questions arris. I’m curious to see how it all plays out.

Shifter Claimed had a lot to savor and enjoy. It’s an intriguing set up with a riveting mystery.

Rated: 3.5 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Totally Entwined with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | otra reseña | Apr 26, 2018 |

Lover Claimed is book two in the Dark Wolf Enterprises series by [author:A.M. Griffin|6539002]. It takes place during the same time period as book one, [book:Shifter Claimed|33839856], only with a different brother Lajos.

We are treated to embezzlement and murder. Action and adventure.

The story gives a little recap of what took place at the beginning of Shifter Claimed; before the brothers split up. Lajos, ends up having Meisha, Trudy’s best friend tag a long. She doesn’t need a man to save her and he’s never run across a women, like Meisha, one that makes his Wolf stir.

Lajos and Meisha both have dominant personalities and are both strong willed. I liked that Meisha can kick butt and is dedicated to protecting her family, which includes Trudy. Lajos is the same way. He will protect his family and pack. These two where good together. I liked the banter and how Meisha kicked Lajos butt in one scene. Oh my, what fun!

I enjoyed that we don’t have the instant imprinting that we got in book one. Here these two spend more time together and it’s not until around 60% in that they fall in bed and the imprinting happens.

Lover Claimed was a wonderful read. It’s fun, feisty, and entertaining. Giving us a little intrigue, humor, and sizzle.

Rated: 4 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Totally Entwined with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 26, 2018 |

Hunter Claimed is book three in the Dark Wolf Enterprises by A.M. Griffin. The story pulls you in and doesn't let go. So much happens, with new possibilities.

What happens in Hunter Claimed will surprise you. I was shocked at some of the developments and decisions certain characters made. In the end it all worked out, but added a new development and direction for the series to go.

This was an emotional read with some twists and surprises, closer on the embezzlement, and new possibilities for all.

The emotional turmoil that happens with all the characters is intense. I found myself pulled into their lives and issues. It was great getting to go inside Hunter and see his fears, nightmares, and hatred towards vampires. As well as getting to see inside Asha and why she is determined to; become a vampire.

The relationship is a slow blossom; between Asha and Hunter. It was sweet. Their imprinting and bonding was different and played out nicely.

I had a delightful time reading Hunter Claimed and look forward to another installment in the Dark Wolf Enterprises series. If you enjoy paranormal romance and vampire wolf-shifter dynamics that are different, then you might enjoy this story.

Rated: 4 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Totally Bound Publishing with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

angels_gp | Apr 26, 2018 |
"3.5 out of 5 stars. Landing her newest account is all that matters to Gertrude (Trudy/Tru) right now. Yet, when her world gets turned upside down because of the information she learns Trudy will find out what it really means to be a part of something great, if only she can be accepted for who she happens to be.

This intense novella keeps you on your toes as you follow Trudy and Kristof’s growing relationship through an extreme bout of “getting to know one-another.” I liked Trudy’s character."

Read more of this review, TWO teasers, and an excerpt here: (Review was written in part of a blog tour to be posted on December 31, 2014)

To find out more about my blog here:
fromjesstoyou | otra reseña | Mar 21, 2016 |
Honestly, I remain unclear on whether or not I like this book. There are some things I think are great and some that drive me nuts.

Overall, I think I would give it 3.4 - 3.6: maybe if I read it again it will be clearer, but two readings haven't made it clear yet.

Meanwhile, I do like the controversy and the uncommon sexual situations that don't include pain, bdsm or the like. Kudos.
Teenycakes | Sep 27, 2015 |
AWESOME!!! This book was terrific I loved everyone of the stories. Some of the authors were new to me. I will definitely be putting their books on my TBR list!
debbiew1966 | Oct 26, 2014 |
Loved this book. Can't wait for the next book in this series!
debbiew1966 | 2 reseñas más. | Oct 26, 2014 |
Lajos Farkas is on a mission to discover who’s embezzling money from Dark Wolf Enterprises. The last thing he needs is the best friend of his brother’s mate, Meisha, tagging along on the investigation.

Meisha’s character is very entertaining. She is unpredictable and highly trained in martial arts, making her dangerous and an asset on the mission. Her past makes her rightfully paranoid that she is responsible for what is happening; fueling her desire to help solve the case.

Being of Hungarian decent, I appreciated that Lajos Farkas is a fellow Hungarian (even if he is fictional). I love that his last name means wolf. I like that Lajos appreciate the qualities in Meisha that most men would disapprove of, making them a good fit.

I did not read the first book in the series, which is in the Brought To His Knees anthology; however, I had no problems following the story. A. M. Griffin did a great job recapturing the important issues from book one in Lover Claimed. The story is well-written. The plot is exciting and full of suspense. This was an easy book to read, that I could not put down and went through quickly.

Complimentary copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
dlynch | 2 reseñas más. | Oct 10, 2014 |
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