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The history of , the Rosicrucian Fraternity, the date
and manner of its origin, and the peculiar doctrines and
pursuits of its members have always been subjects of the
greatest interest to such. literary men as find a charm in
tracing the developments of genius along what are now
considered somewhat erratic lines.

The proceedings of those Societies which are, credited
with the pursuit of a knowledge of the Occult world, of
magic and of alchymy, in secret assemblies and.with solemn
ceremonials, have always attracted certain students
to find full satisfaction in the pursuits of common life, and
the subjects of general literature.

The mists of many past centuries hang over the early
history and proceeding of the Rosicrucians, as they. do, over
the history of the Templars and over the origin of Speculative
Freemasonry. In the case of the Rosicrucians the
obscurity is much the deeper because the peculiar constitution,
of the Fraternity required the utmost secrecy from
all its members; who were admitted in privacy, pledged to
the concealment of their status and forbidden to teach or
inanifest. in any way as Rosicrucians, although , they were
as is alleged, always concerned in deeds, of charity and
benevolence, in working. for the benefit not. only of individuals,
but for the progress of mankind, as well as seeking
everywhere.for increase of knowledge for their Society and
s members. Only very few of the Fratres have ever, been
permited to reveal their position, even in printed-works...
FundacionRosacruz | Jun 22, 2018 |