Fotografía de autor
6+ Obras 488 Miembros 19 Reseñas

Obras de Olivia Gatwood

Woke: A Young Poet's Call to Justice (2020) 162 copias, 12 reseñas
New American Best Friend (2017) 144 copias
Life of the Party: Poems (2019) 133 copias, 4 reseñas
Whoever You Are, Honey: A Novel (2024) 43 copias, 2 reseñas
Snitch (2020) 5 copias, 1 reseña
Drunk Sugar 1 copia

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The Selected Poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay (Modern Library Classics) (2001) — Introducción, algunas ediciones342 copias, 9 reseñas


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A strange, slow trickle of uncertainty as these two women meet and start looking for answers in their lives. I knew this was somehow AI involved, but that is very up to the reader I think. I enjoyed reading it with that knowledge and picking up bits of strange behavior or clues dropped by the boyfriend. The writing here is some of my favorite, just enough odd description to keep me excited for the next page.
KallieGrace | otra reseña | Aug 12, 2024 |
Whoever You Are, Honey by Olivia Gatwood is a measured character study that explores the relationships between women. This is a recommended debut novel that flirts with being a thriller and science fiction dystopian.

After some incident when she was eighteen, Mitty left Arizona for to stay with an old friend of her mother's, Bethel in her dilapidated oceanfront home in Santa Cruz. She hasn't been home since. Mitty is now in her late twenties while Bethel is in her late seventies. A new couple has just moved into the house next door, Lena and Sebastian. Sebastian is a renowned tech founder and Lena is his perfect girlfriend. Mitty observed the couple after they moved in and soon she and Lena meet and begin to spend time together, forming a friendship.

The narrative revolves around Mitty and Lena, their friendship and the secrets they both have. Mitty is hiding a secret and is hesitant to make friends because of it. Lena is uncomfortable with her uneven memory and the control Sebastian has over her. The plot is rather slow paced, basic, and Lena's secret is very predictable early on. I kept reading because the quality of the writing is excellent. I was expecting the pace, tension and action to increase and wanted to know Mitty's secret.

Whoever You Are, Honey would have benefited from more action, progression in the plot and the inclusion of more science fiction elements to build up tension while keeping the poetic language. What we have is beautiful, lyrical language about loneliness, friendship, memories, and seeking perfection. The inclusion of AI is very basic has been done before and with much more intensity, credibility, and caution. This wasn't a good fit for me. Thanks to Dial Press for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley . My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.
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SheTreadsSoftly | otra reseña | Jun 27, 2024 |
This is an illustrated collection of poems penned by various authors. I appreciated the diversity of subjects including empathy, activism, body positivity and stereotyping.

People of any race or cultural background could relate to some of the poems. One such piece titled What is an Intersection included the lines, "Intersectionality means we are all happening, we are all supporting each other. We are an ecosystem living and growing, depending on each other for survival, evolving and becoming whole." To me, that was probably the best message coming out of the various poems. There were a few 'misses' in the book, with the strong message overshadowing the actual crafting of the poem.

Four stars for a thoughtful collection of poems, accompanied by some lovely illustrations.
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Ann_R | 11 reseñas más. | May 25, 2024 |
This collection - whew - some of it delighted me: Girl, Ode to the Women on Long Island, Ode to Pink ("my favorite color is Pepto Bismol"), Staying Small, The Sandias, 2008. Others were too dark even for me who gravitates to bleak literature. Worth hand picking.
featherbooks | 3 reseñas más. | May 7, 2024 |



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